There is no such thing as a trans youth. A male can no more become female than a monkey can become a pig. Allowing mentally ill males to ruin female sport is not a civil liberty. It is a gross indulgence at the expense of others, and it should be illegal.
It used to be that trans people were called ‘Transsexuals’. More precisely, Transsexuals specifically meant trans women; trans men were referred to as Reverse Transsexuals.
That attitude obviously lingers, what with the anti-trans hardly ever mentioning trans men.
A male can no more become female than a monkey can become a pig.
Even *if* that were true (and this would still be a *very* questionable comparison even if it *were* true because we have in-species examples of gender changing, which is a very different thing from changing species) that wouldn’t negate the existence of trans people, merely redefine what they are.
This is a common rhetorical tactic to deny reality, by the way: Take a term which describes something which exists, redefine the term to mean something which can’t exist, and then declare that the thing being described by the term isn’t real. There are people who do this in purpose in attempt to deny others the language to discuss issues which they don’t want to be discussed, and there are people who don’t recognize that they do this because they lack the abstract reasoning necessary to comprehend that there are things which exist outside their personal experiences.
There is no such thing as Pat Condell.
As you have declared yourself the arbiter of whether trans youth exist, with exactly the same justification and authority I declare myself the arbiter of whether people exist.
I declare that Pat doesn't, therefore trans youth still do.
Classy. Now women and men are apparently as different as not even closely related species! Fuck, what kind of an idea of humanity (and biology) do these assholes have?
Controversial opinion here, but fuck the women/men divides in sports, especially when it is used to exclude transpeople. Michael Phelps recently said that he felt transwomen would benefit too much from their higher testosterone levels to compete with other women, a common argument that makes it seem like testosterone is some kind of magical potion stemming from a small village in Gaul.
No comments about his own “unfair” advantages, his huge feet, his perfect for swimming body frame, his really long arms… that’s all fine and dandy apparently to compete against other, less advantaged men. That’s “talent”. But now with transwomen it’s suddenly a huge problem. How about instead of using sex as a seperator (or worse, testosterone level) in sports we use weight or other biological classes which could actually level the playing field a bit?
And transpeople are still not mentally ill OP, just like homosexuals are not, nor are slaves running from their “masters” or women who allegedly suffer from “hysteria”. Pathologization has been a tool of oppressors for a long time, do you really believe no one is finally realizing that? Piss off!
@ChrisBP747 #112578
It’s even worse actually, for two reasons.
One, trans women’s testosterone levels tend to drop to or even below those of cis women, and afaik it’s one of the requirements for them to compete in professional sports.
Two, Phelps’s weighing in on the issue may sit even worse with you when you consider that he may have had a trans girlfriend once.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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