Alighieri , pornoddio & advent_Chaos #wingnut #racist

Has anyone here read "My struggle ( Mein Kampf) by Hitler?

It was my first time reading it. He was an autist. In the first chapter, he kept talking about how his father never recognized his talent as a painter. In his head, he was the best painter the world had ever seen. He didn't want to study or to work. According to him, he was good at school and breezed through it. I don't know if this was true. He talked about how disappointed he'd felt when the art school rejected him. He lived as a vagabond for quite a while. I don't think this book was extreme. There was nothing outrageous about it. But I was left with the impression that Hitler was a sperg. But I like his self-confidence and belief that he was born for greatness. It might be one of those books that you have to read whenever you're feeling depressed. I recommend "Main Kampf" and" Might is Right". They're good books to read when you're feeling down. Both authors believed in destiny, greatness and that you should stand your ground. It's a good philosophy for these dark times.

Yes I don't care. Mao was a failed poet, Lenin another failure child that never grew up.

"And look at what they accomplished", says the normie.

Yes I look at Mao, I see a failure with a short dick.

I look at Hitler, I just see the failure he remained forever. And I don't care what normies say. I don't care about opinions of the majority, it's like saying "since halo is considered good we have to appreciate it".

No. And there is a reason why normies are wrong and I am right. It's not that this is my subjective opinion, the fact that Halo is a bad game is objective truth. Yes there is such a thing called "objective truth". Art is objective, you can understand it or not, and if you don't understand it, that's your problem.

He was the second coming of Christ, and he lost.
Pretty much like all fiction.

I wanted Voldemort to crush Jew Potter´s wienner.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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