
Red Youth #moonbat #crackpot #dunning-kruger redyouth.org

On the 23 February, one Andrew Roth, put pen to paper to write an article by the title of; “A lifetime sentence’: children of the gulag fight to return from exile.” The story he tells is of families with a “German heritage” being ‘rounded up’ during WW2 and sent to a closed village in the Kirov region, a gulag if you will. The name Gulag instantly throws up images of ragged prisoners being beaten, starved and worked to death because, over many years that is the picture that has been painted for us by people like Mr Roth. In reality, gulags were penal work camps, usually centred around a farm where prisoners could help to grow extra food for themselves and live out their sentences in homes rather than prison cells. The gulags were for criminals where the end goal was for them to be put back into society as useful members. This was a million miles from the chain gangs of the USA or the three men in a cell made for one in Britain.
Memorial are flooding bookshops, airwaves and newspapers with their lies. Another journalist who is knowingly or otherwise spreading their falsehoods is Vin Arthey, who on 5 March promoted one of their books in a review of “My father’s letters – Correspondence from the Soviet Gulag”, translated by Georgia Thomson. This waste of trees and paper is, we are told, a collection of letters from victims of the Gulags, i.e., the letters are from prisoners to their families. There are claims of innocence but there is no proof shown that the letters were from anyone other than criminals but that is not important to Memorial, they may be murderers, rapists, arsonists, or embezzlers but, if they were in the Soviet penal system they are “victims of the gulags!”

Red Youth #moonbat #transphobia #crackpot redyouth.org

In the last few years communists have struggled against the bourgeois academic onslaught of identity politics, with us, the CPGB-ML, going so far as to pass a motion at the last congress making open advocacy of identity politics grounds for expulsion. The reasoning of this is simple: identity politics is bourgeois and divides groups of people, particularly workers, through dichotomy, pitching black people against white people, men against women, able bodied people against disabled people, etc.
Our friends and so called “Marxists” who follow this garden path, now attack us wholesale (generally on social media platforms) as racists, sexists and particularly as so-called transphobes. They have taken to resuscitating the old-school slur of tankie, and have coined the acronym ‘TERF’. We must familiarise ourselves with such catchwords and phrases of our class enemies and understand their meaning and their content as glib as that may be.
The issue we now face, irrespective of ‘good intentions’, is that a considerable mass of charlatan intersectional ‘Marxists’ have gained the upper hand amongst the YCL (in itself a small and increasingly irrelevant organisation, but this is a sign of the success of the bourgeois trend in society at large) and others who predate upon the liberal tendencies of those entering the movement, their individual grievances, which retards their Marxist education. Furthermore, such ‘intersectional Marxists’ proclaim themselves to be the true bearers of liberation ideology, and in as much as they encounter young activists, they actively discourage others from apprehending the teachings of Marxism, by interposing their opportunist quackery, sloganeering and utilising the aggressive petty-bourgeois approach of university debating society obfuscation, rather than engaging in honest, open and forthright debate.

Red Youth #moonbat #psycho #dunning-kruger redyouth.org

Never before has a man carried so high the aspiration for freedom, for the peace and self-determination of the oppressed peoples than Joseph Stalin. His unconditional devotion to the emancipation of the mankind, his ability to mobilise an entire nation to advance towards modernity and to stand up against the odious beast of fascism make him one of the greatest leaders in human history.
He was a great mobiliser, from his native Georgia to the freezing prisons of Siberia, he had always succeeded in organising the oppressed workers effectively. He was always among them in perfect symbiosis.

Stalin and the USSR hold a central place in the history of the working class, in the history of the oppressed peoples in general. While the Bourgeoisie celebrates its genocidal heroes, obsessed with personal profit, with great pomp and circumstance, it never hesitates to throw as much mud as possible over the name of Stalin.
He proved with the tremendous achievements of the USSR that building socialism in one country was possible, that freeing oneself from the exploitation of the bourgeois class was possible, that without a boss the factory runs and it runs better, without two-party elections, democracy is even more representative, and that the workers in charge can build a more sustainable society.

Today, as we mark 142 years since his birth, we socialist soldiers celebrate and vow to carry on the historic mission of the proletariat, to which Stalin devoted himself and all his energies.

Red Youth #moonbat #homophobia #transphobia redyouth.org

Activists on a payroll, used a drone to carry a giant rainbow flag to the top of the Motherland Monument in Kiev. This huge memorial to the Soviet war dead, was erected in 1981 and stands at an impressive 203 feet.

This stunt is part of a coordinated campaign that we are witnessing everywhere, linked to the global dominance of the financial oligarchy of the USA and EU, which pose as progressive and emancipatory in terms of identity politics, to distract from the appalling conditions imposed on the working class and the annihilation of weak nations.

Those who launch wars and commit genocides champion LGBTQ-identity standards, in their own interests, as elements of democracy. They manipulate social movements for their own benefit under their own rainbow flag. The most reactionary forces of NATO, regimes such as Zionist Israel and in this instance, the Kiev junta accuse as “sexists, homophobes, transphobes”, etc., all who disagree with the dominant doctrine of the Empire, all the while committing fascist outrages, such as the burning alive of trade unionists in Odessa just six years ago.
Behind the rainbow flag of fluid identities lies the plan of converting people into bulk masses passive and malleable by the most aggressive forms of capital. These are the neo-liberal-postmodern dogmas of “symbolic construction” of gender, social order, politics and ideology, nation and homeland, which suit so well the National Endowment for Democracy and the supporters of Ukrainian fascists.

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