Steve Straub #wingnut #pratt
Here Are The Top 10 Questions To Ask A Liberal:
10. How many people should we let into this country?
9. How are rules that apply equally to everyone discriminatory and racist?
8. How are rules that only apply to one group of people not discriminatory and racist, like Affirmative Action?
7. Do you know what a pyramid scheme is and still like ObamaCare?
6. Why is it okay to kill unborn children but wrong to kill convicted murderers?
5. How does stagnating growth stimulate the economy?
4. Does it make sense to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result?
3. How will punishing law-abiding people stop criminals from breaking the law?
2. How can you count to ten if you skip the number two [Second Amendment]?
1. Why was George W. Bush a bad President but Barack Obama is a good one?