rowanman28 #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut

Is War Just A Puppet Show?
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That might sound transphobic, but I don’t have a problem with trans people, I think they should just shut up about it, and just be a human being like everyone else, but realizing they chose to try to be something they couldn’t actually become and it’s a mental illness not a virtue signal.

It’s not really the real issue, it’s a diversion and it’s not organic, but it’s important enough because it’s part of the general destruction of tradition, morality, common sense, courage, and democracy that is letting any of this happen in the first place.

The US and UK governments are killing old people with midazolam because they don’t have enough money to keep the old people alive, social security is insolvent, so why is the public health system paying tens of thousands of dollars to transition kids?

Well, big pharma want the money, they’re probably planning on killing all the old people and useless people anyway, and I think they’re actual, literal Satanists, for real and it’s like a ritual thing as well as a money making scam and a eugenics program.

Most of the population says they don’t trust the media, and if you push them they will all admit the corporations are ruthless monsters who do anything for the bottom line, but on any particular media narrative, they still fall for it every time.

You can objectively prove that these people are not just ruthless, not just criminals, but genocidal maniacs on a mass scale who show a pattern of psychopathic mass murdering insanity that belongs in a horror movie.

Which people? The government, the corporations. It’s not all of them exactly, but they’re all under the same umbrella due to the way the money flows.

This is what makes it hard to put your finger on who is a traitor, a terrorist, an infiltrator, a spanner in the works, committing treason, selling us out to a foreign power or corporate criminals.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell, like most Americans would argue that either Trump or Biden was the “good one” because that’s how they been trained to think.

The problem with being trained how to think is almost everything you been trained to think is wrong, and the people who are training you to think are sabotaging your brain with almost every single thought.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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