various commenters #transphobia

RE: Why do so many men defend gender ideology?

( BigBoats )
Unfortuntely, most of the people who push pro-TIM propaganda ARE women though (and TIMs of course). Just look at images of pro-trans demonstrations and you'll see most of them are women. It's the result of extreme female socialization, a desire to receive validation by being self-sacrificing to the extreme because it's been drilled into them that women are only valuable if they don't stand up for themselves.

I rarely see men defend pro-TIM nonsense. Most men don't even care because it doesnt affect them. And the few men who do defend it do so because it makes them look good and they have nothing to lose by defending it, probably.

( bluetinfoilhat )
I find most heterosexual men don't. Those that do generally haven't thought it out much or think it is linked to homophobia and they just knee jerkily want to see pro-gay. Unfortunately, a lot of gay men seem to support it or seem agitated when women talk about how it is negatively affecting women. Even though the trans movement is homophobic. No offense I think it is because many gay men don't value more feminine gay men, so they just don't care.

For the few heterosexual men who seem to support it a lot, I think they get off on trans women intimidating women, forcing themselves on lesbians, and taking away opportunities from women. They are personally not bold enough to go into the women's locker room, but they get off on that some men can get away with it.

( mathlover )
Because gender ideology is part of the foundation of the patriarchy maintaining male oppression of women. Men get what they want from gender ideology; they have no reason to ever object to it.

( Dogmother )
There once was a thread about TIMs and men on Reddit, and the top comment, I kid you not, was a guy saying "Straight men aren't attracted to women, they're attracted to femininity." A hundred replies or so, all defending this guy, it was insane. So pf course men are going to defend TIMs, as long as they make their dicks hard.

( drdeeisback )
Men will always support and defend other men. (Which is how you can be 100% sure they are well aware TIMs are men.)

( shewolfoffrance )
100%. You never see men lecturing other men on the need to be welcoming and inclusive towards TiFs. They're only interested in making sure that women continue to behave like service animals.



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