Chakdar Azad #transphobia #psycho

Trans woman executed by her brother in 'honour killing' in Iraq

Doski Azad had been documenting her transition on social media and was a make-up artist when she was shot by her brother Chakdar Azad.

23-year-old Doski Azad was killed by her brother in Iraqi Kurdistan, police have said.

Doski Azad had been documenting her transition on social media and was a make-up artist when she died in a 'honour killing' when her long-lost brother Chakdar Azad shot her.

Ms Azad's brother told local police about her death three days later.

Ms Azad had received multiple threats from her family because of her identity despite establishing her own life as a woman and working in a salon for over five years.

Ms Azad was found dead in the village of Mangesh, around 12 miles north of the city centre of Duhok.

Speaking to Rudaw her uncle Dlovan Sadiq said: 'She left the house five to six years ago, I had not seen her ever since. Doski made a mistake.'

A friend of hers also told the publication that Ms Azad's father had taken her ID and passport from her but that she 'seemed to have received it back because she spent New Year’s in Dubai'.

Another source also told Radaw that her brother fled the country on January 30th, and drove north to Turkey to avoid tracking.

The US Consulate General in Erbil, the Iraqi Kurdish capital, yesterday condemned the killing in a statement which read: 'We categorically condemn this violence and the discrimination that is undoubtedly at the root of this crime.



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