
Jack Chick #fundie chick.com

We are losing the battle against the sodomite agenda because of our silence. Most of us would rather not even think about this nasty subject much less talk to a stranger about it. But we had better start! Most non-Christians feel sodomy is wrong, but lack courage to speak up. If we will lead out, they will join the revolt against this steamroller, and we can put sin “out of the camp.” We have to be the spark that starts the fire.

Jack Chick #fundie chick.com

[So often used as a satirical device, fundamentalists finally start to believe in Intelligent Falling]

What holds the universe from falling apart? IT'S JESUS!

"And he [Jesus] is before all things, and by him all things are consist [are held together]." Col. 1:17

Jesus is in complete control.

Jack T Chick #fundie chick.com

Brainwashing is a powerful weapon to control the thinking of the masses. It can be used in many ways. Hitler used it to sway millions with his Ministry of Propaganda. Today we see it in commercials, pounding us with sexual situations that 50 years ago would have been unspeakable, but are now used to sell all kinds of products.

Behind this breakdown of morals is what I believe to be one of the most powerful messages of our time: Evolution.

Do you realize that school children worldwide are told we come from monkeys, or goo? And they believe it without question! Can you imagine the gigantic effort and cost to pull this off? National Geographic, all leading publications, popes, politicians, leaders, scientists and most teachers are in on it. What does it tell the kids? “If you believe in God and that He created us, you must be a sicko of some kind!” That’s because the creation message is kept from them, ridiculed and denounced.

When kids are told they are just animals, we shouldn’t be surprised when they act like them.

Don’t despair, beloved. God has given us tools to fight back: Three tracts, all on evolution, used as a set, will break through that mental barrier of kids. One isn’t enough. It’s got to be all three: Big Daddy, There Go the Dinosaurs and our newest one, Moving on Up! We hit evolution from three sides.

Not only do teens need this, but adults do, too. The messages are powerful but done with humor to entice the reader and pull him into the gospel message. These three tracts together will make an impact. I pray you see the potential. It could turn a godless school upside down!

Jack T Chick #fundie chick.com

Do you realize that school children worldwide are told we come from monkeys, or goo? And they believe it without question! Can you imagine the gigantic effort and cost to pull this off? National Geographic, all leading publications, popes, politicians, leaders, scientists and most teachers are in on it.

[Chick then proposes the solution: Buy more Chick Tracts!]

Don’t despair, beloved. God has given us tools to fight back: Three tracts, all on evolution, used as a set, will break through that mental barrier of kids. One isn’t enough. It’s got to be all three: Big Daddy, There Go the Dinosaurs and our newest one, Moving on Up! We hit evolution from three sides.

Jack Chick #fundie #dunning-kruger chick.com

God had Noah build a ship that could hold every kind of animal in the world. God put dragons and other animals in the ark... because the mother of storms was about to hit. The storm hit, the earth went into convulsions, the underground water shattered the earth's surface, the canopy of water above the earth collapsed. Plants, animals and people were drowned and sandwiched with the dinosaurs into layers of mud and rock, except those dinosaurs that were in the ark were "fruitful and multiplied" like other animals. But now the dinosaurs had a BIG problem, THE AIR HAD CHANGED! Remember those trillions of destroyed plants? They made the air rich with oxygen. And big animals need LOTS of oxygen to survive. In the thinner air it was harder to breathe--they got slower and easier to catch. Now you know how the dinosaurs REALLY died.

Thomas Heinze #fundie chick.com

Why shouldn't kids be expected to shoot their teachers and fellow students when they are taught that their creator was primordial soup? That false teaching steals their purpose in life and the basis for their moral standards. It also blinds them to the salvation God offers in Christ Jesus. Now you can do something about it! <b>In the Beginning...Soup?</b> provides documented scientific evidence that it was God, and not soup that created life. It then goes on to explain how to know God personally through Jesus Christ the Savior. At under fifty cents a copy its easy to give to teachers, students, and all who need it.

Though secular science books teach that a first living cell evolved from chemicals, the idea is not science, but an opinion about ancient history. For it to be true, the ingredients cells are made of would have to be capable of forming under natural conditions. But God made cells of materials that will never form anywhere in nature except in already living cells. DNA, RNA, and proteins won¹t form outside of already living cells, they all break down. If one of them had been able to form spontaneously as many secular biology books lead students to believe, it would have broken down while waiting for the others.

Rick Jones #fundie chick.com

The devil is using many different tools today to trick young people into riding the fast lane down the stairway to hell.

One of the most dangerous and widespread of all those tools is his fantasy role playing game, Dungeons and Dragons.

Literally millions of young people are unknowingly participating in genuine occult practices and opening the doors for demons to enter their bodies through this seemingly innocent game.

By the time they find out they were hood-winked, it's too late. They have taken that last step down the stairway to hell and are greeted by the engulfing flames.

Dr. Samuel C. Gipp, Th.D. #fundie chick.com

QUESTION: Aren't today's scholars better equipped to translate the Bible than the King James translators were?


EXPLANATION: [...]it would be foolish and contradictory to believe that today's scholars ever could equal or surpass those of the Authorized Version.
Most Christians agree that the world, with time, degenerates. Morals have degenerated since 1611. Character has degenerated since 1611. Even our atmosphere has degenerated. Are we then to believe that education has gotten better? Only a worshiper of education could pretend to believe such a fairy tale. Education has degenerated along with the entire world system and could never produce a scholar equal to those of nearly four hundred years ago.

Dr. Samuel T. Gipp #fundie chick.com

QUESTION: Don't King James Bible believer's "worship" the Bible? Didn't God destroy the originals because He didn't want these people to venerate them?

ANSWER: No and no.

EXPLANATION: Many critics of the perfect Bible have become very frustrated in recent years. This is due to the fact that their entire argument against the Bible has been systematically destroyed by historical fact, their own shortfall of scholastic ability and the consistent blessing of the King James Bible by the Holy Spirit.
In a desperate attempt to "sling mud" at Bible believers, they make the two statements found above.
Do King James Bible believers worship the Bible? No. They do not pray to it as they do to Jesus Christ. They do not preach that "the Bible saves" but that Jesus saves. They blissfully mark notes all over their Bibles, though none would dare to do so to Jesus Christ.
There is not even enough evidence to mistakenly believe that King James Bible believers worship the Bible. Therefore, the charge is unfortunately born of malice not sincerity.
Did God destroy the originals to keep King James Bible believers from someday worshipping them? No. Nothing could be farther from fact.
God allowed the originals to pass off the scene because their only value, was their words, which He preserved through copies. Once the originals had served their purpose and were copied, they received no loyalty from God or His people.
If the originals were somehow to "miraculously" appear today, they would be of little interest to Bible believers since they make little of them now.
If anyone would venerate them, it would probably be the crowd that makes so much of them today, the Bible critics.

Anonymous Poster #fundie chick.com

"My husband is a minister who does evangelistic work, but I am shy. I am active in my church but I wanted so much to witness to non-Christians...
I have been leaving Chick tracts everywhere! I leave them on shelves in the grocery store and drug stores, on phone booths, on newspaper boxes, in restaurants, in public restrooms, at the doctor's office. I made special trips to the local health department, WIC clinic, homeless health clinic...just to leave tracts. Even the food stamp office and Dept. of Human Services waiting rooms. The public library. Outside the high school in a bad neighborhood. I wrap them in plastic and toss them in driveways! I scan the local section of our paper for people convicted of DUI or other crimes and mail the tracts! If people did this in every town, so many could be reached. Oh yes, I send SOMEBODY LOVES ME to abortion clinics.

Jack Chick #fundie chick.com

When I saw the news of those freakish tornadoes hitting in February that caused such havoc, the first thing that crossed my mind was, “What on earth are we doing to Israel?” God made it clear we are not to go against Jerusalem, God’s holy city, or tamper with His holy land. But our American leaders are, and I dread to think of the consequences as the “roadmap for peace” is negotiated... Watch the storms increase every time we double-cross little Israel. I believe we are just getting a taste of what is coming.

Jack Chick #fundie chick.com

QUESTION: If there is a perfect Bible in English, doesn't there also have to be a perfect Bible in French, and German, and Japanese, etc?

ANSWER: No. God has always given His word to one people in one language to do one job; convert the world. The supposition that there must be a perfect translation in every language is erroneous and inconsistent with God's proven practice.

(etc etc...)

Thus in choosing English in which to combine His two Testaments, God chose the only language which the world would know.

Gail Riplinger #fundie chick.com

* The King James Bible contains God's built-in dictionary, defining each word, in its context, using the very words of the Webster's and Oxford English Dictionaries!
* The King James Bible has a vocabulary and reading level which slowly builds progressively from Genesis to Revelation.
* The King James Bible uses words with the appropriate sound symbolism. It has a vocabulary that phonaesthetically fulfills the Bible's own description of itself as "powerful."
* The King James Bible is the only extant access we have to the pure language lexicons of the 16th and 17th centuries.
* The King James Bible gives a transparent view of the Greek and Hebrew vocabulary, grammar and syntax.
* The King James Bible has internationally recognizable vocabulary and spelling.
* The King James Bible uses literary devices which enhance doctrinally important concepts and memorability.
* The King James Bible has a sentence structure which enhances accurate doctrinal interpretation.
* The King James Bible's words and sentences are patterned and woven through its fabric so as to provide a consistency of form and content.
* The King James Bible has the precision and longevity of the legal document that it is.

William Schnoebelen #fundie chick.com

You don’t have to be sacrificing virgins or turning crosses upside down to be a satanist! All you have to do is spurn Jesus Christ and you are a satanist! If you remember nothing else from this book, remember this:

ALL pagan religions are controlled by Satan!

It doesn’t matter if you worship Pan or Krishna or Diana or Thor; the face behind the mask of your god is Satan’s. Even if you are a purported atheist, you are still worshiping Satan; for you have undoubtedly made one element your idol (the center of your life): whether it’s power, money, knowledge, freedom or some other ideal.

Thomas Heinze #fundie chick.com

If humans have evolved as evolutionists claim, most of it should have happened within the time covered by history, because that is when most people have lived. In fact, if you are as old as I am, a large percentage of everyone who ever lived did it within your lifetime! Who could ask for a greater opportunity to study human evolution?

Jack Chick #fundie chick.com

How does Harry Potter affect children? Here it is, in their own words:
"I want to go to wizard school and learn magic. I'd like to learn to use a wand to cast spells." (Dylan, age 10)

"If I could go to wizard school, I might be able to do spells and potions and fly a broomstick." (Myra, age 12)

"It would be great to be a wizard because you could control situations and things like teachers." (Jeffrey, age 11)

"I'd like to go to wizard school and learn magic and put spells on people. I'd make up an ugly spell and then it's pay-back time." (Catherine, age 9)

"I feel like I'm inside Harry's world. If I went to wizard school I'd study everything: spells, counterspells, and defense against the dark arts." (Carolyn, age 10)

"I liked it when the bad guys killed the unicorn and Voldemort drank its blood." (July, age 13)

Stop and think: what will these children do when invited to visit an occult website, or even a local coven?

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