
Scott Lively #homophobia #conspiracy #fundie scottlively.net

“The Pink Swastika” opened innumerable doors for me across the world to sound the warning about LGBTism and help raise international resistance against it, including a major speaking tour through the former Soviet Union, sponsored by a Russian-speaking denomination based in Riga, Latvia. Its founder Pastor Alexey Ledyaev had read “The Pink Swastika” 4th edition (my final collaboration with Kevin Abrams) and invited me to speak at their annual conference in Riga in 2006, leading to dozens of invitations to cities across Russian and Eastern Europe. I went home to California, closed down my law practice over the next six months, and then spent a year nation-hopping to strengthen the global pro-family movement in churches, universities, media and governments. I believe that tour played a small but significant part in bringing about the Russian ban on “gay” propaganda to children, starting as municipal law in the final city of my tour, St. Petersburg. That legislation was adopted in many other Russian cities, eventually being adopted by the national Duma and signed into law by President Putin in 2013 (triggering Obama’s epic globalist freakout and restart of the Cold War).

The main purpose for this article, however, is to applaud Russia’s victory in preventing NATO from using Ukraine as a weapon to defeat, subjugate and plunder the Russian Federation – and to highlight some of the geopolitical consequences of that victory both good and bad.

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Today is the day we “right-wing” Americans have all been waiting for, the return of Donald Trump to the presidency, driving a bulldozer. For the first time since Ronald Reagan we have a Republican president devoted not to “conservatism” but to a vision of a better America that requires demolishing Marxist cultural and political infrastructure and rebuilding the constitutionalist structures the left has been systematically supplanting since the 1920s.

Most Americans are focused on the MAGA pushback against the outrages of this generation such as DEI, two-tiered justice, open borders and the near death of parental rights, but I am hoping Trump intends not just to trim the hedges of Marxism but to cut them down to the ground and dig out the roots. In order to do that he must eliminate ALL its elements, including its first principle. atheism, and its central strategy for conquest, LGBTism.

First a word about time-horizons and their importance to reformers. As my long-term readers know, I was in my teens and 20s a sometimes homeless alcoholic and drug addict who drifted around the U.S. sleeping under bridges and begging spare change to survive. My time horizon – the furthest point in the future I planned for and cared about – was about six weeks. Sometimes it was just a day or even hours. I plumbed the depths of Maslow’s “Heirarchy of Needs,” focused totally on short-term gratification and largely unconcerned about the long-term consequences of my decisions. Through countless reckless adventures and wrong turns, it was only by the grace of God I escaped death or long-term institutionalization.

Years later as a Christian, saved and healed from my addictions through a trauma-inspired prayerful surrender of my life to Jesus Christ, I became an avid student of history – both biblical and secular – and acquired the longest possible timeline, stretching from the Creation to Eternity. In my mid-30s, with only a high school diploma under my belt, and a wife and two small children to support, I set a goal to become a lawyer, which took six years of diligence and determination. At Simon Greenleaf University (now Trinity Law School) I studied both biblical and constitutional law and graduated Magna cum Laude with a Juris Doctor degree (J.D.). I then immediately pursued and earned a Doctor of Theology degree (Th.D.)

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Masculine Homosexual Men, AKA “Gay” Bullies.

Moving toward the opposite extreme of the scale, the male categories are measured by their degree of rejection of females and femininity. These are masculine-oriented homosexual men. The existence of this type of homosexual comes as a shock to some people. When they think of homosexuals, they think of effeminate men who act like women, but, in my observation, there are at least as many masculine-leaning homosexuals as there are effeminate ones.

But these are not simply masculine men, they are anti-feminine men. Importantly, they are less against women per se than against effeminacy — especially in other men. The further one tends to the masculine extreme, the greater his rejection of and hostility towards effeminacy. (In my observation, effeminate homosexuality and transgenderism seem to be a product of childhood gender identity disorder as described above, while masculine-oriented homosexuality in men seems to be a product of childhood or adolescent sexual abuse.)

The first category therefore is the classic “gay” bully, and his victims are often effeminate homosexuals. It is very common to hear “gay” activists refer to these “gay bashers” as “latent homosexuals,“ and I believe they are correct, though I suspect that many of these men are not latent, but active (though often self-loathing) homosexuals.

Many people wonder how the Nazis could have been homosexual, when homosexuals were among the targets of their brutal social engineering policies. The secret is that many of the Nazi leaders were masculine-oriented homosexuals, while many of their political enemies in the German Communist Party were effeminate homosexuals.

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Lively to Run for Massachusetts Governor

The people of this state need a candidate who can clearly and unapologetically articulate Biblical values without fear or compromise. They need a candidate who will tell the simple truth that abortion is murder, and homosexuality is condemned by God (but that Jesus forgives and heals those who repent). That parents and not the state have authority over their children, because government is our servant and not our master. That socialism is slavery and humanism breeds corruption. But mostly they need a leader who will remind the people that Massachusetts was founded upon Jesus Christ and the Bible and that our future security and prosperity depend on restoring our trust in Him. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord!” Psalm 33:12.

These are very dark days in Massachusetts and across America, and growing steadily darker. I believe it is time for Christians with a strong Biblical worldview to rise up and preach the whole truth of the Bible as widely and boldly as possible. Massachusetts is the bluest of the blue states: the first to adopt socialized medicine and “gay marriage,” the national model for promoting homosexuality to children in the public schools, and the most aggressive defender of child-killing through abortion. The Mass Republican Party is solidly controlled by moderate to liberal “progressives” and the Democrats are virtual communists. They both embrace and champion the culture of death. With these two liberal parties splitting the liberal vote, a true conservative independent could win the governorship.

I feel both called and well prepared to meet this challenge. I am a fifth-generation Bay-Stater, born and raised in the Village of Shelburne Falls, with roots in the region going back to the early 1600s. I am a former left-wing liberal, who has learned by hard experience the folly of those ways. I am a constitutional lawyer and internationally-recognized authority on family and human rights issues from a Christian perspective. I have run my own successful businesses and know how to keep a budget. I am a missionary pastor with a doctorate in theology who for the past five years has founded and run an inner-city mission serving the poor and disadvantaged — a mission that is a model of racial harmony and community service — without accepting a dime of government funding.

My personal life theme of “redemption theology” is clearly reflected in all of my endeavors, and exactly what Massachusetts needs to recover from four decades of decline under Godless socialism.


I expect to often be asked by reporters what I think my prospects are for winning this election. To this I reply that it would take a miracle from God for Scott Lively to become Governor of Massachusetts — and I wouldn’t want it any other way. God should get the glory for any good thing that comes from this campaign. So don’t expect me to campaign like a politician. I will do nothing more than travel the state to offer what I believe are Biblical solutions to Massachusetts’ problems — and leave the rest to Almighty God.

May He Heal this Commonwealth

Dr. Scott Lively

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Elena Kagan is no less a political opportunist and beneficiary of gender-class affirmative action than Kamala Harris. While Harris slept her way to power in San Francisco, Kagan leveraged her Manhattan family connections to rise through the Democrat ranks. She entered Obama’s orbit in 1991, helped Ruth Bader Ginsburg get confirmed to SCOTUS while a Senate aide, then, rising that same wave of female political empowerment, was appointed the first female dean of Harvard Law – where the LGBT agenda reigns supreme. (To that latter point, read about my experience debating criminal justice reform there as a gubernatorial candidate in 2014.)

Harris and Kagan are both just hard left political assets with a law degree and an unshakable commitment to the LGBT agenda. When Kagan (with no prior judicial experience) joined Ginsburg on the high court they tag-teamed as officiants in separate same-sex “marriages” during the pendency of the Obergefell v. Hodges case, the worst breach of judicial ethics in the history of the Supreme Court. This was far worse than anything the conservative justices have been accused of in recent months by the same partisans who applauded the Obergefell travesty. And no one but me (with a protest sign in front of the courthouse) publicly clamored for their recusal for that! (Of course, the “gay marriage” Kagan performed was for her own law clerk and his male partner.)

There is nothing more sacrosanct in our judiciary than the expectation of all parties to a presumption of impartiality by the justices deciding their case regardless of their personal views – but, once again, advancing LGBT normalization trumped every other consideration, even the integrity of the court. Compared to that, leaking internal confidences about the Trump cases to the New York Times is kid stuff.

The rule of law will not survive in America so long as we allow power-hungry people to get away with trading their ethics for a grab at the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. There must be accountability. For Harris that would mean a massive election defeat in November. For Kagan (if she truly is the leaker) that would mean impeachment during Trump’s next term.

Scott Lively #transphobia #dunning-kruger #conspiracy scottlively.net

As has always been true for Cultural Marxists the LGBT agenda has the highest priority because race-wars and radical feminism can only take you so far in destabilizing societies. But sexual anarchy leads ultimately to “transhumanism:” the literal abandonment of male/female human identity in God’s image which is the deepest foundation-stone of civilization. That’s where an increasing number of young people are today spiritually and ideologically. Pushing them into that “voluntary” rejection of Judeo-Christian civilization is the real goal – the Satanic goal.

These final-stage LGBT anarchist “non-binaries” with their 666 counterfeit genders and matching pronouns have the “reprobate minds” Paul’s prophesied in Romans 1:18-32. And, being unable or unwilling to grasp the reality of the natural world and its implications, they are slaves to the Matrix-like architects who craft their delusions.

They are Zombies lusting to destroy the old order and those who populate it, incapable of understanding or even caring about the ramifications of their actions.
We all understand the concept of predictive programming in Hollywood movies, so consider the relatively recent spate of Zombie movies. They all start with a disease pandemic and end with mindless world-wide anti-human carnage at the hands of disease-created post-human mutants.

In 2020, the Zombie disease escaped Hollywood (or more likely was intentionally released) and went viral in the real world. It was taken live on the streets of America’s cities by the Marxist lesbian founders of Black Lives Matter and their White Antifa co-religionists whose ranks are peppered with sexual deviants of all stripes. It was taken live in the public schools and colleges by the armies of “Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network” (GLSEN) activist teachers and administrators. It was taken live in the corporate boardrooms and newsrooms and Big Tech war-rooms by legions of Woke Social Justice Warriors who have infiltrated all our key institutions like malignant spike proteins swarming through the organs of a “vaccinated” host.

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The most significant evidence for me, however, was what I saw at my own eyes at Disneyland (the Anaheim campus) on Gay Pride Day itself, June 28, 2024. As it happens, my wife and I recently reconnected with a 9-year-old granddaughter we haven’t seen or spoken to in five or six years. She lives in Southern California within driving distance of Disneyland, and her greatest wish as we planned a reunion was to have a Princess Day at the park. So that’s what we did. I bought tickets for the 27th and 28th without any thought on my part about the significance of the 28th. Strange as it might seem considering my 30 years of pro-family activism, I didn’t mentally connect the fact that we’d be there on “Gay Pride Day” – so completely separate in my mind are family matters and politics.

When, the day before, I suddenly did realize the timing, I had a moment of dread that we would be engulfed in “pride” propaganda on our special day. But when we reached the park that morning of the 27th there was really nothing but a few rainbow accent banners near the entrance to placate the woke (without any other indication that it was LGBT-related), despite it being “Pride Month.” The next day – Pride Day – the most sacred day on the woke calendar – the only difference was the addition of a single flower arrangement in the shape of Mickey ears next to a 2×3 informational sign outside the park in the shopping area called Downtown Disney, off to the side of the main walkway next to the ever-present Jehovah’s Witness team and display. I was frankly astonished – and pleased – that even Disney had largely shut out the faux “pride” pushers. There was a little more wokeness on the Disneyland App, but the overall real-world experience was gloriously non-woke.

In contrast, Disney World in Florida is in many ways just another theme park, but Walt’s spirit seems still to reside, and thrive, at Disneyland. He’s no doubt been spinning in his grave for years now over the rise of anti-family quackery in the company he founded, but if so, his pain is likely lessened recently by the rising tsunami of public demands for a return to family-centered normalcy across America.

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Of course, children have been the target of LGBT grooming for decades now through many vehicles – not the least of which is GLSEN, the national network of LGBT activist teachers and administrators in our public school system (Loudon County is by no means an anomaly), but the entertainment industry also shares a big part of the blame.

We adults forget how blurred the line between fantasy and reality can be in the minds of children (and some adults who never grew up). My Mom once told me a true story about her brother Walter whose favorite TV show was Superman. One day he put on a home-made cape, climbed atop the family car and tried to fly across the back yard, breaking his arm in the process.

That was back in the early 1950s when actual reality was universally culturally affirmed. Think how easy it is for kids today to embrace delusions about their identity and purpose when the ruling class has literally gone insane on matters of sexuality and human relations. How many of these adults’ own tendency toward delusion became pathological in part from consuming the same pop-culture propaganda and programming that enslaved their kids?

My purpose here is not to attack Hollywood, which is impervious to criticism, but to highlight the fact that Generation Trans did not develop spontaneously in the natural course of human societal evolution but was orchestrated by forces that have been at work for a very long time and which advance their agenda incrementally through multiple spheres of influence simultaneously.

Transgenderism did not become the cause celeb until homosexuality had been normalized, and the campaign to normalize homosexuality did not take center stage until heterosexual promiscuity had been normalized. This is a long-term agenda we’re watching unfold, being pushed by people, principalities and powers with a very long view and the patience to allow each stage to settle in slowly until enough of the public accepts it to ensure nothing will be successfully reversed.

Don’t believe that? Tell me what you think are the prospects for re-criminalizing adultery in America and what’s actually changed to make that idea seem ridiculous. Adultery isn’t any less immoral or harmful today than it was when it’s criminalization was considered a no-brainer by virtually everyone. We’ve simply been the victims of incremental desensitization.

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After four years of foot dragging by Ponsor, Liberty Counsel filed a motion that forced him to either rule or allow us to appeal the lack of a ruling. He then did what he was always legally obligated to do: dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction (because the ATS was no longer operable). BUT what typically would have been a single line or paragraph announcing the dismissal was written like a ruling against me. I doubt he even wrote it himself it was so childish and polemical – like a guest opinion in a junior college newspaper, filled with invective and irrationality. Yet, on its face it looked like the official ruling of a federal court, so when the lead SMUG attorney publicly stated they would use this “ruling” in foreign courts to go after pro-family activists like me, we were ethically obligated to appeal our “win” to prevent that strategy from harming other Christians in foreign jurisdictions who would not realize the rhetoric in the “ruling” was not legally binding. After another 18 months – and a total of $1.5 million spent by Liberty Counsel over the full six and a half years – we finally got the federal appeals court to put that in writing, so finally the case was over.

In a major spiritual twist, three days prior to that final event, Val Kalende, Kato’s successor as head of SMUG in Uganda contacted my attorney to say she had accepted Christ, repented of lesbianism and wanted to apologize to Scott Lively for everything SMUG and its attorneys had done to me.

I’m still waiting for an apology from the person most responsible for my ordeal: Judge Michael Ponsor, the ethicist.

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The clear and consistent message for children that is embedded in the Transformer series, and all the many comic-book movies of the same genre is that “special” people (be they human or machine) can transcend the limitations of the natural world and transform themselves into super heroes with super powers by simply identifying as “super” and getting a little help from substances (e.g. spider venom) and/or already-initiated mentors.

We adults forget how blurred the line between fantasy and reality can be in the minds of children (and some adults who never grew up). My Mom once told me a true story about her brother Walter whose favorite TV show was Superman. One day he put on a home-made cape, climbed atop the family car and tried to fly across the back yard, breaking his arm in the process.

That was back in the early 1950s when actual reality was universally culturally affirmed. Think how easy it is for kids today to embrace delusions about their identity and purpose when the ruling class has literally gone insane on matters of sexuality and human relations. How many of these adults’ own tendency toward delusion became pathological in part from consuming the same pop-culture propaganda and programming that enslaved their kids?

The solution is for conservatives to change our strategy from reactive to pro-active. We do have a long-forgotten pro-active vision called the Shining City on a Hill. It is the vision of the Founders for an ever-strengthening and expanding Constitutional Republic with a cultural melting pot capable of transforming and conforming all other cultures to the goodness and blessing of Biblical truth. That was our “manifest destiny” which got sidetracked when we shrank back from Marxist aggression and became accommodationist. We should and must repent of that passivity and get back to fighting for righteousness!

To translate this call to action into comic book metaphors and the language of Generation Trans, I now “choose to identify” as a super robot, Maximus Transphobicon, and everyone must now affirm my value as an insurrectionist against Marxism and Transgenderism and follow my example.

But seriously, until the Lord returns it IS our job to “save the world” from Satanic oppression. Let’s reclaim the true supernatural powers He has given us, and get back in that fight.

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I have been alone in linking transhumanism directly to the LGBT movement, contending that the LGBT agenda represents not just a coalition of sexual dysfunctions but a chronology of stages in the deconstruction of God’s created order (from the tips of the branches toward its roots), and that “transhumanism” represents a hidden “T” contained within “transgenderism” in the LGBT abbreviation.

Transgenderism is the penultimate (next to the last) stage of deconstruction of the civilization God made for us – destroying the human perception that we are created male and female in His image (Genesis 1:27). Transhumanism is the ultimate stage – destroying through genetic modification God’s separation between humans and animals as distinct “kinds” (Genesis 1:11-25). Transhumanists perceive themselves as wiping the earth clean of God’s “mistakes” (returning back to the blank canvas of Genesis 1:6-10) and creating their own utopia in which they are immortal.

This is not hyperbole but an actual plan currently being implemented by the World Economic Forum’s Yuval Noah Harari (whom I have labeled the best candidate for the end-times False Prophet I’ve seen in my lifetime). Significantly, Harari is an admitted homosexual in a counterfeit “marriage” to another man.

In the incomparable genius of God, the solution to every human error is simple truth. And the solution to the error of transgenderism/transhumanism (and the whole package of LGBT errors) is the simple self-evident truth of the natural family.

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The first of the state churches to fall to the “Gays” was the Anglican Church of England, whose stand for biblical morality had been strongly bolstered by the cornerstone of modern human rights jurisprudence, the Magna Carta. The first demand of that incredible document (a copy of the original I personally viewed at Salisbury Cathedral) states in pertinent part: “the English Church shall be free.” That juridical foundation-stone served as a bulwark against all threats to the biblical worldview in English law for eight centuries until the rise of so-called “Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs) erupted like oozing sores on the British body politic, somehow trumping biblical morality.

I played a small part in that battle, as well, by divine appointment spending a night with my family at the home of David Anderson in Edenborough, Scotland on the very weekend he was tasked with writing a policy paper against the repeal of Paragraph 28 banning the promotion of LGBT issues to schoolchildren in the UK. We only met David, who happened to be the head of the Scottish Evangelical Alliance, because we stopped to chat with one of his church members that day who was passing out gospel tracts downtown. That parishioner then, impromptu, arranged for our stay at Dr. Anderson’s home. That very night we hammered out a great policy paper. But, again, using political dirty tricks, the LGBTs prevailed over the Christians in the British Parliament on that issue, striking down Paragraph 28, leading directly to today’s horrific pandemic of sexual deviance among UK schoolchildren.

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Milo and the “Stockholm Syndrome” of Sodom
Posted on February 22, 2017 by Pastor Scott
In the mid-1970s, America was introduced to “Stockholm Syndrome” when 19 year old Berkeley student and heiress Patty Hearst was transformed from kidnap victim to domestic terrorist by identifying with her captors. Stockholm Syndrome is trauma-induced mental enslavement to the person or group causing the trauma, and Hearst has ever since been its poster child. Her identity hijacked, she joined her Simbionese Liberation Army kidnappers and eventually went to jail for crimes she committed voluntarily in that false persona.

In the unfolding spectacle of the Milo Yiannopoulos pederasty scandal, America is being introduced to a far more potent and common form of this phenomenon: Sodom Syndrome. Like millions of boys through the centuries, 14-year old Milo was recruited into homosexuality by an adult homosexual predator. He then justified his molester, “Father Michael,” in his own mind and recently in unwise but candid media comments. Very typically of adult homosexual men who experienced similar recruitment, Milo portrayed Father Michael as a sort-of coming-of-age mentor, and his young teen self as a consensual partner, fully competent to make his own decisions. (Historically, most male leaders of the “gay” movement share this profile).

In response to the scandal, Milo has recast himself as a helpless victim. While this seems cynical, he actually IS a victim to a far greater extent than most people, and even he himself, realize. I believe what Milo experienced at 14 was Sodom Syndrome, and like Patty Hearst to the SLA, his identity was subsumed into the LGBT culture by psycho/sexual trauma, reinforced by associating sexual climax with his predator’s orientation. Its all about brain chemistry and subconscious coping mechanisms, not free choice – at least not at first.

Like Milo I had a bad relationship with my father, and ventured into the world at an early age. An alcoholic from age 12 and a pothead/drug addict from 14 I lived a vagabond/hitchhiker lifestyle that lasted over ten years and spanned the continent. As such I was a ripe target for recruitment by predators and was solicited by “gay” recruiters countless times. To be fair, only rarely did these men attempt force and fortunately none was successful. To be clear, I never experienced same-sex attraction and didn’t succumb to “gay” recruitment, though I don’t believe anyone is immune to Sodom Syndrome.

When I was about 14 or 15, I spent an afternoon smoking pot with a “gay” guy in his 20’s who explained that young people during puberty have a very fluid sexual identity and how easy it had been for him to turn young teen boys into sex partners. I was very non-judgmental in those days, and didn’t think twice about it, nor similar conversations I had with other homosexuals (though few were that forthright). A confirming study I later saw said 25% of young teens suffer same-sex confusion but most grow out of it naturally by the end of adolescence.

After I had surrendered my life to Christ, been delivered from my addictions and started a family of my own, I saw the world in a wholly different light. A nineteen-year old man, who had “come out” as “gay” after being molested seven or eight years earlier, himself molested a four-year-old boy. I was close to both families and watched that child change from sweet and loveable to hyperactive and rage-driven. He never became homosexual himself to my knowledge, but never really recovered either and now in his 40s lives a miserable life of addiction and crime.

Later as my compassion grew for homosexuals, we took in a repentant ex-“gay” who was dying of AIDS. Sonny lived with us for the last year of his life and I was with him when he died. He attributed his homosexuality to being raped at age seven in a YMCA men’s room by a friend of his father. Sonny’s form of Sodom Syndrome compelled him to seek “gay” sex in settings with the strong smell of urine. He never chose to be that way and expressed deep shame in it, but even in his last days in Christ, the pattern burned into his brain by the youthful trauma remained the identity of his flesh while his mind and spirit were freed only through sexual abstinence.

In the earliest days of my ministry I had the pleasure of making friends with Anthony Falzerano, a leader of the ex-“gay” movement. He said the most common denominator in boys who get recruited is a kind-of “father-hunger” due to troubled family relationships, and that this is easily recognized by predators on the prowl because they suffered it themselves. He and other ex-“gay” leaders showed me by example that the cure to homosexual dysfunction is restoration of male normalcy through long-term healthy relationships with fatherly mentors.

My ex-“gay” friend Richard of Portland, OR sought me out in this way after the predator who made him his houseboy at age 12 (his piano teacher) kicked him out and replaced him when he got too old. My fatherly help blessed Richard through some rough times and gave me personal experience in mentoring ex-“gays.” He never went back and is doing well today.

I’m frequently accused by pro-LGBT leftists of being a suppressed homosexual myself because my life’s work has been opposing their agenda. That’s not true of me, but I’m not insulted by the suggestion because I don’t despise homosexuals like they assume. I do this work because I am a Christian saved by grace, trained for and assigned to this work by my Savior. I do it because I recognize that the sin of Sodom is the most destructive force in human civilization, singularly unique in it’s condemnation in the Bible. I do it because I don’t want to see any more young people lose their innate heterosexual identity to the Sodom Syndrome. Make no mistake – the problem is growing like runaway cancer because we’ve allowed it to go mainstream.

Past criticisms notwithstanding, my heart grieves for Milo Yiannopoulos, because I see what I might myself have become under different circumstances and it is hard to watch anyone crash and burn so spectacularly. What Milo really needs is his Father in Heaven, of course, but he also needs a Dad to lead him out of the darkness of perversion back into the light of normalcy. I pray that this crisis will open his life and heart to both. I’m personally willing to help him in that, if he doesn’t have anyone else. I also pray that Milo’s suffering will not be in vain, but truly open America’s eyes to Sodom Syndrome and it’s own sin in pretending – as a way to avoid confronting hard truths and harsh push-back — they’re all just “born that way” and can’t be cured.

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[Scott Lively's "Letter to the Hungarian People"]

I can’t point to any country of the world today that is a model for the rest of the world, except perhaps for Russia, which has just taken the very important and frankly necessary step of criminalizing homosexual propaganda to protect the society from being “homosexualzed.” This was one of my recommendation to Russian leaders in my 50-city tour of the former Soviet Union in 2006 and 2007.

To fully protect your country from the moral destruction that is raging in the United States and Europe it is necessary to affirm and protect authentic marriage as the only proper context for sexual relationships, and to actively discourage sex outside of marriage through your public policy, reserving limited tolerance for people who choose to live discretely outside the mainstream. I strongly advise that you adopt an anti-propaganda law similar to what Russia has recently passed, to stop the “gay” agenda from advancing any further that it may already have done. It will also be necessary to uproot and discard any existing sexual orientation regulations (the bad seeds) which criminalize discrimination against homosexuality in your laws and in the official policies of your government agencies, universities, corporations, and NGOs.

Lastly, it is important to keep in mind that many homosexuals are unwilling and unhappy members of this “gay” movement. For them homosexuality is not “gay” (meaning happy and carefree), but SADD, which is the acronym for “Same-Sex Attraction Disorder,” the condition with which they suffer. Even as we firmly resist the efforts of this destructive movement, we should not lose compassion for those who suffer from this terrible dysfunction. We should strongly discourage and oppose those who would choose the path of hatred and violence against individuals rather than rational, objective policy-making against their socially destructive philosophy and political agenda.

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LGBT History Month is not yet universally adopted by public schools. Nevertheless, throughout October tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of innocent school children will be subjected to the most despicable brainwashing ever conducted in American classrooms. They will be taught, through carefully constructed lesson plans, to view homosexuals as a superior class of human beings whose influence on society has been wholly benign, but whose contributions to society have been limited due to irrational prejudice and bigotry. They will learn the importance of protecting homosexuals from societal “homophobia,” perhaps even emanating from their own parents, and that homosexuality is a perfectly normal and healthy (and unchangeable) form of sexual identity. In other words, they will be indoctrinated in provably false and thoroughly biased pro-“gay” propaganda.

In the interest of balance, I’d like to offer a few facts that are not likely to make it into the curriculum.


Another inconvenient fact unlikely to be cited by GLSEN brainwashers is that the German SHR, the world‘s first organization to define homosexuality as a struggle for “human rights,” was formed in 1919 by Nazi-aligned German nationalists (shortly before the formation of the Nazi Party), and that it’s most prominent member was Ernst Roehm, later to become supreme leader of the dreaded Nazi SA or Storm Troopers. Roehm was also, incidentally, a pederast, meaning that like [Henry] Gerber he was an adult homosexual male who seduced teenaged boys.


I could go on and on but it only gets worse. The point is that the “gay rights” movement is not benign. Its history is a poisoned stream whose head waters begin in the swamp of Sadean perversion and whose direction was set by the same people who created the Nazi Party. In America its course has run mostly through underground sewers until the past few decades when control of the movement fell into the hands of modern marketing experts who have hidden the truth under a white-washed facade of their own shrewd design. And it is this sugar-sweetened poison that is about to be spoon-fed to America’s public school students. It is a “gay” Koolaid of dangerous lies and it is to our great shame that this once Christian nation will allow these innocent children to consume it with hardly a whimper of protest by the public. This pederastic theme at the core of the “gay” movement did not end with Gerber. His eventual successor, Harry Hay, founder of the Mattachine Society in 1950 was an outspoken defender of NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association.

Scott Lively #fundie #homophobia scottlively.net

Friends, I believe the worm has begun to turn and the backlash against the fascistic “gay” agenda has finally started. As Christians we need to steward this process and keep it civil and positive. Our goal is not merely to stop their agenda, it is to advance our own: a genuinely family-friendly society grounded in healthy Biblical values. To that end, it is time for our side to begin showing the contrast in clear unequivocal terms. We need to expose every aspect of the homosexual lifestyle and agenda to public scrutiny and at the same time remind everyone that God’s plan for sex and marriage produces as much good and health as “sexual freedom” produces harm and disease.


Likewise, the choice of the Center for Marriage Policy http://marriagepolicy.org/ to come against “gay marriage” on the grounds of public health, talking again about the diseases associated with homosexual conduct, is a very smart move. They have declared September Protect Marriage Month and are circulating a flyer detailing the many health risks of homosexuality. We need to bring back public discussion of AIDS as a “gay” disease, pederasty as major subculture of male homosexuality, mental health problems and domestic violence as major problems associated with lesbianism, the recruitment of children into a homosexual identity through experimentation with “gay” sex, etc.. All the truths we stopped telling because they screamed so loudly about them.

Now is the time to step out from the behind the defensive bulwark of “traditional marriage” in which our only argument is that “marriage is between a man and a woman.” It is time to start taking back some of the ground we have ceded to the other side in the face of their overwhelming public relations superiority. Their marketing strategy to cast homosexuality as benign and even socially beneficial has finally hit the brick wall of reality. The phony facade is beginning to crack and crumble like an eggshell does when a baby chick is ready to be born.

Scott Lively #homophobia #conspiracy scottlively.net

The Russian anti-propaganda law, passed June 11, 2013, was the first truly effective international counter-measure since the “gay” agenda went global around the turn of the millennium. Typically, the “gays” characterized the law as hateful and an incitement to violence, but in doing so they revealed that propagandizing children is part of their agenda, since the law simply classifies “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relationships” as material that cannot be distributed among minors and commands the government to protect children from it. http://www.article19.org/data/files/medialibrary/37129/13-06-27-russia-LA.pdf

When that didn’t work BO started the civil war in Ukraine to force Russia into its current no-win scenario there. US diplomats were caught red-handed in the early stages of this regime change: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/06/victoria-nuland-eu_n_4740004.html.

The Russians were deliberately pushed into a situation where they could be portrayed as bullies — rather like the way a couple of “gay” activists set up the conservative State of Texas as aggressors. They (allegedly) orchestrated their own arrest for sodomy so they could portray themselves as victims to a Supreme Court majority (led by Kennedy again) looking for a chance to strike down the anti-sodomy laws. Thus we got the 2003 Lawrence v Texas ruling, which was used as the “moral impetus” for the first “gay marriage” law in Massachusetts in 2004.

Texas wasn’t breaking down anyone’s door to enforce its sodomy law (any more than the Russians were aggressing against Ukrainians before the US coup) but was pushed into doing so by LGBT agents provocateur. No one produces better agents provocateur than the LGBT movement, which has presumably been well represented in the US intelligence agencies since Bill Clinton lifted the ban on top-secret security clearance for “gays” in 1992.

Scott Lively #homophobia #conspiracy #fundie scottlively.net

I once asked a journalist who was doing a story about my listing as a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center to ask SPLC what I would take for them to de-list me. SPLC replied to him that I would have to recant my book, The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party (co-authored with Orthodox Jewish researcher Kevin E. Abrams). I will never recant The Pink Swastika because it is the truth, so I guess I’m a SPLC “lifer.”

The SPLC knows that the most dangerous aspect of my 25-year Christian ministry to stop the LGBT political agenda is the truth contained in the pages of this book. That militant agenda rests on a foundation of sand: ie. the premise that homosexuals are victims of society who can only escape persecution and eventual extermination by expunging all disapproval of their sexual perversion from public life. The bottom-most layer of that foundation is the claim that homosexuals were victims of the Nazi Holocaust.

Solely for making this assertion, and proving it with 400 pages of documentation on the centrality of homosexuality to the Nazi movement, the SPLC has also labeled me a “Holocaust Revisionist,” a nasty lie which is close to the top of the list of “100 Reasons to Hate Scott Lively” that is today posted on the refrigerators of every leftist journalist and political activist on the planet (a slight exaggeration, perhaps).

On the contrary, the cover-up of the homosexual roots of Nazism is one of, if not the greatest feat of historical revisionism the world has ever seen. The sheer volume of documentation that has been suppressed to protect the homosexual movement from its own past is staggering.

Importantly, and alarmingly, the claims of The Pink Swastika which link homosexuality with fascism are also being proven by the emergence of a form of homo-fascism in our own society. The forced resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich is the latest example, but there are many in recent years. “Gay” bullies have become the new Brownshirts (just as they were the original Brownshirts).

Mark my words, these Pinkshirts will eventually grow as violent as the Brownshirts were. We got a taste of it when Floyd Lee Corkins attempted mass-murder at the Family Research Council, following the inspiration of non other than the SPLC. The window-smashing lesbian riot against Ryan Sorba at Smith College a few years ago comes close.

Scott Lively #homophobia #fundie #conspiracy scottlively.net

Welcome to the brave new world of homo-fascism, Mr. Greenwald, but watch your back. You’re now officially a “homophobe” because you have dared to oppose something that is favorable to the “gay” cause. Sure, you tried to cover your backside by tossing in a couple of cheap shots at the “chicken CEO” but that won’t save you from the Brownshirts. They don’t really care about free speech. They care about power. Indeed, if you had been paying attention over the past few years, you would have noticed that their official position is that “anti-gay bigots” don‘t deserve free speech at all.

Perhaps you are unaware of the “Commentator Accountability Project” of the powerful Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLADD). It was launched earlier this year to hold media outlets (not commentators) accountable for allowing traditional marriage advocates (including this writer) to have a voice in the public debate.

One of its key concepts for twisting the arms of journalists is the slogan “bias is not balance.” How’s that for simply redefining pro-family opinion out of existence in the newsroom? See http://www.glaad.org/cap. I personally recall a leader of the Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association years ago state that allowing pro-family people to comment in news stories related to homosexuality was equivalent to letting the Ku Klux Klan have equal time in stories about race.

But surely, Mr. Greenwald, you are not unaware of the many incidents of “gay” bullying of Christians in recent years, from the celebrity-level character assassination of beauty queen Carrie Prejean (for saying nothing more than that marriage should be between a man and a woman), to the recent bashing of Brad Pitt’s Mom for giving her opinion that homosexuality is wrong in a letter to her local newspaper. Reportedly, death threats have since intimidated her into silence. Last year just outside of Rahm’s Chicago in Arlington Heights, a church school which hosted me for a talk on the biblical view of homosexuality was vandalized when a chunk of pavement was thrown through a window. On it was written the message “Shut Down Lively” and a note was attached threatening future violence. Come to mention it, though, you wouldn’t have known about this hate crime because it got almost no press coverage, even locally. I wonder why?

Scott Lively #homophobia #conspiracy #transphobia scottlively.net

DO NOT BE DECEIVED: The very same globalists who installed Biden through election fraud, burned our cities, staged the ongoing genocidal plandemic, and turned American school-children into “gays,” trannys and SJWs, also installed the Zelensky regime in Ukraine…

Human shields can be used both defensively and offensively. An example of the use of human shields by “defenders” is what Ukrainian Soros agent Zelensky is doing in Kiev. He forcibly conscripted all male civilians into the militia, equipped them with Molotov cocktails, and ordered them to face down Russian tanks (instead of simply agreeing to never put nukes on Russia’s border, which Putin offered as the solution on Day One).
In the American culture war, the Marxist left has taken a page from the “steal the children” Muslim playbook. They have exploited and abused their control of the “captive audience” of American schoolchildren to create a slave-army of Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) which they now deploy as human swords. Case in point is the group of school children and Woke adult handlers who last week chanted “F*** DeSantis” in the rotunda of the Florida State House in protest of a parental rights bill to ban “gay” propaganda to schoolchildren below the 4th grade.

If President Trump had survived the election coup in 2020 we would have no Ukraine war (because he respects Russia’s legitimate security interests and wants to disband NATO) and a much stronger position against all forms of Wokism in general here at home. Despite his (temporary?) compromises on so-called “gay rights” and the “vaccine” Donald Trump is the most powerful anti-globalist in the world. Vladimir Putin is second. Globalism would be quickly crushed if American and Russia agreed to cooperate on that goal as candidate Trump implied in 2015-16. That is the forbidden truth behind the campaign to “cancel” the Russian nation.

Scott Lively #crackpot #homophobia #dunning-kruger scottlively.net

The history of human rights in Western Civilization is the history of Constitutionalism and of the Common Law. They all begin at Runnymede, England in 1215 with the Magna Carta, a set of restrictions on the power of the British monarchy. The Magna Carta was the first constitution in the western world, and the origin of the rule of law in place of rule by monarchs.

Importantly, Rule #1of the Magna Carta was “The English church shall be free.” Not accidentally, our First Amendment to the United States Constitution also begins “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

Constitutionalism eventually became a full-fledged Bible-based political ideology in England.

Scott Lively #homophobia #conspiracy scottlively.net

All disapproval of homosexuality leads inevitably to hatred, violence, murder and eventually genocide of homosexuals. That’s the unstated premise of all LGBT rhetoric and policy goals and the source of their astonishing and relentless political passion. It is the reason why, for example, “gay” anti-bulling policies require all schoolchildren to be brainwashed to believe that homosexuality is good and normal instead of simply teaching children to respect others despite their differences. And why LGBT activists are pathologically incapable of articulating any objective standard to differentiate “homophobia” from “non-homophobic criticism of homosexuality” (try getting one to do it on the record sometime).

The belief that disapproval leads inevitably to genocide isn’t rational, obviously. It is a paranoid delusion — but one that is mutually shared and reinforced by the leaders and activists of the LGBT community, driving them with such desperate urgency that they vehemently attack any person who dares even to whisper, for example, that marriage is for one man and one woman. From Anita Bryant in the 1970s to Phil Robertson in 2014, any public figure who criticizes so-called “gay rights“ is targeted for personal destruction by LGBT bullies.

These “human rights” organizations then use these “official” reports to 1) generate public sympathy for homosexuals as innocent victims of irrational prejudice, 2) smear the leaders of their opposition as haters who want homosexual to be harmed, and 3) to lobby public officials for anti-discrimination laws. In their minds, the end of “protecting” homosexuals justifies their deliberate deception of the public.

It is a highly effective strategy and very difficult to fight, especially if (perhaps more accurately “when”) the “watchdog” media in that jurisdiction is actually a “lapdog” for the LGBT movement. Most “human rights” abuses reported in these campaigns are self-reported but the media never seems to ask whether or to what extent the political self-interest of the self-reporting “victims” invalidates the data.

Scott Lively #homophobia #conspiracy scottlively.net

I went after the SPLC in 2014 for its hypocrisy in covering up Mieske’s homosexuality and his deep history in Portland’s powerful “gay” subculture (including a close relationship with the homosexual film-maker Gus Van Sant) when they were attacking me as a dangerous crackpot for linking homosexuality and Nazism in The Pink Swastika. I think it is likely that homosexuality was the basis for the Metzger/Mieske relationship, but even if not, Mieske was without question a “gay” Nazi.

Scott Lively #homophobia #conspiracy scottlively.net

True, the story-boards are adjusted in real time for unforseen developments but always to preserve the pre-set narratives as the highest priority, because for Progressives, the narratives are Scripture, while “reality” is just a culture-created illusion that must be conformed to “Scripture.” Thus, to the leftist elites, DNA and physiology-defined male/female gender is actually fluid and malleable, while subjective, self-perceived “sexual orientation” is fixed and immutable, grotesque ideology-based double standards in the enforcement of the law are applauded, and irrefutable documented truth about the righteousness of various police shootings of dangerous criminals who happened to be Black is simply deemed irrelevant.

Scott Lively #homophobia scottlively.net

Anne and I have just left Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan where I launched an entirely new and non-confrontational strategy for protecting the marriage and the natural family: The Natural Life Movement.

As you know, I have been a soldier in the so-called culture war since the late 1980s and my response to the attack on marriage-based society has been consistent with that warfare paradigm. It was and is an accurate metaphor, because the political left been waging all-out war against Biblical family values since the Stonewall Riots of June 28, 1969 (Gay Pride Day). That’s when the LGBT movement abandoned its pursuit of “tolerance” for a new goal of “gay” supremacy. It adopted Herbert Marcuse’s Culural Marxist Strategy to end what he called “the repressive order of procreative sexuality” through “elimination…of the patriarchal and monogamic family.”

However, after Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s lawless declaration of a constitutional right to “gay marriage” by judicial fiat in the Obergefell case, and Barack Obama’s eight-year transformation of the federal government into an arm of the LGBT movement, the culture war from the pro-family side looks a lot more like a military occupation. Surveying the current battlefield I see skirmishes over transgenderism that look like “mop up” by the “gays” and looming on the horizon an enormous new threat called “transhumanism.”

The “culture war” was always a war against the natural order of human sexuality, family, community and civilization which all spring from the root of “one flesh” male/female complimentarity. Now that the left has all but won that war, the transformation of all other aspects of human society and the material world around us from natural to artificial will escalate rapidly.

Scott Lively #conspiracy #crackpot scottlively.net

If you want to understand how the Democrats set their strategies on any issue or objective, just ask yourself, “How would a Hollywood script-writer story-board it?”. From the Benghazi botched kidnaping plan, to the Russian Collusion and Impeachment scams, to the Covid 19 plandemic, to the Ferguson-thru-Floyd race-rioting, to the J6 “White Supremacist Insurrection” it’s pretty easy to see how events and accompanying propaganda seem to follow pre-set story-boarded narratives. In other words, the Progressives’ “tide of history” is always pro-active, not reactive.

True, the story-boards are adjusted in real time for unforseen developments but always to preserve the pre-set narratives as the highest priority, because for Progressives, the narratives are Scripture, while “reality” is just a culture-created illusion that must be conformed to “Scripture.” Thus, to the leftist elites, DNA and physiology-defined male/female gender is actually fluid and malleable, while subjective, self-perceived “sexual orientation” is fixed and immutable, grotesque ideology-based double standards in the enforcement of the law are applauded, and irrefutable documented truth about the righteousness of various police shootings of dangerous criminals who happened to be Black is simply deemed irrelevant.

Scott Lively #conspiracy scottlively.net

Now lets fit these pieces together. Picture the Clinton/Obama/FBI/CIA/Zuckerberg/Lincoln Project war-room as November 2019 arrives. There’s one year left to derail the Trump train. The table is packed three-deep with the best strategic minds and war-gamers of the deep state, key political, Big Media and Big tech power-brokers from both parties, some Soros and Gates operatives and a few deep-cover spies from inside the Trump White House. The mood is tense, anxious. Lots of furrowed brows and nervous tics. The Russian Collusion Hoax has failed. A dozen pre-planted “whistle-blowers” and other dirty tricks have failed, one after the other. The Impeachment Scam looks like it will also fail. The economy is booming. Blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals, Jews and blue-collar union members are rallying to Trump in unprecedented numbers. An historic, massive Trump landslide reelection looks more and more certain.

Scott Lively #homophobia scottlively.net

But, suddenly there is a small glimmer of hope thanks to a bold conservative legislator in Texas named James White. White, who happens to be black, contends that Texas state law on marriage trumps Obergefell v. Hodges, the so-called “gay marriage” ruling, which was the pinnacle of Justice Kennedy’s LGBT championing-career in 2015.

I have always contended that the Obergefell ruling is illegitimate and void because both Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan performed “gay weddings” during the pendency of the case. That was the most egregious violation of judicial ethics in the history of the court, making a mockery of the bedrock principle of judicial impartiality every jurist owes to every party before the court regardless of their personal views or past rulings on similar cases.

Scott Lively #homophobia scottlively.net

According to the third century Christian monks called the Desert Fathers, “pride” topped the list of the infamous Seven Deadly Sins. However, the Bible itself identifies homosexuality as the most deadly, giving it the special designation “toeva” (abomination) in the Leviticus 18 list of worst-possible sins which cause the land itself to “vomit out” its inhabitants, and making clear that widespread homosexuality was the cause of the incineration of Sodom and Gomorrah (Jude 1:7, referencing Genesis 19). That incident, unique in Biblical history, expressly linked male homosexual sodomy (and that sin alone) with the last-days destruction of the world by God.

So what should faithful Christians and Jews think of “Gay Pride,” the international month-long celebration of homosexual sodomy that occurs every June, drawing support from numerous governments around the world?

Scott Lively #transphobia #conspiracy scottlively.net

True, the story-boards are adjusted in real time for unforseen developments but always to preserve the pre-set narratives as the highest priority, because for Progressives, the narratives are Scripture, while “reality” is just a culture-created illusion that must be conformed to “Scripture.” Thus, to the leftist elites, DNA and physiology-defined male/female gender is actually fluid and malleable, while subjective, self-perceived “sexual orientation” is fixed and immutable, grotesque ideology-based double standards in the enforcement of the law are applauded, and irrefutable documented truth about the righteousness of various police shootings of dangerous criminals who happened to be Black is simply deemed irrelevant.

1) The CDC quietly announced back in September 2021 that it would stop using the “PCR” test for diagnosing Covid cases on December 31st. The inventor of PCR technology, Dr. Kary Mullis, made it clear that by using certain protocols for the PCR test, scientists can come up with results they want , saying with PCR, “if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody.” Thus, The PCR test was always a scam for the purpose of (vastly) inflating Covid numbers with false positives. But even as the CDC honchos announced they were dropping the PCR test, they kept it in play until Jan 1 st Why? To ensure the highest possible 2021 case-count to ensure a more impressive contrast with vastly lower numbers in 2022.

2) Then on January 8th, 2022 the new governor of New York, Kathy Hochul (replacing the nursing home mass murderer Andrew Cuomo), issued a report on current (dead of Winter — peak flu season) Covid hospitalizations. New York has always been ground zero for plandemic statistics and propaganda, but for the first time it distinguished (in the data itself, not in the explanation of the data) those patients admitted “for Covid” (49%) from those admitted “with Covid” (51%). So it’s pretty easy to predict that their 2022 statistics are going to report only people admitted “for Covid,” guaranteeing a better than 50% drop in hospitalization numbers based on that factor alone. With the PCR test gone, most or all the false positives will also be gone — deflating the Covid count further.

Scott Lively #homophobia #fundie scottlively.net

Whereas marriage and family have been protected in human rights law from antiquity, including the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi in 1789 BC, the Jewish Torah in approximately 1400 BC, the Christian Bible in approximately 60 AD, and the United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights in 1948, and

Whereas human rights in Western nations have been rooted in theories of natural law, from the writings of the Greek philosopher Aristotle, to the Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas, to the American Founding Fathers’ Declaration of Independence, and

Whereas natural law recognizes a natural order in sexual and family matters, and

Whereas the natural law presuppositions of human rights were reaffirmed in the Nurnberg Trials of 1945, providing the moral authority for the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and

Whereas none of the of the foundational human rights documents from the dawn of time until recent years have granted human rights based on homosexuality, but in several cases have expressly condemned such conduct,

Therefore, relying upon more than 4000 years of legal precedent and the moral and religious principles we share with the vast majority of the citizens of the world,

We Declare that the human rights of religious and moral people to protect family values is far superior to any claimed human right of those who practice homosexuality and other sexual deviance, and

We Call for the European Union and the international community to immediately abandon any campaign to create a human right for homosexual conduct, and to restore religious freedom and family values to their proper superior status.

Scott Lively #crackpot scottlively.net

Big Pharma:
1. Appoint Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head a Vaccine Truth Commission to bring all the facts to the public.
2. Open the vault of research and data on vaccine safety to independent scientists which Fauci has kept sealed and locked to protect his masters (something RFK Jr says he talked about with President Trump).
3. Retroactively strip immunity from drug-makers and aggressively prosecute every culprit criminally and civilly in states that enforce capital punishment.

Big Media:
1. Legally define the difference between news and opinion journalism and require a reasonably equivalent balance of opposing facts, views and sources to qualify public information as “news.”
2. Ban public funding of all opinion journalism outlets that do not maintain a policy requiring balanced views measured by equal time, placement and a reasonable equivalence of authoritativeness on issues in controversy.
3. Change defamation laws in all jurisdictions to add “False Light” (i.e. deliberate misrepresentation) as a basis for litigation over news coverage and fortify this cause of action with more teeth and a broader reach.

Big Tech:
1. Repeal Section 230.
2. Retroactively strip tech companies of criminal and civil immunity for any past censorship actions legally proven to have been taken in cooperation with government officials to circumvent constitutional restrictions on government.
3. Make the Internet a public utility subject to public control and constitutional restrictions.

Big Business:
1. Establish a policy of strict political neutrality in public controversies as a prerequisite for corporations receiving government contracts or financial/economic assistance including tax-incentives.
2. Eliminate the big business advantage over small business by promoting graduated commercial tax policies that favor locally-owned companies.
3. Create an Internet-based, open-source, fully transparent citizen oversight system for all business lobbying of government officials.

Scott Lively #homophobia scottlively.net

This month, June, 2017, President Donald Trump’s State and Defense Departments, reaffirmed their support for the LGBT agenda. The White House itself did not, thankfully, but thus far, President Trump has NOT reversed Obama’s Executive Order that still commands the entire executive branch to actively undermine Biblical values on sex and marriage as a international priority.

I love my country, and am deeply grieved that in the area of sexual morality we indeed seem almost to have become, as the Iranians love to chant, the “Great Satan” of the world. When I read Chapters 17 and 18 of the Book of Revelation in my Bible, I cannot help but recognize a parallel between America and “Mystery Babylon,” whether or not they are actually the one and the same. “For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality” (Rev 18:3).

Scott Lively #homophobia scottlively.net

Darwin’s intellectual descendants dominate western civilization today, including the so-called mainstream media. Individual politicians and journalists may not personally express such blatantly offensive beliefs, but their Neo-Colonial attitude toward the Africans in the matter of African countries legislating their own moral values is grossly paternalistic at best — and inescapably implicitly racist.

In contrast, I, and my fellow Christians who have served as missionaries to Africa for generations have always treated the Africans as equals, created in the image of God just as we are. Every Christian who has ever visited Uganda knows that the typical Ugandans are a warm and lovely people: intelligent, caring and capable. Though they are very poor, their culture (outside of some areas which still embrace paganism) is highly civilized and its leaders are well educated and quite competent.

Scott Lively #homophobia scottlively.net

{from 2014}

There is no human right to sodomy to be found in nearly 4000 years of human rights jurisprudence. It is an invention of Cultural Marxists in the late 20th century, and rests on their dangerous premise that the state, not God, grants us our rights. In fact, the “right” to sodomy is really an anti-right, because it can only be granted at the expense of the true human rights of religious freedom and family values. Thus, the first principle of the Magna Carta stood unbreakable in Britain for almost 800 years until the recent introduction of “sexual orientation regulations” (SORs) and the first principle of the First Amendment stood for over 200 years until SORs were passed here in the United States.

Today, both the Magna Carta and the First Amendment are deemed to be trumped by the “right to sodomy” in case after case, and pro-homosexual activist federal judges in the U.S. are striking down “Defense of Marriage” laws in the most morally conservative states in the union with brazen disregard for the constitution and the will of the people.

I ask you, which is the greater threat to human rights: Russia’s law preventing homosexual activists from disseminating their propaganda to children, or the lawless decrees of these American federal judges? I submit that the former is not a threat at all, but a reaffirmation of true human rights (in that case the right of parents to raise their children according to their own values), while the latter is an egregious affront to liberty and an undermining of respect for the rule of law, which endangers all human rights.

Scott Lively #homophobia scottlively.net

{from 2014}

“It is true that I am a danger to the LGBT agenda (but not the people): not because of “hate,” but because of love. I love my God and His truth enough to keep standing unapologetically for Him in this demonic LGBT battle against His Kingdom, working to turn from Hell and from the awful earthly consequences of their sin the very people who want to hang me.

“To be clear, while I recognize the right of the democratically-elected government of Uganda to set its own laws and policies, I do not support the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Law as written, even after the removal of the death penalty provision, and did not advocate for it in Uganda. I have always said that it is too harsh. My Letter to the Ugandan Parliament and their reply is published here: http://www.defendthefamily.com/pfrc/newsarchives.php?id=3261726

“I do support the 2013 Russian law banning homosexual propaganda to minors, and take a small share of credit for inspiring that law by advocating for it in my 50-city speaking tour of the former Soviet Union in 2006-2007. Importantly, the homosexual movement’s desire to corrupt children is clearly revealed in their hysterical reaction to this very reasonable law that preserves the right to privacy and the personal freedoms of adult homosexuals. http://www.scottlively.net/2014/03/07/russia-the-united-states-and-human-rights/

Scott Lively #homophobia scottlively.net

{from 2013}

Despite having won a landmark Supreme Court decision in 2000 upholding its constitutional right to discriminate against homosexuals as scout leaders, the Boy Scouts of America is today just inches away from crying “uncle” and caving in to “gay” pressure.

What is the secret weapon that has all but demolished the BSA’s defenses? Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs), specifically the sexual orientation anti-discrimination policies of the Boy Scouts largest corporate donors. Homosexual agitators are trying to force these corporations to ban donations to the Boy Scouts as a violation of their company SORs.

It’s a clever strategy, but it exposes these SORs for what they really are: a sword to attack people of faith, not a shield to defend “gays” from losing their jobs or their homes. It’s a lesson we should all have learned about the SORs by now given the steady stream of lawsuits by homosexual activists suing Christians for declining to bake their “wedding” cakes or print their “Gay Pride” posters, or such like.

The simple solution is to amend the SORs with a First Amendment Supremacy Clause: “Under no circumstance shall sexual orientation regulations supercede the First Amendment rights of individuals, churches and religious organizations to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

For the purpose of this amendment religious organizations are those whose policies or culture are substantially influenced by religious values such as Christian bookstores, adoption agencies or hospitals, as well as companies like Hobby Lobby and Chick Fil A, and social organizations like the Boy Scouts of America and Christian student clubs on college campuses.”

This amendment would stop 99% of abuses by “gay rights” aggressors while preserving 99% of anti-discrimination protections for homosexuals. It would also save the Boy Scouts. It should immediately be adopted by every city, state, corporation, college, association and government agency with SORs.

Scott Lively #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut scottlively.net

If You thought “Gay Pride Month” (formerly known as June) was bad, brace yourself for another annual “Gay History Month” in public schools through October, including “Coming Out Day” on the 11th.

June was for planting the seeds of sexual anarchy in the hearts and minds of the children and teens. October is the harvest, when countless American parents discover that the “Q for Questioning” in LGBTQ actually stands for ReQruitment of their children (which is why conservatives should never add Q to the acronym).

The cutting edge of the LGBT agenda is now transsexualism, but the catch-all idea of “gayness” remains the “gaytway-drug” to childhood self-identification with perversion. All of the “out and proud” LGBT-based identities begin in the mind, often spawned by LGBT propaganda-driven enticement to sexual experimentation and rebellion (highly alluring to all-too-many hormone-inflamed pubescents).

Gay History Month (in the controlled social-engineering environment of today’s public schools) is designed both to sell the false narrative of LGBT political activism as “a noble and historic movement for social justice,” and to define a young person’s personal pursuit of “sexual liberation” through “gayness” as an act of moral courage. This explains the delusional zealotry of “woke” youth since the “gay” 1990s (which for many lasts well into adulthood as a life-cause).

Scott Lively #homophobia #wingnut scottlively.net

Trump – and his base – lost the election because we did not fight the dragon at center of the Marxist agenda, but allowed that snake inside our own camp: homosexual perversion. On this score, billionaire Trump’s family had been undermined by the same Cultural Marxist social-engineering that infiltrated every poor and middle class home in America since the 1960s. His own daughter Ivanka was seduced by the allure of “Queer Theory” pop-culture propaganda in all of its insidious forms, becoming (apparently) the Eve in the garden of Trump’s own family, convincing him to eat the apple of pro-“gay” political correctness.
If God had wanted Donald Trump to remain in the presidency, nothing in heaven or earth could have dislodged him. Instead, just as first Israel and then Judah were expelled from the Holy Land by wicked conquerors for ignoring Leviticus 18, God allowed Donald Trump to be expelled from the White House by obviously corrupt and senile Joe Biden and his sneering Jezebel side-kick, riding a tidal wave of insultingly blatant election fraud.

Now, I’m not rejecting Donald Trump as a political leader as a result of this assessment. Despite his flaws he remains the single most potent human force for constitutionalism in America and I no longer subscribe to the Evangelical requirement of moral perfection in political leaders. Most importantly, I still believe Trump was God’s man in the White House during his term and that God is not done with him any more than he’s done maturing and shaping the rest of us to be more like Jesus Christ.
My advice to President Trump is to first apologize to God for defying His command and then, at minimum, pivot to a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” philosophy, the only workable compromise between the secular society and the MAGA millions who rightfully insist that Christian family values and traditions MUST be protected for the survival of not just our nation, but humanity.

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Some homosexual political factions in existence in the early 90s still use the pink triangle on a limited basis, but publication of The Pink Swastika succeeded in stopping that movement-wide campaign, indirectly forcing the “gays” to abandon the pink triangle as the primary symbol of their movement. (They switched to the rainbow.) “They didn’t dare to continue using the pink triangle as their primary symbol, because it would have drawn attention to the damning truth we had published in The Pink Swastika.”

Yes, some effeminate homosexual men aligned with the German Communist Party were in fact persecuted by the masculine/macho homosexual men of the fascist Nazi Party, but it was a relatively small number and they were never targeted for extermination like the Jews. The far bigger story is the widespread homosexuality among the perpetrators.

Solely for making this assertion, and proving it with 400 pages of documentation on the centrality of homosexuality to the Nazi movement, the SPLC has also labeled me a “Holocaust Revisionist,” a nasty lie which is close to the top of the list of “100 Reasons to Hate Scott Lively” that is today posted on the refrigerators of every leftist journalist and political activist on the planet (a slight exaggeration, perhaps).

On the contrary, the cover-up of the homosexual roots of Nazism is one of, if not the greatest feat of historical revisionism the world has ever seen. The sheer volume of documentation that has been suppressed to protect the homosexual movement from its own past is staggering.

Kevin and I are now working on the 5th Edition of The Pink Swastika, a slow process, because, believe it or not, there is still such an enormous volume of additional material that our researchers have uncovered. I am methodically working (in my spare time) through a 3-foot stack of photocopied pages from at least 200 new sources. The 5th Edition may be over 500 pages long by the time we get finished with it.

Importantly, and alarmingly, the claims of The Pink Swastika which link homosexuality with fascism are also being proven by the emergence of a form of homo-fascism in our own society. The forced resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich is the latest example, but there are many in recent years. “Gay” bullies have become the new Brownshirts (just as they were the original Brownshirts).

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It was February 4th, 1987 and I was part of a small group of men who had just been hired to sell knock-off “yellow-pages” advertising to businesses in Portland, Oregon. I had heard the news driving in and mentioned it to the group, one of whom was an outspoken Christian. His surprisingly blunt response to my Liberace mention was to say “Too bad he went straight to hell.” I instantly realized he was probably right but I was too intimidated by what the others might think of me to admit I too was a Christian who believed that. I felt ashamed, not because I agreed with him, but that my faith was so weak compared to his. It was a milestone in my Christian walk.

Liberace, a piano prodigy from the age of four, was the most flamboyant homosexual of the 20th Century: described in the Daily Mirror in 1956 as “the summit of sex—the pinnacle of masculine, feminine and neuter. Everything that he, she and it can ever want… a deadly, winking, sniggering, snuggling, chromium-plated, scent-impregnated, luminous, quivering, giggling, fruit-flavoured, mincing, ice-covered heap of mother love.” Liberace always denied being a homosexual, but was outed by both his former teenage live-in lover/houseboy and by actress Betty White who admitted having many times been his “beard” in public (to give him the facade of heterosexual normalcy). Liberace died of AIDS.

From that day forward I carried on an inner struggle against self-censorship on politically incorrect topics. It was only after years of suffering persecution for my faith as the spokesman for a Christian political organization which fought abortion and the LGBT agenda that I finally won that internal battle and experienced the liberation from the expectations of men that is promised in John 8:36 “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” What He offers is not just freedom from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2), it is the freedom to believe and speak hard truths regardless of what anyone else thinks about it.

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Let’s talk about how grooming works as a practical matter. Grooming is roughly synonymous with recruiting. We don’t use the word “recruiting” related to the homosexual movement, because of LGBT tantrums in the 1980s and 90s. It’s a forbidden term. But’s it’s a more accurate term. Grooming is associated almost exclusively with pedophilia, but even in the LGBT community, pedophiles are a minority. Proportionally the percentage of pedophiles is much higher among LGBTs than in the larger society, especially among homosexual men. Pederasy, or sex between adult men and pubescent boys, is a sub-category of pedophilia and has been the core of male homosexual culture going back even before the Greeks of Plato’s time. It was a defining characteristic of the early Nazi Brownshirts, and is the common denominator in the few homosexual crimes that still make the news these days. Harvey Milk, Jim Jones (of Jonestown), Obama bundler (and Human Rights Campaign founder) Terry Bean, Portland Mayor Sam Adams, Seattle Mayor Ed Murphy, Kevin Spacey, recently convicted Ed Buck, Obama “Safe Schools Czar” and GLSEN founder Kevin Jennings, and most of the founders of the American LGBT movement going all the way back to the 1920s are proven or plausibly accused pederasts.

And yet, homosexual pedophiles are definitely NOT the majority of LGBTs, especially when you include lesbians, whose sexual attraction to minors is much less common than among men, in my observation.

Focusing only on the pedophile aspect of recruiting blinds us to the bigger and more dangerous phenomenon. The LGBT pedophile is focused only on satisfying their own perverse sexual cravings which are, of course, terrible crimes that must be prevented if possible, and harshly punished if not. But it is limited to just those children they get their hands on through grooming. The much larger agenda of the long-term LGBT vision is to recruit ALL the children into the ideology of sexual anarchy in which there are no boundaries to sexual conduct, and in which homosexual experimentation with EACH OTHER is the means to determine one’s own “sexual identity.” And given that one’s first sexual climax is the human psychological equivalent to “imprinting” among birds, the percentage of children who then decide they are “gay” grows (and has grown) exponentially.

Scott Lively #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy scottlively.net

Ironically and cynically, our “progressive” opponents in the culture war – the ones most thoroughly indoctrinated in the elites narratives and most dedicated to its goals – exploit the CONCEPT of self-determination and appeal to it in the battle for “transgender rights.” The core of their argument to the public is that even (especially!) children have the right to self-determination to choose their “sexual orientation and gender identity.” But it’s only a one-way street, because these same groomers violently insist that once children have self-declared as homosexuals and transgenders, they have NO right of self-determination to recant and reorient to a normal binary, heterosexual identity. Even while these sick perverts are manipulating vulnerable kindergartners into “coming out” as “gay” or “tranny” – in captive-audience pressure sessions that would put time-share salesmen to shame – their LGBT movement is working aggressively to ban “conversion therapy” worldwide.

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This is an enormously challenging proposition for the timid and secularized majority of Christians who populate America’s churches today. Three generations of brainwashing in a secular-humanist public school system has inculcated in them the view of religious pluralism is as a veritable sacred doctrine. So foreign has the authentic Biblical worldview and their rich Christian heritage become to them that they don’t even recognize how offensive to God this system of “religious equality” truly is. The first of the “Ten Commandments,” once posted on every school-house wall, declares it best: “You shall have no other gods before me.” But of course, that law-above-all-other-laws was the first thing to be torn down after Black’s coup.

The genius of the Founding Fathers was to avoid the problems of the theocratic governments of Europe by establishing a Christian-stewarded secular society on a non-sectarian but solidly Biblical foundation. The constitutional republic they created expressly honored God and even protected Christian prayer in public schools from its inception until the Hugo Black SCOTUS majority re-defined the constitution to suit their own nefarious purposes.

But laws passed can be repealed, and rulings made can be reversed. Most importantly, if it is His will to allow it, God will Himself accomplish these changes for those who repent and put their trust in Him. In any case, the first step for us is to get out of quicksand of “religious liberty” and stand solidly again on the Rock of Jesus Christ.

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The court’s normalization of transgender insanity was a foregone conclusion because 1) the global elites have long “owned” the swing voter on the Supreme Court (Sandra Day O’Connor, Anthony Kennedy and now Roberts) and 2) the “sexual revolution,” of which the LGBT agenda is the point of the spear, is the elites’ primary weapon to dismantle the natural-family-based societal foundation which has always been the Achilles Heel of Marxist totalitarian systems. (History shows that if you leave the family fabric of society intact, the people will always eventually overthrow you, so eliminating the natural family is the real key to ultimate Marxist victory.)

Those shocked by the reframing of an obvious behavioral disorder into a fundamental constitutional right deserving of legal protections SUPERIOR to those actually enumerated in the First Amendment just haven’t been paying attention. We lost this battle a long time ago, and SCOTUS is simply aligning itself with the culture that is already imposing LGBT dogma upon us.

Scott Lively #fundie #homophobia scottlively.net

Other times jargon is a tool of social manipulation to shape and steer public perceptions and opinion, such as the invention of the anti-Christian slur “homophobia” and the lexicon (vocabulary list) of “sexual orientation theory,” designed to frame disapproval of sexual perversion as mental illness. Likewise, “critical race theory” – which is simply fake social science invented to promote anti-white racism — is a reinvention/revision of words and meanings to steer society through mass psychological manipulation.

Scott Lively #dunning-kruger #homophobia #conspiracy scottlively.net

The willingness of conservatives to drift ever leftward from year to year is why I now call myself a constitutionalist. I now work to move the country rightward and reclaim the ground that “conservatives” have surrendered. But I still work to wake up today’s conservatives to the dangers of their slow-motion transformation into yesterday’s liberals.

What conservatism is meant to conserve is the “ordered liberty” of the constitutional republic bequeathed to us by the Founders. The “order” of that liberty is the natural order of “Nature’s God” (invoked in the Declaration of Independence), including but not limited to the natural family of one man and one woman united in life-long monogamous heterosexual marriage.

America was never a “theocracy” and I’m not advocating for one. Our political philosophy was always “Natural Law Based ‘Secularism,’ ” meaning non-sectarian but Theistic, on the foundation of Genesis 1:1, a truth perpetually affirmed as our national motto, proudly emblazoned on all of our currency: “In God We Trust.” It is also expressly confirmed as historic fact by the US Supreme Court in Church of the Holy Trinity v United States, not as a mere footnote, but a heavily documented 27 paragraph long legal treatise within the ruling.

Marxism is designed to destroy and replace every element of that natural order. No matter how conservative you think your fiscal policies may be, if you’re adopting their way of thinking about sex and marriage, you’re helping them destroy the republic. It’s a package deal – there is no American republic without a marriage-based family-centered mainstream, and that is why the Marxists primary weapon to take us down has been the “sexual revolution.”

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The formidable America First journalist Emerald Robinson has just published a piece titled “Why Does Disney Hire So Many Pedophiles?: The LBGT community has now merged with the pro-pedophile community.” Being young and new to this issue, she doesn’t realize that she has the order reversed. It was the “pro-pedophile community” – more accurately the pederast community – that launched the LGBT movement. Pederasty, the sexual relationships of adult homosexual men with pubertal boys and young men, is the core of “gay” male culture going back to at least the ancient Greeks. It was men of this persuasion who openly dominated the American “gay rights” movement from the ’20s through the ’70s, then retreated into the background when lesbianism came into its own in the mid to late ’80s concurrently with a new movement-wide public relations and marketing strategy. That strategy was outlined in a remarkably frank 1987 article titled “The Overhauling of Straight America,” which was rephrased in more subtle terms and expanded into a full book titled “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s.”

I’m running out of space so I will close with this fact. At the very first national LGBT convention in 1972, 200 groups hammered out the first written “Gay Agenda.” Part 2, Item 7, of that agenda call for “The elimination of all laws governing the age of consent.” That goal has never been repudiated, and in fact, is implicit both in the concept of self-determination for child “transsexuals” just endorsed by Biden, and in the active indoctrination of kindergartners Disney is so desperate to protect by overturning the so-called “Don’t Say Gay” law in Florida.

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American and Russian Conservatives Would be Best Friends and Partners Against Globalism if not for Non-Stop Anti-Russian Propaganda by the Leftist and Neocon Media.
Dr. Lively talks about the very positive implications of the BBC’s negative coverage of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proposal to honor God and protect marriage in the new Russian Constitution. Ironically, the BBC accusation that Putin is pandering to the Russian people by making this proposal confirms that this is exactly what the people want!

Dr. Lively offers his own first hand observations of the moral conservatism of the Russians in his three trips to Russia and discusses the importance of Russia’s firm rejection of Marxism and re-embrace of the Orthodox Church as the primary cultural influence in the post-Soviet Russian Federation, while the United States has trended in the opposite direction as evidence by the Socialist/Communist showdown in the unfolding Democratic Primary.

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A couple of years later, St. Petersburg became the first of several major Russian cities to ban LGBT propaganda to children. In 2013 the Russian Parliament adopted the law nationally almost unanimously, backed by the support of a stunning 88% of the populace. President Putin both signed and publicly supported the law, saying “I believe we should leave kids in peace.”

But the WCF8-Russia never happened because within weeks of the passage of the Russian law LGBT uber-activist Obama turned 180 degrees against his own State Department’s “Reset Policy” of normalization with Russia and launched a full-fledged international campaign to demonize Putin and the Russians starting by sabotaging the Socci Olympics in February 2014 followed by orchestrating the 2014 coup in Ukraine to replace its pro-Russian president with an Obama/Biden stooge. Obama essentially restarted the Cold War in revenge for Putin’s highly influential defiance of the global LGBT agenda. Several countries (including Ukraine) who were ready to quickly follow Russia’s lead were dissuaded from doing so by the vehemence of Obama’s reaction.

NOW, however, seven years later, the pro-family hero Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary has followed Russia’s lead and banned LGBT propaganda in schools, saying: “the European basic treaties clearly show that it is an issue that belongs in national authority,” adding that “Brussels bureaucrats have no business here”. No matter what they’ll do, we will not allow LGBTQ activists to enter our kindergartens and schools.”