Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #conspiracy #god-complex #mammon #psycho sublimegood.com
You might ask why Tim Rifat is sharing this technology with the public. To force him to make anti-aging his stock in trade, to enable: Healer heal thy self. The vast amounts of money, he makes from doubling lifespan are no use to him if he dies at 90 like normal sceptical people. Also he jokes on the sceptics, they will all die out because all debunkers, sceptics are banned from the Sublime Good Realm. You might ask: well anyone can copy your idea and make money? No. To use Psi-space in the real world you need Psychotronic Crystals® to power the Real Virtual Science effect you need Psychotronic Generators® to keep powering it. You need Real Vampire® tech to control the 5th dimension to lock the outcome to a future time line where you always achieve a double lifespan; Psychic Warfare protection to stop the black magicians around you killing you with Psychic Warfare that is unconsciously used by all the human race and Psi-entities to ruin your life without you knowing – knowledge hunter gather societies, primitives know for real. Similarly you can guarantee all knock-off endeavours will be poisoned by Tim Rifat’s Psychic Warfare armoury and his dedicated team of Vampire nasty bastards! The US military has found to its cost that copying my technology has the reverse result to what they expected as the hidden machine code I don’t reveal reverses all positive effects and unloads negative effects on the use. Tim Rifat extensively uses the Mickey Rourke Angel Heart Avatar from Psi-space to possess all of his enemies (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel_Heart) to get his enemies to destroy themselves and all they care for. This Angel Heart avatar destroyed Micky Rourke’s potential AList career and uglified him in the boxing ring. Since Psychic Warfare is a zero sum game. De Niro who played Lucifer, Rourke’s owner in real life ugly compared to good looking Rourke (1987) became an A-lister stealing Rourke’s glittering future. Tim Rifat has used the Lucifer Avatar and made it his own, for the power thereof in the process De Niro gets prostate cancer. All reality is a zero sum game.