various commenters #wingnut #racist

In their rush to blame Jackson’s water crisis on “White flight” journalists make clear that blacks can’t run a city government on their own.

@Halp I better not see Whites helping NIGGERS fix their shitholes or i'll treat you like fucking niggers!

@rcpabon @Halp
Does anyone actually help niggers? The only people I see helping niggers are the Democrats and government. Normal everyday people don't help niggers, that's why they are so butthurt...we hate them and they know it. 😉

@Halp But they've also told us that utopia will be achieved without whypipo.

@Halp Jim Crow laws and segregation were inhumane because it forced the blacks to build and maintain their own communities when Sub-Saharan Africans have never been able to build a 1st world society on their own.



@Halp The only thing blacks can run is out of a looted store.



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