
once_more #fundie topix.com

In yet another debate about the validity of Evolution...

There is more than a mountain of evidence to support Creation; It's called the Universe and all that is within it. That it is created, is self evident.
Just because you can't understand it doesn't make it any less true. Perhaps your not as smart as you'd like to think.

He is then asked:Examples of this evidence, please.

1.Open your eyes.
2.Look around you.
3.Choose something.
There is your evidence.

none of ur business #racist topix.com

ok if u think indians smell good ur fucking crazy! yeah! i finally found a place where i can express my opinion. first off, thank u poolooo or however u spell it for bringing up this particular topic. curry is probably one of the shittiest smelling shit in the world, as well as the other spice crap that they eat now a days. i pretty much passed out in the hallway thanks to the odor of one of them. i hate walking through the halls in school having to have their curry stench ruin my american eagle cologne stench! i just find it ridicoulous. its not that hard! jump in the fucking shower and wash urself. i have proof that most of them dont take showers because of all the pimples all over them. i try so hard not to be racist toward them but its just crazy. im not saying all indians r like this, just some. i cant even walk past the indian joint down the street without putting my face in my hands and running(to avoid the smell) now im not trying to be mean here either but the way u people talk is fricken hilarious. i mean, when an indian boy (im in junoir high) stands up in front of the class to read a paper and starts talking. my face turns as red as a cherry and i literally have tears running down my eyes.so ya there is another thing. im also not saying that u guys r bad people. u just reek of smell and thats pretty much it. and dont make fun of blacks either u camel jockey's becuz they'll kick all ur curry filled asses. peace out.

Chris #racist topix.com

Indians do stink!!!! Especially the ones from India...It's a fact. They can't afford deodorant. They come to Australia thinking they are all that but they have no idea of how to live in Australia. They think they are still in India, where it is ok to stink and nobody notices because they all stink. I sure am glad that i wasnt born indian coz i would probably commit suicide

Tchrba #fundie topix.com

barakah hussein osama is muslim whether some of you farts-4-brains androids want to believe it or not. That's the problem is his affliation!! You people don't want to believe the truth. And I'll say it directly, there are still true patriots that do not want a muslim leader, we want a godly man to lead, we want to remain a Christian nation, unfortunately that's about snuffed out because of liberalists w/no morals or ethics.

Tchrba #fundie topix.com

He's half white, half black. Muslims come in any size and color just like other religions and Christianity. MOST Muslims have a jihad agenda, not all I understand; but why in the hell take a chance w/ a Muslim leader when American heritage has ALWAYS been Christian? That's a rhetorical ques, by the way. Are you one on "them" that thinks 9/11/01 was a fiction movie? And yes pipsqueak, it pays to be cautious in this day and age, so either keep your head buried in a hole somewhere, or WISE UP!

Jerry #fundie topix.com

[On Obama winning SC]

I am from North Carolina and thank God our county went for McCain by a huge majority. Acorn registed 68,000 in Mecklenburg county alone. The NAACP and the Black Panthers were at the polling sites to intimidate voters so if you think that NC just handed our state over to that jackal you can kiss my butt in SC. As for the rest of you people who think it's so great that you've elected a Godless baby killing creature, screw you all. We do not accept him and never will. We are putting our house up for sale because of the people who live in our neighborhood (lawyers, former mayers, all Dems). I've gone on opensecrets.org and any company that gave him money like Time Warner, I will no longer do business with them. Google, same thing, no longer use their search engine. I may be one person, but it only takes one person at a time, before the word will spread. I hope your choice of your messiah gives you nightmares for the rest of your life when you see his plans put in action. And yes, the Confederacy is alive and well in this North Carolina native's heart, but it was abortion that was the made my choice so easy.

YES WE CAN #fundie topix.com

The people have spoken against those who endeavor to pervert marriage. They told us that we could not do anything about it and we said YES WE CAN!

They said:
-No one can stop the perverts from perverting marriage and we said YES WE CAN!
-No one can stop perverts from criminalizing hetero adoption preferences and we said YES WE CAN!
-You can not stop us from being bigots and changing society's definition of normal marriage and we said YES WE CAN!
-We are going to shove special rights for perverts and there is nothing normal people can do and we said YES WE CAN!


The people have spoke against abnormal behavior by perverts!

California Defends Traditional Marriage: YES WE CAN!
Florida Defends Traditional Marriage: YES WE CAN!
Arizona Defends Traditional Marriage: YES WE CAN!


People of all races, religions and ethnic backgrounds have spoken!


scout #fundie topix.com

'Separation of church/state' was meant to mean ONE thing: the State can not interfere with CHRISTIAN Churches, and nothing more.

The term was vulgarized into two layers of foolishness: allowing 2300 heathen/pagan religions into the country, and allowing the State to isolate Church influence within ALL institutions.

We were back doored by communists beginning over 100 years ago.

The current generation are basically Marxists, and haven't a clue what they really are.

what #fundie topix.com

LOL, if God doesn't exist how can evil exist? If to men or two women want to do what ever it is they do that is for God to take care of. What I don't want is things like kids not being able to talk about their Mom and Dad because it might offend someone. That is just stypid. What is wrong with civil unions and changing the law to give civil unions the same monitary and personal rights married people have? In the end God will have the last word and it isn't just homosexuals that will be the losers. This is a sick vile world and homosexuality is just part of the problem.

Howell-Detroit #fundie topix.com

What is it with liberals, you ask? Every radical vegetarian from Mt. Shasta to Sedona that thinks that it's immoral to DRINK MILK CAUSE IT"S STEALING FROM THE COW (?!) and IMMORAL TO EAT HONEY 'cause it's stealing from the bees will be 100% in favor of gay marriage. These people are anarchists, bent on destroying society so that their buddies like Tim Robbins and Ed Asner can run the place. These same people will clear the house and open all the windows when one of those new little curly fluorescent light bulbs breaks,('cause they don't want to get contaminated by that tiny little mercury exposure from the mercury gas in the bulb), they'll run from the little bulb in an eniviro-bio fit, yet they will call you a Christian wing-nut job when you say that it is probably bad to take that same amount of mercury and just inject it directly into a four-year-old girl as part of a vaccine. But they skid in their own sh1t opening windows and heading out the front door when they break a little compact fluorescent bulb. But your little four-year-old gets every bit of that dose injected into her, and that's what Jenny McCarthy is campaigning about. Anarchists. The Hollywood crowd. Academics. Evolutionists. Atheists. Radical liberals.

God Bless America #fundie topix.com

Jesus said that a house divided against itself cannot stand. America was founded as a Christian nation. The motto of the American Revolution was "NO KING BUT KING JESUS." The Constitution was signed, "in the year of our Lord (Jesus Christ) seventeen hundred and eighty-seven." All Americans need to turn back to God so that we can learn to love our neighbors as we love ourselves and to do to others what we would want them to do to us.
How to get to Heaven:
1. You will spend all of eternity either in heaven or in hell. Jesus Christ said,“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”(Matthew 7:13)
2. Unforgiven sin is what damns a person to hell forever. The Apostle Paul said,“All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law.”(Romans 2:12)
3. We are all sinners who need to be forgiven. The Apostle John said,“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.”(1 John 1:8)
4. We can never be good enough to earn forgiveness. The Apostle James said,“Whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.”(James 2:10)
5. Salvation is a free gift by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul told Christians,“It is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast.”(Ephesians 2:10)
6. Jesus Christ paid the price for the sins of all who would believe in Him. The Bible says,“For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures—”(1 Corinthians 15:3)
7. I encourage you to seek God’s forgiveness and grace today. The Apostle John said,“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”(1 John 1:9)

ConservativeChristian #fundie topix.com

Activist judges have overturned the will of the people too many times. Americans overwhelmingly oppose gay marriage so judges shouldn't be overturning laws against it.

Judges should respect the beliefs of this nation's Christian majority.

I'm consistent about this. That even goes for positions I disagree with. I support allowing interracial couples to get married. However, I recognize that in our country the people rule so it was wrong for the Supreme Court to overrule the people in Loving v. Virginia. They should've respected the will of the people, the majority that wanted interracial marriage illegal instead of legislating from the bench. The right way to get interracial marriage legalized was to change opinions and over time as opinions have changed so interracial marriage would still be legal today.

Just say no to activist judges legislating from the bench. They have no right to do that no matter what.

Galatians 4 verse 16 #fundie topix.com

[in response to why China and Japan, not being "Christian nations," still have "Christian laws and morals" like the U.S.]

Morality originated from the God of the Bible regardless if nations acknowledge that fact - or not due to rebellion or ignorance.

God is saving China for the bloodbath mentioned in Revelation.

Kim #fundie topix.com

I think a lot of these bloggers for Obama are full of crap with this "he sold me" crap. That's right he is doing just that, getting you all with words. Don't you all know from experience that these politicians are good with words? I believe America "One nation under GOD" should remember that, we should trust God more. And the guy with the comment about reading a history book and that history repeats itself.Read your Bible.That's what is wrong with our country now, we are pushing God out of everything and we WILL pay for it. especially if the candidate that wins doesn't get guidance from God. I havent read anything pertaining to God come out of Obama's mouth. We as American's would elect the Anti Crhrist!! HOW? Cause we want change and peace, and that is just what he(the Anti Christ) is going to offer this world. AGAIN, READ YOUR BIBLE'S.

Divine Alien #fundie topix.com

In a thread *he* began titled "Who think of yourself as a descendant of a monkey?"...

A deity has a spiritual form that maybe similar to energy. It is the energy that was responsible for the creation of matter like atoms, quantum, photons. This is where Mr Albert Einstein got his equation, E = mCsquare where C is a constant denoting the speed of light. If the speed of light is slow, less energy will be converted to matter. If the speed is terribly fast, all the energy that is supposed to make a creation will be converted into matter. By adding this C, it seems that not all energy is converted into matter and vice versa. Einstein hated the idea that God exists, so he introduced C in his equation so that there is no deity responsible for the creation.

americanpatriot #racist topix.com

Blacks comit 98% of the crime in the world. What makes you think Obama will save the world?
He will destroy the world and butcher Christians, Jews and the rest. He wants a Muslim world, women covered and men having gay sex among themselves.

pee wee #fundie topix.com

WTF are you talking about fool? Christians
are not the problem in this generation. I wish there was Christian Tailban I would support them with guns and money. hopefully they can put down you out of contol Humanist destryoing this country.

Baltimore #fundie topix.com

Evolution is scientific fact? I will need more then you vouching for it. Who has tested evolution? Evolution may have been sucessful in debate with religion but evolution as Scientific FACT. I'm not convinced.

It's interesting you bring up Gravity. A force not seen and the effects can be tested and observed and measured but you are correct. How do you prove gravity? Science says it is the natural attraction of one body (of mass) to another. Science can explain what it is...but cannot explain WHY it is. It is just there and it just happens. We all take it for granted because it JUST IS.

Science can explain only so much and then it still takes a certian amount of faith to believe that we will wake up tomorrow and gravity will still be there.

So is Gravity superstition?

JARHEAD (how appropriate) #racist topix.com

I'll be votin' for dat obama man because I UHHHHH,I wants CHANGE,yeah dats right,CHANGE! He has all kinds of great ideas,such as,welllll....you knows....HOPE! "lordy we sho needs hope"
But mainly I supports dat obama man because ...well we jus needs CHANGE! And CHANGE is what I HOPES FOR. Also I HOPES for HOPE!

I jus caint waits for dem to comes and take me to vote for dat obama man because dey promised me dat CHANGE we's been needin. I hopes it's enuff to buys me sum wine.


Dr. John Tisdale #fundie topix.com

Dear Friends,

As I was listening to a news program last night, I watched in horror as Barack Obama made the statement with pride...'we are no longer a Christian nation; we are now a nation of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists,...' As with so many other statements I've heard him (and his wife) make, I never thought I'd see the day that I'd hear something like that from a presidential candidate in this nation. To think our forefathers fought and died for the right for our nation to be a Christian nation--and to have this man say with pride that we are no longer that. How far this nation has come from what our founding fathers intended it to be.

I hope that each of you will do what I'm doing now--send your concerns, written simply and sincerely, to the Christians on your email list. With God's help, and He is still in control of this nation and all else, we can show this man and the world in November that we are, indeed, still a Christian nation!

Baltimore #fundie topix.com

If Christians do not have the right to bring religion why would Athesist's have the right to bring evolution into the schools or government.

Face it I'm not happy about what is going on in the Government now, but I am subject to the vote of the people. We all have to be a part of something we don't always want. That's America.

Nick #fundie topix.com

I have found Darwin to be illogical.

Darwin him self thought his theory was illogical.

If evolution is fact then we are aliens. We went from primitive tools to the internet in 200 years. more so the last 50 years.

Evolution in theory takes time.

SouthernBelle23 #fundie topix.com

I'm not evil....mind your business. Obviously you didn't read what I initially wrote. NO NEED TO RESPOND to what I said if you didn't like it! Thank you very much. I'm not evil, I'm a CHRISTIAN who wants a CHRISTIAN leader like MCCAIN not OBAMA who is a freakin MUSLM and worships CHICKENS!! Only GOD can judge me so keep your ruthless opinions to yourself jerk!

Curtis Lowe #fundie topix.com

Each Catholic must search their own heart and soul. Through prayer and thoughtful reflection, they will realize that if they vote for Obama, they will burn in eternal Hell. Catholics cannot be Pro-Choice! If you can't hack the rules, then go to Hell!

Obammy the Monkey (RSTDT too?) #fundie topix.com

Liberals don't get it. One CANNOT be Christian and vote democrat. It is NOT possible to be a servant of the most high God and vote for Godless democrats. God does NOT support abortion, homosexual behavior or basically ANYTHING liberals stand for. I agree with you, this person is NOT Christian if he supports abortion. Just another misguided souls, probably a secular humanist (Liberal worship of oneself).

against the liberal cabal #homophobia #fundie topix.com

The shameful, revolting, and dangerous to the public safety practice of homosexual acts must be contained. Do we want another aids epidemic?

God can cure this disease. Most gays I know don't want to be gay. The gay lifestyle is just too crushing on the lives of otherwise good people. Give God a chance to heal the lives of the Satan-inflamed homosexuals of the world.

lightside #fundie topix.com

Correct...The problem with evolution is it sounds right with all this psycho babble but it lacks any proof and Darwin knew it. It's just a make believe Point.. We have million of creatures on earth that supposedly evolved from a single cell.

Well common sense will tell you that there should be thousands if not millions of creatures in the middle of the process (mutants) right now but there is not one! There should be 2 celled organisms and 4 cells etc... but there is not. You have one celled organisms and you have a 30,000 cell jellyfish with nothing in between. 30,000 missing links right off the foundation.

There are bees and flowers that have to be here at the same time or neither one would exist. Evolution does not explain any of this.

Allen #racist topix.com

[Commenting on an article about how Sarah Palin isn't letting black people on her staff.]

I watched the video above I think Palin don't want Blacks on her staff because, she is not going to be intimidated. We need more people like that.

John Coffey #fundie topix.com

I don't care what the "situation" is as you call it. Murder is murder. Plain and simple. Lets get real honest here. The term "pro-choice" is just candy coating abortion. Those that say abortion is ok are not "pro-choice" because the baby has "no-choice". Lets call it what it is. "Pro-death".

Pastor Bob #fundie topix.com

[On a billboard for Halloween Horror Nights]
This nation is turning further and further away from God, and basking in its immorality and depravity. You can't turn on the TV or radio anymore without seeing violence, foul language, sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, and other abominations.

One day this nation will find itself at rock bottom and once again turn its focus to God. I pray for the day when we can drive all this filth from our shores.

Vote Republican #fundie topix.com

One Nation Under God - America. Believe whatever you want; its your right. But make sure you know your place atheists and its this: you are powerless in our great country. As you should be.

Vote Republican, save your country.

Darwin is DEAD #fundie topix.com

[Warning! Turn off Irony Meters before reading!]

Darwinism has heard its death knell. Only bigoted twits, blinded by anti-Theistic prejudice, could swallow such simplistic anti-intellectual twaddle, but yet believe it explains the origins of life.

Charles Miller #racist topix.com

[Topic: Black Men Still Scarce on College Campuses]

I know that you're neither African nor American. You're the descendants of several generations of ignorant, uneducated livestock imported to this country for your meager value as beasts of burden. And the only reason that ANY negro animals are attending college is because the White Man permitted you to do so, and he LOWERED THE STANDARDS of educational institutions so that you could SEEM to achieve.

It's a disgusting story of misplaced compassion and anthropomorphism, imagining that a dirty black animal could ever approach equality with White human beings.

White Power, bitches

Jeffery Crisp #fundie topix.com

Thanks to all of you atheists who seem to target Christianity! Personally, I can't understand why you are drawn to post anything at all in a Christian discussion but suffice it to say you strengthen each Christian as you do. It only proves that we Christians are followers of truth. Satan uses everything he can in his attempt to destroy Christianity including clueless atheists that are easily called by him to spew forth all kinds of garbage. So from the bottom of my heart...Thanks for strengthening my belief in Christ!

LFF #fundie topix.com

And maybe chicken little and owlgore were right- the sky is falling after the ice melts- oh drat this is what it does in the summer!

Remember lets all wring our hand, snivel and whine. If you are worried so much about the Arctic ice then contribute a few trays from your freezer up north.

Global warming is a farce and plain BS from liberal whack jobs!

Jeffery Crisp #fundie topix.com

Fact:#1 The truth is belif in Jesus...I believe it ergo it's true
#2 Those who don't believe it are wrong. That makes you wrong.
#3 Any reaction to my expressions of belief that are negative are considered an attack (by Satan and he's using you)
#4 I have no desire to listen to any "contradictory evidence of Christianity" that you have to present because (refer back to statement #2)
#5 Whether you like it or not...to quote you, youeself "These are public forums, if you don't want your belief questioned, talk somewhere else" So intend to express #1-4 with any attitude I please and if you interpret the attitude as rudeness then you probably are correct and that's really too bad. Did I feed your poor damaged psyche

Taylor #racist topix.com

The liberal Democrats who enable the negroes are to blame. All their coddling of negroes just disgusts me. It truly does.

And if anyone out there thinks I'm joking about negroes or how they should be treated, let me ask you: Do they act any differently than wild, retarded violent apes?

No, of course not. So why do we put clothes on them and give them rights? What is this nonsense? They are obvious APES. Just look at their nappy hair, skulls, nose, boot lips, etc. etc. Obvious APES. All that letting them free among us has done is wreak havoc on us, victimize us, and cause ruination to our society and culture. Entire cities have been destroyed by them as if a nuclear bomb was set off. Detroit, Chicago, South L.A., etc. etc. Entire cities LOST. This ruination has got to end.

SavedGirl #fundie topix.com

[[In response to article about boy who left home and lived on the streets because his stepfather beat him repeatedly for being gay.]]

These people act like beating a child to make him realize that he is living a life that will make him suffer in hell for ever and ever is wrong. The father did this out of love and a broken heart. The punishment given by the boys father is nothing compared to the punishment that will be given to this boy by our Heavenly Father.

Markus #racist topix.com

i'd rather be dead than to be in a world full of bi's and gays to tell u da truth and im proud to be prejudice. jus like u white motherf**kers were prejudice and killed blacks back then b*tch so dont talk about prejudice i hate white ppl to for what they did to blacks back then so stfu.

true american #fundie topix.com

I think that bi people are most discusting people on earth. they are most hypersexual drug addict stupid muther f'ers out there. bi people sleep around with so many people its just sick. bi people think they are too good for everyone. im so sick of gay people with their gay pride. im so against gay marriage. it should not be allowed on this earth. god did not make it adam and steve. he made it adam and eve!!

Anonymous1 #fundie #homophobia topix.com

In yet ANOTHER Evolution debate...

You believe in Gay Evolution.

Lot's of people don't reproduce yet are productive members of their community. The point is that any genetic element that produces homosexuality destroys genetic mutations that might otherwise be beneficial to the gene pool.

Now I have my answer. Homosesxual Evolution = Socialism = University Elitism = Indoctination into a non-democratic state. How's that for a Unified Field Theory?

I'd rather they teach Creationism than your POS slop.

Markus #fundie topix.com

well Adam was meant for eve and he made women for men so they can reproduce kids and with gays going around fucking each other in da culo its slowing down reproduction, reproduction and taking care of your offspring is da main part of life. im jus tellin the truth like it is. but go on do what u like go on and screw someone in da culo and get aids for all i care. God made aids for a reason its more effective on gays than straight ppl thats why he made women for men cuz women r compatible with men and they can reproduce, gays and lesbians can't. if u r using lesbianism and gayness to dodge reproducing than u r one fucked up person. and ur a disgrace to all humans around the world if u r like dat yea i admit i have a lesbian cousin in my family i dont hate i jus dislike her its a long story but yea i dont hate gays and lesbians i jus dislike dem.

Vince #fundie topix.com

Here's an overview of the culture war and the pitched battle for the soul of America:

LIBERAL: "Human nature is inherently good! It is the social conditions [AKA Capitalism] that make people do bad things; and it is up to the *State* and the *Government*[AKA Socialism] to redeem mankind by changing the social conditions."

CONSERVATIVE: "Human nature is fallen from grace [statistically oriented toward disorder] and in need of redemption by God, not government. The only legitimate excuse that government has for existing in the first place is to protect the unalienable rights we derive from God."

LIBERAL: "God? Which god? Whose god?"

CONSERVATIVE: "The Creator of the universe."

LIBERAL: "No such thing! We enjoy a gratuitous, carefree and gay existence in an indeterminate universe in which there is no God, there are no absolutes, everything is relative and anything goes -- as long as you don't hurt anyone's feelings."

CONSERVATIVE: "We live in a rational universe created by a rational God who alone determines right and wrong."

LIBERAL: "Phooey! Right and wrong are situational, socially construed, and depend on one's point of view -- one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. You need to tone down your bigoted and homophobic hate speech."


Take your pick.

UGAfan #racist topix.com

I'm just curious of why I'm considered a racist for standing up for my rights? First off I don't hate any race. I just think it's by god time to stand up for my own...
White people have been looked down upon long enough.
If we get the better job, it's discrimination, if we fly our rebel flags we are racist, if we tell a joke about a blk we are still considered racist oh and don't forget about our Dixie Outfitters shirt. The list goes on and on. Guess what it's time for us to start b***hing and put a stop to it all.
We are all equal and should be treated that way... Why is it ok for some to have rights and ours taken away??? This goes for our religion, our schools our COUNTRY....
So with this I ask WHERE ARE OUR RIGHTS????

Jefferson #fundie topix.com

I don't understand this. Why would Christians support a Muslim named Obama. Muslim religion teaches hate and murder. What Christian supports hate and murder. To be sure, B. Hussein Obama is way more a Communist than religious. B. Hussein Obama is "religious" because it is politically expidient. In other words, he FOOLS common, regular folks into thinking he's religious to get their vote. B. Obama is a godless communist who thinks America was BAD in the past and will be better in the futute when he leads it into Communism. Mrs. B. Hussein Obama has NEVER liked or been proud of "her" country and she wants to be the wife of the President. That dudn't make any sense. The two Muslims should not be running for President, they should be running back home where they would be happy. I think that was Kenya, wasn't it? Aren't they Muslims in Kenya?

BibleBeliever #fundie topix.com

The baby I'm pregnant with who I almost aborted when I left the Bible (thank God I decided against it) turned out to be a girl so we're going to have to try again for a boy, but the girl is still a wonderful gift from God. I will teach her and any future children about God and Jesus and about following all of his rules in the Bible. My deceased husband still needs an hier, so as soon as I'm done.

I was really hoping for a boy. The period of uncleanliness is much shorter for a boy. Now I'll have to be unclean for two weeks once she's born and then wait another 66 days to be purified before I can touch anything sacred or go to the sanctuary (church). 66 days without even touching the Bible. Oh well my husband will surely read it to me if there's anything I need.

My husband just released semen recently (outside of sex) so he's unclean for a day and is off camping in the woods.

(it will take a hell of alot more than quoting bible verses to clean up your dumbass.)

Just throwing insults around. You don't like the fact that I'm right and you're wrong. The Bible is fact. Deal with it. You can either follow the Bible or face eternal damnation. I almost slipped away from the grace of God. I almost rejected the Bible, but now I am back and I understand the Bible perfectly. And I understand that it's all true. All is to be followed. It doesn't make sense to say follow this part but not that part when God didn't make any distinction in the Bible.

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