Chuck Lowe #wingnut #homophobia #crackpot

Biden is in serious, dramatic and fatal decline. The ascension of Joe Biden to president, if he even makes it to January, will mean one party rule, for America in perpetuity.

The Supreme Court WILL be packed and effect supra-legislative diktats that relegate the Senate and Congress to superfluous window dressing on a rapidly rotting 3, now 2 branch government, which, by design, lends itself to the very autocracy-dictatorship that the Democrats pretend to fear. Reinforcing these initiatives, will be the increase in a government dependent electorate, now increased by the automatic, wave a wand citizenship of 25 million illegal immigrants and an open border policy that guarantees, again, one party rule.


Of course, you gay morons, who today, sing the praises of this coming Fascist state, ignore the coming, Communist contretemps that every single fuckin time, accompanied one party, one man/woman rule and that is the whim and caprice of the one man/woman in charge, which always include, the marginalization of peripheral groups, in order to consolidate power, when threatened.

The list is endless morons, but sure, get into your fuckin electric car, which morons, is powered by electricity that comes from coal (Or that evil natural gas, or that evil fracking, or that even more evil nuclear power.) and proclaim your loyalty to the coming Progressive singularity.

You - gay or not, like the rest of us, will be forced alive into the Progressive wood chipper.

Have a great day.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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