S.D. Wells #conspiracy #wingnut #quack naturalnews.com

Will it be mass involuntary manslaughter or a wave of health improvement in the United States? China creates 90 percent of the prescription medications U.S. sick care victims consume every day of their lives, and the coronavirus outbreak has threatened to bring that production to a near stand-still. What will happen then? Over 55 percent of the U.S. population takes prescription drugs. Let that sink in for a minute.

These American patients (for life) take the very drugs you see advertised on television that feature side effects drastically worse than the conditions being treated, yet they still take them under doctor advisement, even after the absolutely ludicrous advertisements warn them otherwise. Yes, and they’ll take them usually until some early death from preventable sicknesses and disorders, or even death caused by the medications themselves, though mainstream medicine never admits it (except when they quietly settle in court for millions of dollars).

Yet still, hardly any of these patients ever get better, cure the root of the problem, or get off the drugs. They’re the sickest people in the country, but their prescriptions are called medicine, while the healthiest people in the country consume organic food and organic supplements and take zero medications.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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