
DeAnna Lorraine and Lauren Witzke #conspiracy #wingnut redvoicemedia.com

DeAnna Lorraine: We understand that the Deep State has weather manipulation technology. They have DARPA. They know how to manipulate and create big storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, climate change, etc. These huge hurricanes always seem to target red states and red districts, and always at a convenient time, typically right before elections or, in this case, possibly because Ron DeSantis has been stepping out of line a lot and challenging the Deep State.
I don’t know, Lauren. The timing is definitely interesting. Do you think this could be a weather-manipulated hurricane?

Lauren Witzke: Yeah, we know the technology does exist. I mean, DeAnna, they’re literally trying to change people’s DNA through vaccination. Of course they would be willing to do something like this to target red states, and I have no doubt that the technology does exist to manipulate weather.
I know that Florida is prone to hurricanes. However, this developed into a Category 5 hurricane overnight, and it does seem to be hitting the conservative areas of the state. I’m not putting it past the elites to target something like this towards Florida as punishment for getting rid of vaccine mandates or getting rid of child grooming. They are angry with us, and it wouldn’t surprise me to find out that this technology does exist, but you’re not supposed to talk about it or know about that because that’s controversial material.

DeAnna Lorraine and Stew Peters #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie redvoicemedia.com

DeAnna Lorraine: [Mass vaccination] is truly the final takeover. This is like the modern-day Holocaust except for it’s global, and they’re trying to separate people from their families, they’re trying to separate people from polite society and ostracize people, if they’re not getting the vaccine. Anyone who’s hesitant about the vaccine for obvious reasons, reasons because of vaccine shedding and missed periods and spontaneous abortions, death, cerebral palsy and all these other crazy, crazy –

Stew Peters: Sounds like a wet dream for these liberal radicals. Wow, look at this: instant abortions and people, the nuclear family structure is being destroyed, all with one injection. Wow!

DeAnna Lorraine: The sad thing is, it’s this propaganda, this massive gaslighting campaign, has been teaching people to not trust their own gut, it’s been training people over the past year, and very effectively to teach, to trust science, and this is Satan’s work, I mean that’s really all there is to it right still I mean, this is the work of Satan, the father of lies, if you want to get religious. This is him being very effectively getting into the souls of people that once had souls, ripping them out and replacing them with these dark behaviors of lying and blackmailing.

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