Michael Letts #wingnut #conspiracy americanthinker.com

[From “Texas got it right in self-defense case”]

It’s always frustrating to see a case surrounding a man who’s clearly innocent — in this particular matter, simply acting on self-defense

Daniel Scott Perry was a former U.S. Army sergeant working as an Uber driver[…]A Black Lives Matter mob surrounded him suddenly, rushing “to obstruct, strike, pound, smash and kick his vehicle”[…]
Perry acted quickly, drawing his handgun and firing on Foster in self-defense[…]
Unfortunately, due to a district attorney who was backed at the time by police-hating billionaire George Soros, Perry was found guilty of murder and spent the past few years in prison — all over a self-defense matter surrounding a hateful mob that would stop at nothing to hurt those who disagreed with them[…]
Thankfully, this particular case does have a happy ending

Texas governor Greg Abbott issued a full pardon for Perry, making him a free man[…]
What this means is that the board was fully aware that Perry was wrongfully convicted, when he was simply defending himself against a hateful mob. That didn’t stop Travis County district attorney Jose Garza from slavering after a murder conviction, believing that it was more of a “hate crime”[…]
Abbott, alongside the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole, noted that “rather than upholding the self-defense rights of citizens, [Garza] has prioritized ‘reducing access to guns’ that citizens may use to lawfully defend themselves”

What’s more, Garza “directed the lead detective investigating Daniel Scott Perry to withhold exculpatory evidence from the Grand Jury considering whether to report an indictment”[…]
I’m thrilled to see that justice has finally been served. Why stop here? This matter should easily pave the way for an investigation to take place surrounding Garza’s actions and how he manipulated a lead detective. For that matter, it probably wouldn’t hurt to see what kind of financial support he received from Soros on the matter



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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