
Cambria Will Not Yield #fundie #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut cambriawillnotyield.com

[From "A Blood Faith is Forever"]

When a nation, such as the United States of America, which is really a non-nation, has institutionalized blasphemy against the living God, it’s hard to call any one liberal overlord the most blasphemous liberal overlord of them all, but when one of the Pope-essa of Liberaldom, Mika Brzezinski, steps forward and says that anyone who does not get vaccinated is not Christian, then I think we must give the title
She has consistently supported everything that is satanic – Black Lives Matter, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, sodomy, legalized abortion, transgenderism, the extermination of the white race, and the list goes on and on
COVID-19 was created by the American medical-scientific establishment and the Chinese government to kill and control white Europeans and destroy the economies of the white European nations. The fact that blacks were and are particularly susceptible to COVID-19 did not and does not bother the liberals in the slightest. The liberals do not care about individual blacks; if they did they would follow Christian policies similar to the old South and apartheid South Africa
The COVID-19 virus was used to destroy Trump, who was unique among American Republican presidents in that he actually wanted white people to be part of America
It is not a good sign that America has ‘achieved’ a 70% vaccination record. That is a terrible thing to contemplate, because it indicates that Americans still[…]believe in Science writ large
If the conservatives want me to send funds to the protestors who went unarmed against the brutal, sadistic Capitol Police on January 6th, I will gladly send them funds. If they want me to join them in an effort to free Derek Chauvin, I will send them funds. But I have nothing but contempt for moderate liberals who think more liberalism is the cure for liberalism

Cambria Will Not Yield #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy cambriawillnotyield.com

[From "Pharisaical Hatred"]

The myth of American democracy and of all democratic governments is that there is no need for leaders[…]in a democracy every man, through the power of the ballot, is his own king, his own clan leader, and his own aristocracy
In actual practice democracy is the rule over many, by the will of a few. The best example of democracy in action takes place in the New Testament. The followers of Christ were unorganized and ill-prepared for the Sanhedrin-manipulated election. “Give us Barabbas!” was the cry of organized Jewry
Trump defeated his opponent, but that was not the result our ruling liberal oligarchy wanted. So they changed the ‘will of the people’ to what they wanted
The ‘conservative’ News Max station apologized to Dominion Voting Systems for saying the election was rigged by them. Now, many of us must tactically lie in this liberal kingdom of Babylon
When Lou Dobbs called Derek Chauvin a murderer in order to appease the liberals[…]when News Max apologized for stating the truth about the election, when William F. Buckley Jr. agreed not to criticize the Jews[…]when Pence called for prayers for Jacob Blake at the Republican convention, they all justified their lying treachery by telling themselves that by strategically avoiding the white genocide issue they could still serve
The race issue is the issue of deepest consequence because our race contains our spiritual, passionate affections that connect us to the living God
The sad story of the Europeans’ descent into hell is always before us in the horrific spectacle of negro worship

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