Here's an overview of the culture war and the pitched battle for the soul of America:
LIBERAL: "Human nature is inherently good! It is the social conditions [AKA Capitalism] that make people do bad things; and it is up to the *State* and the *Government*[AKA Socialism] to redeem mankind by changing the social conditions."
CONSERVATIVE: "Human nature is fallen from grace [statistically oriented toward disorder] and in need of redemption by God, not government. The only legitimate excuse that government has for existing in the first place is to protect the unalienable rights we derive from God."
LIBERAL: "God? Which god? Whose god?"
CONSERVATIVE: "The Creator of the universe."
LIBERAL: "No such thing! We enjoy a gratuitous, carefree and gay existence in an indeterminate universe in which there is no God, there are no absolutes, everything is relative and anything goes -- as long as you don't hurt anyone's feelings."
CONSERVATIVE: "We live in a rational universe created by a rational God who alone determines right and wrong."
LIBERAL: "Phooey! Right and wrong are situational, socially construed, and depend on one's point of view -- one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. You need to tone down your bigoted and homophobic hate speech."
Take your pick.