Megan Fox #transphobia

He continued poking the beast by announcing, “Good news! There is NOT an epidemic of trans people being murdered. 5 out of 100k Americans are the victims of homicide. 1.1 out of every 100k trans people are victims of homicide. About 20-25 trans people killed each year. 51 Americans are struck by lightning every year.” These statstics fly in the face of the popular LGBTQWTF claims that trans people are at higher risk of violence than anyone else. It’s simply not true. But posting true things on Twitter won’t stop you from being banned today when feelings trump facts.

Maybe it was this next post that did him in. Everyone knows you’re not allowed to challenge the new gender theology. “These are both me. Sometimes I like looking like and androgynous emaciated albino space vampire. Sometimes I like looking like a strung out 90’s computer hacker. Sometimes I feel more gay vampire, sometimes I feel more sk8r boi. Guess what? That doesn’t make me my own special gender.”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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