
Monarchieliga #wingnut #fundie monarchieliga.de

(tl;dr: They want to drag Germany back to the Middle Ages. Literally.)

100 Day Programme of the Monarchist Movement in Germany


The current dire situation of Germany, Europe and the entire world urgently demands the immediate cessation of Experiment Democracy. Therefore, the Monarchist Movement will restore liberty, law and order and bring about in the following measures within the next 100 days in order to set the path for the restoration of the German Empire.

The Programme

Removal of Democrat Rule via the installation of the Imperial Governor
* Installation of the Regnum Teutonicum, as dominion of the German King in the territory of Germany and Austria
* Dissolution of all “state” organs, incl. parties, trade unions, bussiness associations, clubs,
* Replacement of the “states”, “federated states” and “free states”, all their agencies and subordinate partitions, organisations etc. by the traditional estates of the Realm,
* Appointment of a Reichstag consisting of the representatives of the Christian nobility of the German nation; whose language of publication is Latin;
* Termination of the entire body of law on German ground since 31.12.1802,
* Eternal prohibition of the ideas of the French Revolution and of Democracy,
* NATO and other occupier troops are heartily encouraged to get out of the country within 14 days,
* Dissolution of the EU,
* Restoration of war and peace as terms of international law as well as realities of foreign politics,
* Unilateral declaration of peace of the Imperium Sacrum, declaration of a global Pax Imperii according to the status quo of 31.12.1802,
* Invitation of Liechtenstein, Belgium, Netherlands, Alsace, Lorraine, Burgundy, Provence, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Transylvania, Slovakia, Buchenland (Translator’s Note: Bukowina, a historical region that was once part of the Habsburg monarchy and now is part of Romania and Ukraine), Czechia, Silesia, Poland, Prussia to be integrated into the Empire with the possibillity of retaining an empire-royal regnum. All partitions and estates of the Empire enjoy Autonomy. Only the partitions of the regnum teutonicum are vassals of the German King.

Installation of the German King
* After the restoration of the law, the Reichstag appoints the German King.
* He is souverain, supreme souzerain and supreme legal authority of the German Regnum,
* after previous spiritual probation, he is consecrated and anointed in the Magdeburg Cathedral by the Primas Germaniae,
* the instution of the Elector-Princes is suspended, the Elector-Princes are removed from their duties,
* Reichstag, Reichsrat, Reichskammergericht and Reichshofrat remain in place.

The Rights of the King
* The German King is elected for a life-time
* he may nominate his successor to the Imperial Assembly, which he may have elected in his life-time,
* he suggests the Bishop appointments to the Primas Germaniae/to a orthodox head of the Church,
* he administers duchys, earldoms, marchies and territories without a lord,
* he leads the army, the yeomen and all armed forces,
* he warrants the protection of non-subjects, of foreigners and travellers,
* he is the owner of the authority over toll, coinage and market,
* he possesses the exclusive authority to build palantines and strongholds,
* he appoints the consuls and royal ambassadors,
* he possesses the authority over the traffic roads, especially the Hellweg (Translator’s note: major far-trade roads in Medieval times)

Restoration of the Imperial German Church
* termination of all state church treaties
* strict audition of the bishops, nuntii, delegates and prelates
* dissolution of the Lutheran provincial churches, confiscation of all their wealth and all their properties.
* installation of a non-modernist bishop in apostolic succession in agreement with the Imperial Governor as the Arch-bishop and Primas Germaniae in Magdeburg.
* The blameless Lutheran clergy may be consecrated as priests by the Primas Germaniae. Those for whom this is not possible cannot remain within the clerical estate.
* The same applies to religious educators. Only priests may become religious educators at universities and seminaries.
* Ban of all cults and sects, even those of alleged Christian alignment.
* Sufferance of Islam. The holdings of islamic associations are property of the German King,

Restoration of the Status as Subjects
* Restoration of personal right by establishment of the status as subjects.
* Legal and subject capable as freemen on German ground are only subjects of the German King and of his tenants.
* Only the baptised may be vassals and subjects
* Every freeman on German ground can subordinate himself as a subject to the German King.
* Non-subjects enjoy tolerance.

Restoration of the Feudal Order
* The German King restores the duchies, marchies, earldoms, Erzstifte, Hochstifte (Translator's note: territories ruled by a prince-archbishop and by a prince-bishop, respectively), abbeys, cities, dominions and villages as they were on 31.12.1802.
* The Ecclesiastical Principalities are restored.
* The estates that have perished since the beginning of the Reformation are restored according to the principle of opportunity.
* Investiture of the duchies and other lordships by the German King.
* The Ecclesiastic Estates of the Realm are canonically invested according to suggestion and after confirmation by the German King.
* The secular vassalages are heritable.
* The law of reversion comes into force necessarily if no direct male or female heirs exist.
* Rights from vassalage are forfeited in the case of loss of freedom.
* Rights from vassalage are forfeited if no heirs exist.

Restoration of Law and Order
* Restoration of freedom of mind, thought and speech via the establishment of a strict censorship office that is part of the Imperial Church
* Irreversible loss of freedom for propagators of democratic and pornographic materials.
* Discontinuation of all public attorney’s offices.
* Discontinuation of the criminal judgements and of civil law.
* The rights of judgement are property of the German King and his vassals and are bestowed as vassalages.
* Extensive suspension of long-term imprisonment.
* Demolition of the penitaries and transformation in monastries and hermitages
* Establishment of stocks and court pavillon at every place of judgement
* Grave crimes and repeated crimes are punished with death.
* After death penalty, obligation for prayer and pilgrimmage take center-stage as elements of legal custom.
* The fulfilment of the obligations for prayer and pilgrimmage are controlled electronically.
* The done prayers enter into the church’s treasure.
* Non-subjects are punished according to the law of their own realm.

Restoration of the Family
* Registries of personal status and all public registries are administered by the Imperial Church.
* Only canonical priests have access to the registries.
* Divorce is discontinued.
* Persons without family status lose the status as subjects.
* Adultery and procuration are punished as capital crimes.
* Mothers and wives are on life-long fully-paid leave for the purpose of childrearing work. If the children have moved from home, they are allowed to dedicate themselves to charitable work.
* Pr0hibition of contraception and family planning

Creation of a Germany Worth Living In
* Demoliton of all Autobahnen and Schnellstraßen (Translator’s note: different kinds of German highways)
* Demolition of the large-scale housing settlements
* Restoration of an expansive railway net fitting with the landscape.
* Restoration of the Imperial Forests, primordial and border forests, which have to remain completely free of roads.
* Restoration of the rivers and creeks, their meanders and meadows.
* Strict prohibition of factory farming and of industrial agriculture.
* Restoration of the free Catholic peasant estate, which will completely re-cultivate the Regnum.

The Restoration of Christian Love’s Labour
* Discontinuation of all forced social insurances.
* Subjects only have claims towards their sovereign, according to their estate-status.
* All forms of social welfare are transformed in voluntary charity.
* Promotion of Christian love’s labour via the transfer of all hospitals and care institutions to the Church. All services are offered voluntarily and free of charge.

Stopping the Cultural Catastrophe
* Each estate of the Realm is allowed to maintain broadcast and television channels.
* Exclusive promotion of Christian culture and Christian creators of culture.
* Mandate to the German College to build a Museum of Democracy.
* Refounding of the medieval faculties.
* Restoration of the ideals of unity of Christian faith, Church doctrine and ascetic lifestyle at the German university
* Ban on political science, sociology, psychoanalysis, Darwinism and socialism.
* Decan or rector of the university is the Ordinarius of Theology.
* Division into Protestant and Catholic theology is discontinued.
* Language of education and lecture at the faculties is Latin.
* Latin is a compulsory subject from 3rd Grade onwards at all Gymnasien (Translator’s note: a kind of secondary school in Germany, not gyms)
* Teachers and priests are trained at Church seminaries.


Completed on the Day of Memory of the Holy Emperor Henry in the Year of Salvation 2005.

Monarchieliga #wingnut #fundie monarchieliga.de



Democracy translates to “Rule of the People”. Consequently, “Democracy” is a fundamentally deceitful system of government beholden to Evil. Whereas actual dominion always comes from above and is beholden to justice, democracy comes from below and is beholden to injustice.

St. Thomas’s definition

If, however, the injust government is guided by many, it is called democracy, which is the rule of the people, in which the broad mass oppresses the rich through the power of their majority. Then, the whole people will be as a single tyrant.

Ludwig Gabriel de Bonald
I will not cease to repeat: France as a republic would be the end of monarchic Europe and republican Europe would be the end of civilisation, of religion, of politics, the end of society, the end of everything. [1]

Deceitful claims of the Democrats

‧ Abraham Lincoln: "Government of the people, by the people, for the people".


1. Louis de Bonald: Réflexions sur la revolution de Juillet 1830

Original GermanDemokratie


Demokratie wird mit „Herrschaft des Volkes“ übersetzt. Daraus folgt, daß die „Demokratie“ ein grundsätzlich betrügerisches, dem Bösen verpflichtetes Herrschaftssytem ist. Während die tatsächliche Herrschaft stets von oben kommt und dem Recht verpflichtet ist, kommt die Demokratie von unten und ist dem Unrecht verpflichtet.
Definition des hl. Tomas

Wenn aber die ungerechte Regierung von vielen geführt wird, so heißt das Demokratie, das ist Volksherrschaft, in der die breite Masse die Reichen durch die Macht Ihrer Überzahl unterdrückt. Dann wird das ganze Volk wie ein einziger Tyrann sein.

Ludwig Gabriel de Bonald

Ich werde nicht aufhören zu wiederholen: Frankreich als Republik wäre das Ende des monarchischen Europas und das republikanische Europa wäre das Ende der Zivilisation, der Religion, der Politik, das Ende der Gesellschaft, das Ende von allem.[1]

Betrügerische Behauptungen der Demokraten

Abraham Lincoln: "Government of the people, by the people, for the people".



Louis de Bonald: Réflexions sur la revolution de Juillet 1830

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