various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
This is why Jews frequently find themselves rounded up and held behind barbed wire.


( @Wildcard369 )
@Nature_and_Race Not often enough apparently.

( @Sadiemckee )
@Nature_and_Race They are only too glad to announce their allegiance to Pedophilia, early childhood hands on sexual "techniques" that can be of no real value to any teacher of children younger than 15 years of age, not only that, they promote inappropriate behavior to children, for the purpose of normalizing bizarre sexual behavior.

( @Rexkwon27 )
@Sadiemckee @Nature_and_Race which is for the purpose of separating them from the god that protects them and creating a vice/addiction that they can use to manipulate their goy slaves.

( @Ericvivion )
@Nature_and_Race explosion and captivity ain't gonna fucking cut it only a real 6million hung will start to ease the faggotry they have caused

( @NagashDemina )


( @Tomahawk1775 )
@Nature_and_Race NO more Barbed Wire, This time let's do it Right, and actually put them down Permanently!

( @CN32 )
@Nature_and_Race "o-vey, why are we persecuted so much?"

( @turtleswolverine )
@Nature_and_Race Looks like it's time to do it again.

( @CatLady68 )

spoilerThe worlds first "transgender" clinic, the Institute
of Sex Research, was opened in 1919 by the Jews
Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld in Berlin.
In 1933 the Hitler Youth burned it to the ground.

( @John_Madison )
@Nature_and_Race Rounded up and expelled 109 times but they're the victims.

( @Imanonymous )
@Nature_and_Race It's about the jews' immoral, illegal, dishonest and socially unacceptable inappropriate dirty outrageous greedy behavior.

jews love to play the Race Card though. It seems to be their only defense, albeit a weak one at that. Even their Race Card is complete bullshit, just like their other lies.



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