Joseph Z/Abby Trivett #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy
In an exclusive interview with Charisma Media, prophetic voice Joseph Z shared what the Lord has spoken to him about for what the church can expect this upcoming year.
Z says that after watching the new Superman trailer, God spoke to him about this being a representation of America and the leadership of the church. He also says that when Trump won his re-election, the Lord spoke to him about the state of the church.
“As soon as Trump won in November, the word of the Lord came to me and said, ‘Here is what we’re in danger of right now: The church is in danger of being defeated by victory,'” Z says. “Although we’ve seen this good thing happen, we’ve seen light shine in darkness…the bottom line is suddenly there’s a nefarious supernatural force that’s been released into the nation. It’s a form of witchcraft, it’s a form of Jezebel, it’s a form of deviant voices, prophetic deviant voices, and all these things that are coming forward are trying to manipulate what’s happened.”
Z reveals that in the first two quarters of the year he’s seen the threat of nuclear war, and it is the church’s job to push back this dark agenda. He also had a vision where he was on a bus and saw a flashing in a mountainous area where everyone was dreading what was to come, with heat coming off of the flash.
“The Lord spoke to me as soon as I woke up from that and said, ‘The church is the nuclear deterrent. The body of Christ is the nuclear deterrent ‘If we can go through quarter one and quarter two of this coming year without a nuclear incident, or even if there’s a small nuclear incident we can still have the grace of God get us over that… I believe we’re going to see the turn of the tide completely.”
“I believe we’re up to 16 years of redemptive instability where we’ll see a turnaround and victory come. I believe we could see 20 years of life that begins the build and rebuild to the year 2040; I believe God has a marker on that year.”