Elena Danaan #ufo #magick #conspiracy elenadanaan.org

Please find below a list of the psychological operations engineered by the enemies of Mankind, meant to create division, confusion, distract you and hijack the activation of your own power.
GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT: Many of the New Age movement's infiltration organizations display the word "Light" as a bait. The word "Light" is the best bait to attract people in search of positive spiritual guidance. The "Galactic Federation of Light" is a Psy-Op that was created by the Orion Grays to infiltrate the Great Awakening of Humanity, with the purpose of hijacking the focus of people, distracting them from what is really going on and discrediting real existing extraterrestrial organizations such as the "Galactic Federation of Worlds."
ENKI= Benevolent Anunnaki geneticist who tried to prevent humanity from slavery. Enki is back, accompanying the Seeder Races, bringing hope and help to humanity.
ENLIL= Anunnaki military commander who worked at dark agendas with nefarious forces, in order to keep humans on Earth enslaved in ignorance, submission, fear and division.
THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN GODS ARE THE ANUNNAKI PANTHEON. I am a field archeologist who worked 9 years in Egypt, with a degree in Ancient Egyptian religion, mythology and ritualistic magic. I am also an Extraterrestrial Contactee who has access to physical meetings and exchanges with key characters of the ancient Anunnaki pantheon.
GALACTIC ANTHROPOLOGY: Name of a website and of a Telegram group utilizing my personal name "Elena Danaan", and my intel, without my consent, in a cleverly weaved operation aimed at discrediting my work. Created by counterintelligence agent Joost Van Der Heuvel, also known as Wolken Zwemmer, professionally involved with the World Economic Forum, this website utilizes chosen sections of my publications and videos remixed, that it misleads the public into believing that my information lacks of consistency, and that I contradict myself



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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