HonklerTheConqueror #fundie #racist #sexist #psycho incels.is
Atheism Showed Me the Path to the Black Pill
I was an ardent atheist that despised religion and believed in degeneracy even though it never benefited me. I believed in sexual liberation.
Around 2010 new atheism was the major nerd culture on jewtube. They proseltyzed freedom from religion. But over time I observed the cracks in cuck atheism. They started hitching themselves to the the femicunt wagon. Most atheists were and are men. Soon atheism became synthesized with feminism.
The prominent Atheists Thunder00t , The Amazing Atheist, and Sargon of Akkad started breaking exposing femicunts invading the atheist movement. But still to this day they support sexual liberation that creates incels.
Atheists promoted materialism, naturalism, evolutionary devotion. They believed science could determine objective morality. Yet, they ignored anthropology, evolutionary biology, and sociobiological evidence that contradicts objective morality.
Atheism leads to nihilism and hypergamy. Atheists fundamentally believe in humanism and objective morality. When in reality the only thing that creates morality is in group selection based on kin selection.
Even though diverse modern people share group identities; they are fractured by aesthetic differences. Ethnic mixing can never breed unity.
Never forget that most civilizations and religions support race mixxing. From the Romans, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, WASPs, Mongolians etc.
TLDR; Ethnic mixing is good for the elite and religion. Memes have abrogated biological gene selection. Memes created cucks.