Sciense says human races have different average IQs
No, pseudoscientific manipulation by people with fucked up ulterior motives claimed this, with a poorly assembled study. Not only does this study use IQ tests that have been established since their very inception to be highly biased, making the test maker seem the smartest one around (as the one most likely to do well on these tests, and other rejected because the test maker didn’t do so hot on those), but more importantly, white students from well funded schools were given these tests, as well as black students in very poorly funded schools, and this used as comparison. Surprise, surprise, when your IQ tests are basically regurgitating facts, the schools that spend the most money, providing the lowest student/teacher ratio, as well as enough textbooks for all students to get one in decent condition (with every page no less!), tend to be able to teach students to regurgitate facts most readily.
Also, even those focusing more on reading comprehension for IQ, the test taker does better when they’ve had a chance to practice reading, such as having a decent library available. Like in well funded neighborhoods.
Even those focused on spatial analysis … same thing, practice helps. Shitty schools provide no real practice.
No, when the same test is done between two school districts with the same level of funding, with the major difference being the skin color of the students, we can talk more about it.