
Elena Danaan #ufo #magick #conspiracy elenadanaan.org

Please find below a list of the psychological operations engineered by the enemies of Mankind, meant to create division, confusion, distract you and hijack the activation of your own power.
GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT: Many of the New Age movement's infiltration organizations display the word "Light" as a bait. The word "Light" is the best bait to attract people in search of positive spiritual guidance. The "Galactic Federation of Light" is a Psy-Op that was created by the Orion Grays to infiltrate the Great Awakening of Humanity, with the purpose of hijacking the focus of people, distracting them from what is really going on and discrediting real existing extraterrestrial organizations such as the "Galactic Federation of Worlds."
ENKI= Benevolent Anunnaki geneticist who tried to prevent humanity from slavery. Enki is back, accompanying the Seeder Races, bringing hope and help to humanity.
ENLIL= Anunnaki military commander who worked at dark agendas with nefarious forces, in order to keep humans on Earth enslaved in ignorance, submission, fear and division.
THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN GODS ARE THE ANUNNAKI PANTHEON. I am a field archeologist who worked 9 years in Egypt, with a degree in Ancient Egyptian religion, mythology and ritualistic magic. I am also an Extraterrestrial Contactee who has access to physical meetings and exchanges with key characters of the ancient Anunnaki pantheon.
GALACTIC ANTHROPOLOGY: Name of a website and of a Telegram group utilizing my personal name "Elena Danaan", and my intel, without my consent, in a cleverly weaved operation aimed at discrediting my work. Created by counterintelligence agent Joost Van Der Heuvel, also known as Wolken Zwemmer, professionally involved with the World Economic Forum, this website utilizes chosen sections of my publications and videos remixed, that it misleads the public into believing that my information lacks of consistency, and that I contradict myself

Elena Danaan via Elena Danaan #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy elenadanaan.org

You know me under the name Elena Danaan, which is my true legal name in this temporary human incarnation on this planet that you call Earth. But of course, Elena Danaan is not the first name I bore all through my long journey since I first incarnated into Human consciousness some millions years ago, regarding Earth’s linear value of time, in the galaxy Alderan NGC 7331, in the Pegasus galactic cluster. My home star system is named Altea.

My journey is dedicated to the study of Human evolution throughout the Universe, embracing and learning all the emotions of human consciousness. I chose to explore humanity by physically incarnating a million times, in what you call the past and in what you call the future. I have lived many lives in the past of planet Earth, and bring you today the knowledge of what was hidden from you by the Dark Ones, but I also come from the future. Before returning to Earth, I incarnated 300 years ahead into your linear future, in the star system Ashaara in the Pleiades. This decision allowed me to enroll into the Envoy program. So this is why I come from your future.
On planet Earth, extraordinary things have happened recently. Humans of Earth were liberated from hundreds of thousands of years of slavery, thanks to the Nataru Alliance but first to the people of Earth, who awakened and kept on awakening exponentially. The wave of light is rushing through the whole planet and it is an exhilarating moment to witness, for the very first time in the history of Earth. These are times of Glory and of Victory. We are heading together towards what you call your “Star Trek Future”. The timeline is stable and will remain as such.
I knew before coming that this would happen, that the agents of the Dark would raise a crusade against the bringers of Light. I took upon this crucial mission for Humanity because I am one of the few who are able to do it and succeed.

Elena Danaan/Stephen Chua #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy elenadanaan.org

The breathtaking revelations of Super Soldier Stephen Chua

There are incredible heroes living among us, in anonymity, suffering in silence not to be able to share their intense experience with the public. They signed non-disclosure agreements, received death threats upon themselves and their families, and in the case of Stephen Chua, physical attacks as well. Stephen Chua is a former member of the Singapore Special Forces where he served as a Sniper. In the 1980’s at a relatively young age he was also recruited as a Super Soldier. Stephen Chua has repeatedly encountered Reptilian aliens in the Southeast Asia. He served as an experimental pilot in Area 51, working with retro-engineered alien technology. My encounter with Stephen Chua was unexpected. It was a gift from the Universe, as I also believe it was for everyone who got to know him. Except for his enemies, of course. Stephen Chua wasn’t a soldier like any other; he was a “bad-ass”. Stephen kicked 9Ft tall Reptilian aliens back into their caves, rescued children from monsters, freed villagers from the Khmer Rouge, saved Benazir Bhutto’s life, survived an atomic blast, piloted planes with his mind, worked at Area 51, defied Maytra aliens, traveled in a spaceship and met people coming back from Mars.

Stephen was a sniper, body-guard for the Prime minister of Singapore, a pilot in the US Air Force, but he was also a highly spiritual person. This remarkable man trained in martial arts with monks in Tibet, he could levitate, and the most extraordinary of all: Stephen had a very peculiar ability.

Stephen was an extraordinary human being. I don’t know how he could survive all what he went through, but he did, to bring the truth when the right time had come. He was a hero and the courage it took for him to perform the final act is unfathomable. Stephen knew the consequences, and he faced them with honor. May his spirit and his legacy inspire many.

Elena Danaan #ufo #magick #mammon elenadanaan.org

The Ohoran Way

THIS IS NOT a personal reading !
Set of 8 pre-recorded sessions
meditation & guidance with extraterrestrials:

Thor Han -Pleiadean from Erra / Annax - Egaroth from Meissa / Coron - Pleiadean from Dakhurat

The Ohoran way is a meditative practice traditional to the Ohora star system, that we also name Arcturus. Spiritual discipline renown throughout the galaxy as an art of the body and spirit, it is very popular among those serving the Light, as it reaches out to a greater diversity of levels of consciousness. In this set of 8 videos, I have channeled three amazing galactic teachers who take you for a journey at the discovery of the true nature of your soul, and how it is connected to the entire multidimensional universe.
What a perfect way to empower ourselves and rise into our true celestial beauty.

Donation: $80


Shamanic Star Connexion

Set of 4 pre-recorded shamanic workshops
Based on the Celtic & Norse traditions, as well as the knowledge of the Star People

Meet your allies and guides in the spirit realms, go on amazing quests to find healing and knowledge, and learn how to find your ways through the interdimensional tree of life. The journey will take you to the discovery of your true self. Who you really are, where you come from, and who are the ones walking with you.

- I : Meet your Earth animal allies
Let the Celtic Guardian of Nature take your hand, hear him calling for your totem animal and your animal allies.

- II : Meet your Earth spirit guides
Enter the sacred grove to meet those from your bloodline ancestors who are looking after you.

- III : Meet your Star family
(Special Starseeds) Meet your Galactic family

- IV : Alien past life
(Special Starseeds) Remembering your life just before you took upon this mission on Earth.

Donation: $110


Elena Danaan #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy elenadanaan.org

You know me under the name Elena Danaan, which is my true legal name in this temporary human incarnation on this planet that you call Earth. But of course, Elena Danaan is not the first name I bore all through my long journey since I first incarnated into Human consciousness some millions years ago, regarding Earth’s linear value of time, in the galaxy Alderan NGC 7331, in the Pegasus galactic cluster. My home star system is named Altea.

My journey is dedicated to the study of Human evolution throughout the Universe, embracing and learning all the emotions of human consciousness. I have lived many lives in the past of planet Earth, and bring you today the knowledge of what was hidden from you by the Dark Ones, but I also come from the future. Before returning to Earth, I incarnated 300 years ahead into your linear future, in the star system Ashaara in the Pleiades. This decision allowed me to enroll into the Envoy program. So this is why I come from your future.

You know, this universe is an infinite compound of bubbles of universes, each one is a different dimension with its own physical laws and ranges of frequencies of matter and consciousness. If you want to have a clear understanding of the big picture, visualize the Flower of Life, considering that it is not a flat geometrical representation but a spherical one, and each circle is a bubble, which is a universe. In between the bubbles is the Void, where The Nine supraplasmic consciousness exists.
On planet Earth, extraordinary things have happened recently. Humans of Earth were liberated from hundreds of thousands of years of slavery, thanks to the Nataru Alliance but first to the people of Earth, who awakened and kept on awakening exponentially. The wave of light is rushing through the whole planet and it is an exhilarating moment to witness, for the very first time in the history of Earth. These are times of Glory and of Victory. We are heading together towards what you call your “Star Trek Future”.

Elena Danaan #ufo #magick #conspiracy elenadanaan.org

That's it. I eventually gathered all the elements I needed to write this very important article. It is time that once and for all, we break our enemy's wicked plans spread out to the gullible and confused public by programmed disinformers. The psychological operation agenda of false flag alien invasion/salvation justified by a made-up global catastrophic event was planned for a very long time, as you will read below throughout the communications I received from Thor Han Eredyon and Oona from the Altean people (part of the Intergalactic Seeder races). This false flag narrative was patiently, surgically, dripped into our collective unconscious with time, under the cover of true information.

Firstly, to get this out of the way, regarding to what my contacts in the Galactic Federation of Worlds are affirming, I can assure you with confidence that the so called “Jerusalem ship”, promoted within the “New Age” spiritual community, is an invention. This is like the Ashtar psy-op. It does not only draw your focus away from the reality and from the information coming from genuine sources, but more worryingly, it entices people to project their consciousness towards a deceiving holographic trap. This Artificial Intelligence construct is a soul trap elaborated by Gray aliens, in a way that once you successfully bi-locate to this fake ship, you are hooked. Behind the holographic construct, its real shape is a cube.
Regarding the false "Earth-evacuation", think about that: once you leave Earth from your own free-will because you are completely terrified, this... is where the culling is. Do you really know who is behind this and where these ships will take you? No, you don't.

The theory of planet Earth splitting in two is another fear porn psy-op. It makes no sense. We are evolving as ONE planet into a higher density, and it concerns every living creature on it. All together. There is no "3D Earth left behind".

Elena Danaan #crackpot #ufo #magick #mammon elenadanaan.org

Arcturian & Pleiadean Meditations
Set of 8 sessions
Channelled meditation & guidance with 5, 7 & 9D extraterrestrials:

Thor Han - 5D Pleiadean from Erra
Annax - 7D Egaroth from Meissa
Coron - 9D Pleiadean from Dakhurat

The Ohoran way is an meditative practice traditional to the Ohora star system, that we also name Arcturus. Spiritual discipline renown through the galaxy as an art of the spirit, it is very popular among those serving the Light, as it reaches out to a greater diversity of levels of consciousness.

In this set of 8 videos, I have channelled three amazing galactic teachers who take you for a journey at the discovery of the true nature of your soul, and how it is connected to the entire multidimensional universe.

What a perfect way to empower ourselves and rise into our true celestial beauty.

Donation: $80

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