
Andrea Widburg #homophobia #transphobia americanthinker.com

But where Kamala went from dumb to disturbing was in her opinion about what should take place in our children's classrooms. First (of course), she falsely claimed that Florida passed a law barring teachers from saying the word "gay" in classrooms. But what really offends Kamala is that teachers must keep their private lives private

Again, the best rule of thumb is that people for whom sex is the central aspect of their life are (a) not living a mentally or physically healthy lifestyle and (b) shouldn't be around children. One of the main reasons leftists hate the Bible is because it did away with public, religious sexuality and placed it in the privacy of the home and the safety of a committed relationship. Kamala's belief that teachers should be parading their love and sex lives in the classroom is everything that's wrong with modern leftism.

D. Parker #wingnut #conspiracy americanthinker.com

There was a time only a few decades ago in the '70s and '80s when politics wasn’t as divisive in that the other side could at least admit what they were and what they wanted to do. A time when it was Democrat or Republican instead of left versus right and we weren’t that far apart from each other. We could disagree without being disagreeable and still be friends.

But unless you’ve been living under a rock, or only getting your news from the national socialist media, you know that’s all changed. These days the un-Democrat party has gone so much to the dark side of red (as in communistic red) that they have to work constantly to keep it hidden. And you are having to go into full damage control mode when Comrade Kamala reveals too much.

RFK, Jr.’s campaign suspension, Trump endorsement, and speech, along with the freedom illusion projected at the DNC (a.k.a., commie con) and their dire direction off a cliff are all signposts of a dying political party.

There is the bad news in that the national socialist media is marching in goose step with the un-Democrat party, so it’s going to be up to the pro-freedom community to spread the word to counterbalance the commies.
It is even more curious that while they are concealing their move to the far left reaches of the political spectrum, they are co-opting the liberty language of the pro-freedom community. So, while they are going full authoritarian, they pretend to be freedom-oriented. That means they know their ideas won’t sell and they have to fake being far-right.
The un-Democratic Party is stuck with their far-left radicals, and they can’t hide them forever, and the political earthquake of the RFK, Jr. moves means that normal and sane people are moving away from them. The DNC’s marketing arm is doing all it can to push their candidates, so when Comrade Kamala starts sinking, there’s nothing they can do. There is only one way for them and it’s down.

Alexander G. Markovsky #psycho #wingnut #racist americanthinker.com

[From “Israel: Terror Can Be Conquered Only With Greater Terror”]

Gangs of Hamas terrorists launched a violent assault on Israel, indiscriminately raping and killing women and children, torturing its soldiers, and taking hostages[…]
The indiscriminate bombing of Gaza appeared more as an act of desperation rather than a well-planned military campaign. It looked effective on TV screens but was often ineffective as a practical matter[…]
It became evident that despite decades of fighting terrorists, Israel has failed at the critical distinction that a war with terrorists differs from conventional wars[…]
Terrorism’s purpose is to terrorize, to break the will, and to paralyze society into submission

Therefore, terror cannot be defeated through conventional warfare. The terror can be conquered only with greater terror[…]
It is a reality of warfare that soldiers are expected to die. However, the deaths of women and children bring the horror close to home and demoralize the combatants and the entire society[…]
To destroy Hamas and prevent even greater tragedy in the future, Israelis must demonstrate unrestrained ruthlessness and unwavering determination[…]
The non-combatants are the terrorists’ mothers, fathers, brothers, and children. They provide moral, financial, and logistical support[…]
Israel shall keep in mind that friends will support it, while the international community will condemn Israel anyway. Therefore, as Nixon’s maxim goes, one pays the same price for doing something halfheartedly as for doing it completely[…]
The initial step involves doing as Churchill did: Continuing to bomb “until every home, factory, shipyard, and hospital is reduced to ruins,” and halting the irrational influx of humanitarian assistance, thereby increasing casualties while depriving the terrorists of vital resources such as sustenance, water, medical supplies, and weaponry. The second step is to offer these necessities only in exchange for the release of hostages

Alexander G. Markovsky #wingnut #pratt #conspiracy americanthinker.com

[From “Russia is not an Aggressor, and Ukraine is not a Victim”]

It is widely accepted that the Ukrainian crisis erupted into a military conflict on February 24, 2022[…]Seeds of the hostilities were planted about thirty years earlier by President Clinton and, later, by George W. Bush, both of whom recklessly pushed for NATO’s eastward expansion

Over the years, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Putin repeatedly warned that Moscow would not tolerate continuing NATO’s “Drang nach Osten”[…]particularly Ukraine’s membership and the subsequent establishment of NATO military bases along the Russian border

On February 25, 2024, The New York Times published an article confirming Moscow’s fears[…]
The newspaper exposed how[…]the CIA has operated a network of twelve bases in Ukraine[…]
Would the United States accept the presence of Russian military bases on its borders?[…]Reagan ordered the invasion of Grenada[…]
Diplomacy was not given a chance because NATO needed to restore its image and validate its continued existence following a 30-year history of failure. The pursuit of “nation-building”[…]has accomplished neither[…]
Since a military alliance cannot exist without a rival, NATO's need for a credible enemy was an existential necessity. The Russian incursion into Ukraine could create the perception of a common threat[…]
For President Biden, who was desperate to escape the Afghanistan disaster, a victorious conflict would be a pivotal moment in his presidency[…]
Never in the realm of international relations was there a state that acted so consistently against its national interests. It put itself in grave danger when it announced its intention to join NATO in 2004, violating the 1997 Treaty on Friendship between Ukraine and the Russian Federation[…]
The preceding facts illustrate a common overriding interest among NATO leadership, its member states, and Ukraine in instigating the invasion[…]Russia was the sole party that attempted to prevent the conflict

Michael Letts #wingnut #conspiracy americanthinker.com

[From “Texas got it right in self-defense case”]

It’s always frustrating to see a case surrounding a man who’s clearly innocent — in this particular matter, simply acting on self-defense

Daniel Scott Perry was a former U.S. Army sergeant working as an Uber driver[…]A Black Lives Matter mob surrounded him suddenly, rushing “to obstruct, strike, pound, smash and kick his vehicle”[…]
Perry acted quickly, drawing his handgun and firing on Foster in self-defense[…]
Unfortunately, due to a district attorney who was backed at the time by police-hating billionaire George Soros, Perry was found guilty of murder and spent the past few years in prison — all over a self-defense matter surrounding a hateful mob that would stop at nothing to hurt those who disagreed with them[…]
Thankfully, this particular case does have a happy ending

Texas governor Greg Abbott issued a full pardon for Perry, making him a free man[…]
What this means is that the board was fully aware that Perry was wrongfully convicted, when he was simply defending himself against a hateful mob. That didn’t stop Travis County district attorney Jose Garza from slavering after a murder conviction, believing that it was more of a “hate crime”[…]
Abbott, alongside the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole, noted that “rather than upholding the self-defense rights of citizens, [Garza] has prioritized ‘reducing access to guns’ that citizens may use to lawfully defend themselves”

What’s more, Garza “directed the lead detective investigating Daniel Scott Perry to withhold exculpatory evidence from the Grand Jury considering whether to report an indictment”[…]
I’m thrilled to see that justice has finally been served. Why stop here? This matter should easily pave the way for an investigation to take place surrounding Garza’s actions and how he manipulated a lead detective. For that matter, it probably wouldn’t hurt to see what kind of financial support he received from Soros on the matter

DC Larson #fundie #homophobia americanthinker.com

First, they urged same-sex marriages to be legally recognized. Never mind that some 2,000 years of world cultural norms, not to mention the morality as declared in Scripture, were arrayed against such abominations.

In an April 3 Des Moines Register essay, former Polk County District Court Judge Robert B. Hanson (who had ruled in favor of same-sex Iowa marriages in 2007), tellingly characterized legalizing such deviant unions as being but a step on “the road to progress.”

The obvious implication: “progress” is an as-yet-unreached destination, meaning additional ambitions are desired.

Lewis Dovland #sexist #wingnut #enbyphobia #conspiracy #fundie americanthinker.com

[From “Why American Women Should Want Their Own Harrison Butker”]

If you are female, would you prefer a Harrison Butker type as your life partner? Or would you prefer to share your life with a man-bun wearing, scraggly bearded, non-binary person complete with all the leftist jargon and chock-full feelings?

Butker’s comments at the graduation ceremony for Benedictine College, a Catholic institution (where he gave a Catholic message)[…]has Democrats in a tizzy[…]
Nature made men and women different from each other in a perfect and complementary yin/yang design[…]
Men are simpler creatures (just ask any wife) and are not known for deep emotions on a regular basis. When societies refocus a man’s reproductive and power drives into beneficial application (usually through culture and religion), their ingrained nature makes them natural providers for their offspring[…]
A man’s natural focus is problem solving, which is why women get frustrated when they bring an issue to their husbands and then he immediately goes into “problem solving mode”[…]
Think of men as visually horizontal[…]Ready to step forward to[…]provide food and shelter. Women on the other hand are visually vertical, spiritually looking up[…]always on guard to protect and nurture[…]
Would you like to have Harrison as your husband? Would you like to have the life freedom of Harrison’s wife?[…]
Since the 1970s, Gloria Steinem days—as still seen in today’s COSMO (which is truly unreadable dreck)—the “women’s movement” of sexual liberation (Marxism designed to collapse the family structure) and the alleged emancipation of women have done women great harm by telling them they can be all things[…]
America needs to find its supply of testosterone. We need to stop the emasculation of our young boys by our K-12 educational system. Male weakness, especially over the past 30 years, is a key reason for the cultural dysfunction that is killing the family, religion, and eventually the American experiment

Monica Showalter #conspiracy americanthinker.com

[From “Was Victoria Nuland involved in the Moscow terror attack?”]

So who really committed the terrorist attack on a Russian theatre full of people last week, killing some 133 people?

ISIS has claimed "credit" for the attack with its operatives, supposedly Tajik-speaking Central Asians

Whoever they are, they are small fry, well-trained in ISIS attack techniques, but obviously with someone bigger backing them

There are plenty of others who may have been, not the least of whom is Vladimir Putin, who has been implicated in other terror attacks done for political purposes in his past

Putin's political frenemies[…]could have done it, as well

The Ukrainians themselves, who are suspected of other attacks on Russian soil, and who are at war with Russia, also could have done it

It's telling that the men apprehended for the act were headed for the Ukraine border, not Central Asia, nor the restive Caucasian states

Now a new name emerges, none other than pro-Ukraine warmongering Democrat State Department operative Victoria Nuland, who left office for greener, swampier pastures[…]
According to Mark Wauck, writing on his Substack:

[…]I referenced Victoria Nuland’s recent claim that “Putin will face some nasty surprises”[…]

There are a lot of potential perpetrators. Knowing which one really did it (or more important, who Putin thinks did it) tells us a lot about whether we can expect retaliation here[…]
So here are a few of the other potential perpetrators and their motives[…]
Keating at Vox thinks it was most likely a bona fide ISIS attack

But the Nuland angle is interesting, too, as she's fanatically pro-Ukraine and anti-Putin, and has engaged in warmongering, coups, and other stunning manipulations in the past, and often bragged about it, too[…]
Was it ISIS? Or did Nuland and her Ukrainian buddies have something nefarious to do with this awful act?

Sha'i ben-Tekoa #wingnut #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie americanthinker.com

If the Nobel Prize Committee had the category of Most Influential Invention of the Last Century, one candidate might be the Pill, the contraceptive that came into widespread use in the 1960s and triggered a chain reaction of one tectonic, societal earthquake after another. I was a college student at the time and watched it happen.

If you want to know the origin of today’s sexual madness—”What’s your pronoun?” Little boys get castrated; pubescent girls undergo double mastectomies, and drag queens entertain American kindergarten kids.—it all began with the Pill that re-configured the relationship between men and women as never before since the Garden of Eden.

The Pill’s advent ignited a tsunami of fornication, a.k.a. premarital sex and adultery, that led to a further tsunami of millions of couples divorcing, the invention of no-fault divorce, millions of tears, and millions of broken families.

The Pill produced “Women’s Lib” and women like Hillary “Lady Macbeth” Clinton, who sneered at motherhood and wanted a “career” just like a man.
The Pill has produced a society that is dizzy with the fantasy that there is such a thing as “gender” (outside of grammar), let alone transgender, which is nothing but the old transvestism explicitly forbidden in the Jewish Bible right alongside male-to-male sodomy. The divine genius of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is that this is how societies die, via sexual abandon and sexual perversion, a couplet no longer permissible in the politically correct generation of the “woke.”
There is also a connection between the loss of a sense of right and wrong in matters of sex, and right and wrong in other activities, such as the FBI. In that institution, we’ve learned that the agents protecting the sexual perversity of the son of the President of the United States and the first family’s influence-peddling among the communists, have also allegedly led to hundreds of intramural sex harassment cases amongst agency employees.

Mike Konrad #racist #wingnut americanthinker.com

[From “Don’t Send Them to the West”]

Right now, it is starting to look as though Israel is planning to forcibly move the Gazans. In a less politically correct era, this would have been called population transfer. This was how a measure of stability was brought to the Greek and Turkish border[…]
In a more “sensitive” era, such a transfer is called “ethnic cleansing,” and it is now labeled a form of genocide[…]
The term is usually used only as a form of convenience to attack an opponent[…]
I am not here to critique Mr. Rosenthal[…]why would Israel want to dump roughly 2 million Gazans on Egypt, which does not want them?[…]
Recently, the number of Arabs west of the Jordan River has started to approximate the number of Jews, which from a Zionist perspective signals a disaster[…]
The first thing to notice is that after last week’s horrific slaughter, Hamas has lost a large portion of the world’s sympathy, except for Islamic populations and insane leftists

The second thing to notice is that Trump cut off all aid to the Palestinians. Biden re-instated it. This would never have happened under Trump. All aid to the Palestinians should be immediately cut off. Oddly, though, in the short term, this would dump the problem back on Israel[…]Whether Israel picks up the tab is another matter. Still, all aid should be cut off

The third thing is that the West must not take these Gazans in. Europe is already flooded with Muslim migrants as a result of meddling in Syria[…]Let it be assimilable Christian Euro-Ukrainians

Fourth: The Gazans — if they be ejected — must be ejected to the Islamic world, and this must be made clear. If the Arab world does not agree to absorb them, all diplomatic and economic aid to them must stop. I am not saying this is 100% fair[…]
I have no problem with this, as long as liberal Jews — and even Israel notices that diaspora Jews are too liberal — in the West stop screaming “racism” when it comes to white Christians in the West

Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia #fundie #dunning-kruger americanthinker.com

For King, pacifism was inseparable from anti-poverty and anti-racism. Soon enough, black feminists like Michele Wallace and Angela Davis would brave the forces of reaction and challenge the black men who were leading this movement to address the struggles of women. Eventually, gender joined race and class to form the triumvirate of the left’s social critiques. All three of these categories reflected the needs of large groups of people who had clear grievances, people who had suffered widespread institutionalized violence, confinement, and deprivation that were irrefutable in the annals of history. Had this triangle of causes remained sacrosanct, there is no way surrogacy would have led the left back to human bondage.

But then came gay men. Somehow “sexual orientation” was jimmied into the triangle of race, class, and gender. Homosexuals were deemed an oppressed people despite the flimsiest of historical grievances (even the legendary gay Holocaust involved no more than 15,000 victims, out of the twelve million people placed in Nazi concentration camps).

Gay men were teased about their sexual tastes and had to face anti-sodomy laws, which made it hard for them to find erotic release. They had the option of lying to protect themselves. Living a lie is hard, but living a lie when you enjoy all the economic, racial, and patriarchal advantages of having to worry only about your sex life is hardly on the scale of Jim Crow, women not having the right to vote, or poor people starving during times of famine or unemployment. There is an enormous difference between systematic, large-scale persecution and simply facing barriers to sexual pleasure.

By casting gay men as powerless, the left sealed their doom. A new crop of “allies” possessing financial and social capital far in excess of people of color, women, or the working class was bound to rise quickly to power and take over the whole movement, mowing down everything in their path, including the sacred goals the movement began with.

Robin M. Itzler #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #racist americanthinker.com

Decades ago, when I was a liberal Democrat, I bought into the fallacy that saying “Merry Christmas” was wrong. But back then, I also thought murdering a baby in the womb was right. As (my husband and) I slowly morphed into Reagan Democrats and then finally abandoned the now Marxist-leaning Democrat party to register as Republicans, I realized that celebrating Christmas is fundamental to the United States remaining a beacon of freedom in the world. Commemorating Christmas guarantees freedom of religion for all Americans.

Think about it. If a nation where about 80 percent of its population is Christian is denied its own religious beliefs (“Merry Christmas” morphing into “Happy Holidays”), what chance do smaller religions such as Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. have for celebrating their holidays? If woke Marxists can remove the nativity scene from Christmas and replace it with Santa Claus, it’s even easier to remove the Hanukkah menorah and replace it with Liberace’s candelabra.
And here we are today. Progressive lunacy has given us a society filled with misguided people who think they can pick from hundreds of genders or no gender (when they’re not busy stealing luggage from airport carousels). They want to convince young children that they can medically alter their gender without parental consent, that men have can give birth, that teachers should discuss kinky sexual acts with kindergartners, that one race matters more than another, that biological men wearing skirts are women, that abortion after birth is acceptable, that millions of illegal aliens can waltz into our country, that criminals shouldn’t be arrested and …

E N O U G H !

The attack on our freedom started with words when Marxist progressives demanded that “Merry Christmas” become “Happy Holidays” and I say, “Enough!” As Benjamin Franklin warned: “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”

Jacob Fraden #wingnut #racist #conspiracy americanthinker.com

Commercials take up 27% of commercial television screen time and are the main source of income for TV and radio stations. In most cases, advertisements on all channels appear simultaneously, so don't try to change the channel, there will be commercials elsewhere, too. Nowadays they have also taken over the Internet. For financial support, websites have to run ads on their pages, the largest share supplied and controlled by Google.
In the United States today, the White population (not including Hispanics) is 57.8%. In real life, Caucasians are still in the majority, but now on TV and the Internet, they are swept under the rug like trash. Blacks comprise 14% of the U.S. population but appear in 50% of commercials. White actors now appear to promote health insurance, gold, loans, and some medicines. Moreover, if a White person appears in a commercial, he/she is usually old, sick, a freak, or at the very least, an appendage to a Black partner. If there's a doctor on the screen, he's usually Black, while the patient is usually White. Caucasian young men appear in only 4% of the commercials! If some aliens began to study the population of Planet Earth through our TV commercials they would have a somewhat distorted picture of Americans, to put it mildly.

So why do advertisers ignore the long-standing rules of marketing, and to the detriment of their own financial interests, fill the media space with content that displaces and degrades its biggest market segment? The answer is simple. At the heart of this nonsense is political correctness in a form even an Orwell could not have foreseen. Business executives go out of their way to publicly show their conformity with the universal “diversity” and "critical racial theory" (CRT), demanding that the White man be blamed for all the sins one can imagine. Replacing ancient, long-vanished oppression of Blacks with real oppression of Whites, overcompensating and planting racism-in-reverse.

Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia #dunning-kruger americanthinker.com

I doubt anyone on the production team has read “Breeders: How Gay Men Destroyed the Left.” Hence I am left to conclude that the movie’s pretext embodies everything that “anti-gay” opponents of surrogacy such as myself have been warning, because there is a deep-seated but suppressed anxiety running rampant in Hollywood about just how horrible our society will become if gay men are uncritically awarded everything they demand.

The “men’s rights activists” who are furious about Fury Road seem to have missed the film’s implicit plea to the audience to give heterosexual love a second chance. (The plot features a few details, which I will not spoil the film by revealing, involving male-female love as a necessary “redemption” after the devastation wrought by the sexes withdrawing romantically from each other.)

Within the dystopian context of Fury Road, not all men belong to the homoerotic elite. Those who are part of it control the water, resources, and political process for the hordes of heterosexuals in ragged, torn clothing, who are kept out of the fortress and forced to wander like beggars in the sands of post-apocalyptic Australia.

The warriors in the Citadel have washboard abs. They range from muscle bears to slender “twinks.” They decorate themselves with silver glitter, facial makeup (eye liner?), and tattoos or brands of other men’s names so their flesh attests to their undying male-male spiritual bonds. Miraculously unworried about being wounded, burned, or struck with skin cancer, the sexy “war boys” carry on all their battles and brute labor under a blazing sun with no armor or covering of any kind, so that everyone can see their lean stomachs and deltoid muscles flex with each thrust and parry. Ten years ago, the film 300 hinted at homoeroticism. Fury Road offers no hint of anything else.

Selwyn Duke #wingnut #psycho #fundie americanthinker.com

It’s reasonable to assume that mentioning right now the futility of reasoning with the Left is motivated by the election. It’s also, in my case, untrue. I’ve for decades recognized that devout leftists, emotion-driven and vice-ridden, operate by occultist Aleister Crowley’s “principle,” “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” But now, with the Left stealing an election after have stolen our whole culture and increasingly achieving its ends through violence, more people may accept this message.
In a saner world, people could talk things out, seeking that ethereal common ground called Truth. But morally nihilistic leftists scoff at absolutes and have thus turned themselves into glorified animals, driven by their base instincts and consuming freedom, virtue and goodness like demonic locusts. And our leftists are ensuring that we cannot talk things out.

The reality is that if the United States were a marriage, there would have been a divorce long ago. Leftists are as alien to more traditional people as a race of aggressive, invasive extraterrestrials, and they’ve made coexistence impossible.

So what does this mean from a practical standpoint? How should we proceed? First, conservatives must stop being “conservative” (as in defensive) and realize that you can’t follow Queensberry rules when the adversary fights no-holds-barred. As an example, leftists can govern contrary to the Constitution, sure — and we act contrary to their governance.

To this end, traditionalist states/counties/cities should employ nullification, that ignoring of governmental enjoinments that Thomas Jefferson called the “rightful” remedy for all unconstitutional directives.

Don Rosenberg #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #sexist #homophobia americanthinker.com

Traveling through the suburbs of Minneapolis, Minnesota, you see yard signs scattered lightly through the neighborhood. Talking with the owners, you learn that many "like the words" from the sign but admit they don't know what the various groups represented actually stand for.

Who can disagree with the phrase "black lives matter"? But when you put a sign in your yard, you're not just sharing nice words; you're promoting political groups with very specific agendas that go far beyond nice phrases.
This sign is the entire globalist agenda boiled down to 29 words. Their God is the Earth itself. People who have been oppressed in the past should have the right to extra benefits at the expense of the descendants of those who oppressed them. This includes blacks, women, foreign citizens and gays. Rich countries should be forced to pay less fortunate countries, and their borders should be left wide open.

There are no morals or freedom of religion - no reference to family, hard work, entrepreneurship, free speech or open-mindedness. If you disagree with our peaceful message, you are less than human and should lose your job and be threatened with violence.

But the globalist agenda is not their plan of action, but pleasant words they use to enlist uninformed people as pawns in their quest for world control.

While the words are nice, it's like a contract with terms that sound too good to be true, until you read the fine print and it's too late.

Tadas Klimas #wingnut americanthinker.com

[concerning calls for evidence of the Biden campaign committing fraud. Emphasis added]

The real question thus is legitimacy. If we cannot have confidence in an election result, it is illegitimate. See how criminality is largely irrelevant here?

For instance, if you knew your car could be blown up by use of a computer program, would you have confidence driving it? It’s not been blown up yet, and you don’t know if it will be. But one would imagine you’d lack confidence in it; and this is clearly not the usual sort of question posed to a judge.

Thus, a lack of confidence in the process can render the results illegitimate even in the absence of positive evidence of actual illegal results. This encompasses certain evidence being given, principally by expert witnesses, concerning the voting software used in this election being subject to manipulation. This is why even expert testimony showing the possibility of manipulation is real evidence – evidence of illegitimacy due to lack of confidence.

J.B. Shurk #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy americanthinker.com

Why is it that whenever I call customer support to get a replacement for my broken America, I end up on the line with an operator from China? I kid...but only a little. Four separate stories this last week hit the nail on the head:

(1) In defending America's two-tiered (in)justice system currently dedicated to covering up Biden family crimes while persecuting Trump and his supporters, Gestapo chief Merrick Garland had the audacity to declare that any condemnation of the secret police "constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy."

Hear that, plebes? "Democracy" will survive only if the people's voices are silenced and the powerful institutions are obeyed. The opinions of commoners are "attacks," while the crimes of institutions are "essential." To save "democracy," defend the dictatorship!
(2) Pretend President Biden stumbled into California to push his plans for gun confiscation and mocked the idea that the Second Amendment is an essential check against government tyranny. "So what's the deal with the idea that it's an absolute?" Dementia Joe mumbled. "You know, the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots. Well, if [you] want to do that, you want to work against the government, you need an F-16."
(3) A federal judge ruled that a student's First and Fourteenth Amendment rights were not violated when school administrators ordered him to remove a shirt with printed text saying, "There are only two genders." The Obama judge concluded that "the shirt invades the rights of others."
(4) Finally, the CEO of Raytheon — one of America's major defense companies — gave an interview in which he stated clearly that "decoupling" from China is impossible.
If only there had been an American president who had warned about the dangers of depending on communist China for America's own defense. Oh, right! — that was one of the major planks of Donald Trump's America First campaign.

Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia americanthinker.com

By 2015, the deterioration of language was far-reaching. I participated in the legal efforts to resist the redefinition of family because I knew that every child has a mother and father, somewhere, even if one or both are in the grave. The only possession with which a child is naturally born, in fact, is his relationship to the man and woman from whose flesh he was conceived. Court after court brushed aside this commonsense reality and instead lost its train of thought in bizarre word definitions.

Robert Oscar Lopez #transphobia #homophobia americanthinker.com

"It gets better" is Orwellian. Most youths who begin a homosexual or transgender lifestyle will see their living conditions worsen. As they get older and adult demands weigh on them, they suffer from more health problems and an unsupportive LGBT community. LGBT networks reward them for joining by pulling them into needlessly stressful debates and unstable relationships. The slogan was aimed at young people, whose age afforded them the support of patient schools, families, and communities, which will no longer see them as babes to care for when they become adults and realize how cold and harsh the LGBT scene really is. The campaign commissioned aging LGBTs to speak via internet to impressionable teens and pre-teens, in essence imposing gross assumptions on them and lying to them about how happy gay and trans adults felt.

J.B. Shurk #wingnut americanthinker.com

So, along comes a communist virus, and the metaphor could not be more apt. It shows why national borders are important, why command-and-control economies collapse during crisis, why officials in authoritarian states exacerbate life-and-death problems because they fear telling their leadership difficult truths. How many lives in China and elsewhere would be saved today if China's military and local police had not threatened their own doctors, journalists, and ordinary citizens against speaking truth out loud? In a socialist utopia, though, tragedy and mistake are not allowed; because they reveal rot, they must be ignored. Better to live in a kingdom of pyrite than admit that "the welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants."

Bernie Sanders is about to become President Trump's number-one enemy, and the communist virus spreading around the world has just become one of the most compelling story arcs for the 2020 election. While the press and Democratic Party salivate, however, they once again fail to see the president's coming blow. Donald Trump has spent forty years arguing that America's national security depends on being free of China. He has spent his presidency singlehandedly changing the country's course by bringing manufacturing back home. Opposed by Wall Street Democrats, he has demanded America's energy independence from overseas adversaries and has endured endless ridicule for seeking a new renaissance for America's blue-collar workers. While Bloomberg, Biden, and Bernie grovel in obeisance to their Chinese lords, President Trump sees American-made steel, American-made pharmaceuticals, and American-made electronics as instrumental to American freedom. The Democratic Party wants to give American citizenship to the world, but the communist virus is a timely reminder that the illegal and uncontrolled flow of people across our borders not only depreciates wages and destroys American culture, but also sacrifices the lives of American citizens. The misery of Chinese communism created this virus, and the misery of Democratic Socialism seeks to spread it across the United States. Border security is health security. And energy, steel, and manufacturing independence is independence from overseas tyrants.

The coronavirus will pass. The stock markets will rise. The current state of fear will subside. But Bernie Sanders and the communist virus are now front and center, and President Trump has one hell of a story to tell the American people. It's a powerful story. It will be a powerful punch. And they'll still never see it coming. Just watch.

George Rojas #racist #wingnut americanthinker.com

How the Turks Handle 'Diversity'

The stateless nation of Kurdistan doesn’t have a lot to offer the United States, it’s true. But President Recip Tayyip Erdoğan’s ingenious bit of population engineering should offer this stark lesson to America’s open-borders ‘woke’ class: the fallout from ethnic diversity, no matter where in the world, is always pulverizing, intractable, and inevitable.

On October 5th, when Erdoğan announced his launch of Operation Peace Spring in northeast Syria, he stated that the plan sought to “neutralize terror threats against Turkey” and “prevent the creation of a terror corridor across our southern border, and to bring peace to the area.” He was out to neutralize the Syrian branch of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK): a terrorist group in Turkey, say authorities, and one that’s killed tens of thousands there in its multi-decades-long struggle to establish a greater Kurdistan ethno-state -- 12 of the Middle East’s 30 million ethnic Kurds currently live in Turkey. Just like the Greek and Armenian minorities in Turkey in the early 19th century (before they were expelled and genocided, respectively), the Kurds are viewed as a constant source of distrust by the Turkish government and few forms of their ethnic expression are tolerated.

The October 9th military operations aimed at clearing out the Kurds from northeast Syria have since settled into a truce and Turkish troops now control a 75-mile strip of territory in the region with another section previously controlled by Syrian Kurds now being patrolled by Turkish and Russian soldiers together.

Operation Peace Spring also entails returning some of the 3.5 million Syrian occupants who have been bottled up in Turkey since 2015 when Erdoğan cut a deal with Angela Merkel and the EU to halt migrants travelling through the country en route to richer places like Germany, Sweden, and Italy. The Turkish government has announced plans to spend nearly $30 billion on Syrian resettlement efforts in the region, including the building of homes and agricultural infrastructure. Currently, Syrian migrants in Turkey live mostly in tent and container cities. One hundred thousand have been returned to the region so far.

This resettlement part of Erdoğan’s plan has been wildly popular among the Turkish people. From the outset of the Syrian influx, Turks have complained about strains on local labor markets, public services, and housing capacity. Due to these, as well as cultural problems, polls show nearly three-quarters of Turks want a return to the pre-influx status quo. And largely because of this promise to return, a massive 85 percent of the Turkish population is supportive of Erdoğan’s plan.

Yet another motivation behind Operation Peace Spring, says Turkish affairs expert Ryan Gingeras in the New York Times, is that a return of Syrians into Kurdish-held Syria would create “a living, breathing demographic barrier to Kurdish autonomy.” This motivation, which the International Crisis Group’s Dareen Khalifa has also noted, would further dent Kurdish aspirations in northeast Syria by diluting their numbers and creating ethnic factions in the region.

In sum, Erdoğan’s three-pronged plan is essentially about softening inter-ethnic tension in his own country (i.e. removing Syrian occupants, dulling the Kurdish autonomy movement), while creating it where it would benefit his own power base (i.e. building up tensions in northeast Syria). Each are facets of the same age-old, cross-cultural problem of how to deal with interethnic conflict. But, while no doubt extreme, Erdoğan’s plan is not at all without precedent. Nor, on a fundamental level, is it completely far-flung from America’s own efforts in maintaining multicultural stability; efforts which, by the way, will likely increase in future. Probably dramatically so.

Conflict between ethnic groups, of course, is as old as the dirt they fight over. From the ancient story of Arminius, a German citizen of Rome who led his fellow tribesmen against the Roman army, to the ethnic breakup of the Russian, Hapsburg, and, of course, Ottoman empires, to today’s paralyzing distrust between Afghanistan’s Pashtun, Hazara, Tajiks and Uzbeks; concern over dual loyalties and ethnic civil war appear cross-culturally and across time.

So does divorce between groups locked in shotgun marriages. Just taking examples your average boomer might have watched on TV, there’s the Singaporean Chinese leaving the Malaya federation, the Czechs splitting from the Slovaks, the breakup of the Balkans, and the partitioning of Sudan. While some were bloody and some weren’t, all were predictable and for the best. Putting it in academic terms, UC Berkley sociologist Donald Horowitz once noted, “[t]he desire to extirpate diversity seems greatest in states that are among the most heterogeneous.”

Also frightfully common is the kind of ‘demographic engineering’ Erdoğan’s engaged in. Whole books have been written about the subject, covering examples of blunt population restructuring, such as China and the Soviets’ respective funneling of Han Chinese and ethnic Russians into Tibet and Estonia; to more subtle endeavors, like the UK Labor Party’s late nineties immigration increases aimed at diluting the Tory vote. If building up ethnic tensions can somehow benefit a government’s power base, it seems, ethnic tensions will be built up.

Take the Ottoman “Millet” system (roughly meaning ethnicity or nationality) that reigned up until the founding of modern Turkey. In it, minorities in the sprawling heterogeneous state were granted a limited level of autonomy and tolerance, but with an overarching Sunni establishment always keeping a firm grip on things. As part of a divide-and-conquer strategy, the Ottomans would often settle violently opposed nationalities next to each other and allow them to work only in livelihoods that depended on their hated neighbors.

Although a passing grade in junior high history and an issue or two of Foreign Policy should suffice in making the average person cognizant of the pitfalls of ethnic diversity, there’s also the area of evolutionary biology which, although some of us refuse to agree with it, we should probably defer to for safety’s sake.

Evolutionary biologists and their forerunners have long found that our differentiation and skepticism of outgroups is an ingrained tendency that inhabits us all. Building on the work of people like J.B.S. Haldane and W.D. Hamilton, Yale’s William James McGuire concluded way back in the late 1960s that “…it appears possible for specific attitudes of hostility to be transmitted genetically in such a way that hostility is directed towards strangers of one’s own species to a greater extent than toward familiars of one’s own species or toward members of other species.” In the 1970s, Harvard biologist Edward O. Wilson noted that this same transmission takes place in the animal kingdom as well. In other words, as its inherent, outgroup suspicion may have to be dealt with, not through platitudes and public service announcements, but by way of cold, hard acceptance and sober policy prescriptions.

As of late, the West in general is doing a pretty poor job at this. Take our utter lack of circumspection when it comes to our rapid move from having relatively homogenous states to quarreling heterogeneous ones. Perhaps, identity-based strife is now so commonplace in Western daily life, we’re too anaesthetized, tired, or cowed to contemplate what an acceleration of tensions could really look like. How far will conflict management in the U.S. have to go as ethnic heterogeneity barrels ahead? Thankfully, the other side’s beginning to show us.

Both the New York Times and the Washington Post recently published op-eds that, while focused solely on the extreme ends of white identity politics, essentially argued that policing tribal impulses in the U.S. and keeping a lid on intergroup provocations means we will have to narrow what’s considered acceptable public discourse and speech freedoms generally. By way of more de facto and even legal censorship, all things which spark multicultural disharmony (racial satire, “derogatory” jokes, etc.) will have to go.

Surely, this will also mean ramping up what we already do to keep the expanding non-white populace at bay i.e. revising our shared national history and heroes; multiculturalizing the workplace and social sphere; allocating jobs, school admissions, and government contracts for non-whites, etc. How far will these and other existing measures have to be increased? Will brand new, more drastic measures become necessary? Will an Erdoğanesque reorientation of things have to appear in West? We shall see.

Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia #conspiracy americanthinker.com

They didn't want to believe that Mike Pence had actually sold out the pro-family movement as governor of Indiana, back when the most daring thing such leaders were being asked to do was to protect a handful of pâtissiers from being forced to make cakes for ceremonies that gay people wanted them to call weddings. While the LGBT movement pushed to legalize prostitution, globalize grooming as part of school curricula, and lower the age of consent, we listened to years of debate about wedding cakes. As part of the narrow legal argument, our side even said these Christian bakers didn't have a problem with homosexuality as long as they would not have to cook for a same-sex "wedding." But even that was too much for Mike Pence, who was supposedly our "staunch" pro-family option.

Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia americanthinker.com

Language distortion spreads like mold. After a certain point, you can't recover common sense anywhere, and all is lost. The inability to see the word "person" as the word clearly presents itself led, in America's case, to the total inability to understand the words "man," "woman," "mother," "father," "child," and "marriage."

The public supported a basic truth: the sexual relationship between a man and a woman is unlike any other relationship, especially because this one uniquely produces new human life; hence, society needs to recognize the sacred nature of such a bond rather than muddle it with analogies to same-sex relationships, which are in many ways hard to differentiate from friendships. Many people who were formerly in the gay lifestyle and then came out could attest to the fact that gay relationships, no matter how much we wish to respect them, differ substantially from a heterosexual bond and will never be able to replace male-female unions.

By 2015, the deterioration of language was far-reaching. I participated in the legal efforts to resist the redefinition of family because I knew that every child has a mother and father, somewhere, even if one or both are in the grave. The only possession with which a child is naturally born, in fact, is his relationship to the man and woman from whose flesh he was conceived. Court after court brushed aside this commonsense reality and instead lost its train of thought in bizarre word definitions.

Through sophistry, the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment meant that same-sex couples had equal rights to children but that the children obtained in fulfillment of this right did not have equal rights to a mother and father.

Rabbi Aryeh Spero #fundie #wingnut #god-complex americanthinker.com

[From "Many American Jews Need to Atone for Their Sins against Donald Trump"]

America has seen many presidents who have been good to Israel and the Jewish people. None has been better than Donald Trump. Beyond doubt, he has done unmatched and extraordinary things for Israel and has publicly spoken against anti-Semitism in the United Nations and repeatedly during his State of the Union addresses. The whole world has seen the priority Mr. Trump bestows on Israel and safety for Jews. Additionally, he and his father were tremendous friends and benefactors to Jews and Israel, much prior to his entering politics. Yet the establishment Jewish organizations and temples have too often falsely maligned him, and liberal American Jewry (about 70% of American Jewry) have been his most vocal critics. Actually, they are in the forefront against him, as often seen on television, in articles, and in speeches from non-orthodox rabbis on the pulpit. Even among regular liberal Jews, the railing against Mr. Trump is incessant, hysterical, mean, and full of hate. All of this constitutes gross, unprecedented ingratitude. Jewish Tradition frowns on ingratitude, indeed calls it a sin.

Many in the secular Jewish community do not consider their attitude ungrateful inasmuch as support for Israel is no longer important to them, and they seem undaunted when anti-Semitism comes from the political Left (their home), or from social justice warriors and certain "minorities." What they consider good for Jews most often has nothing to do with Jewish need at all, but rather a universalist agenda at odds with Jewish survival. In their zeal to destroy and remove Mr. Trump from the presidency, they have gone beyond ingratitude to downright lying about him, scheming against him, and throwing normal fairness and decency out the window.

Yom Kippur, the annual Day of Atonement, falls this week. One of the most prominent prayers is "for the sins we have committed," a list of grievous sins that may apply to the penitent, thereby requiring atonement. Thus, now may be the best and most appropriate time to review the sins many within the Jewish community continue to wage against President Trump. Perhaps they should begin some reflection and introspection regarding their three years of ferocious attacks and lies against a man who loves Israel and America and longs for Jewish individuals and children to be safe from terrorism. No doubt, there are as well other sins against innocent people that should be pondered, including sins even against Israel and Jewish peoplehood.

[Below is a list of various Jewish personnalities along with their allegued sins against Trump]

Phyllis Chesler #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #sexist americanthinker.com

We are fast becoming the Disunited Identities of America. American embassies may now fly the gay rainbow flag along with the American flag. What next? A Transgender Flag? A Black Transgender “Sex Worker” Flag? A “Palestinian” Flag? A special flag for American non-binaries and asexuals? How about separate flags for every possible ethnicity that American citizens represent? Better still, a special flag for the illegal/undocumented -- they’re here, too.

I happen to like the rainbow flag very much and for more than one reason. I like what rainbows biblically represent, namely, a forever truce between God and humanity. No matter how vain or venal our behavior may be, God is resigned to accepting the fact that we are all made of “crooked timber” and will sin, again and again, but God will never again unleash a deadly flood to destroy all mankind.
A mighty wind is powering this flag of identity, rending asunder all hope of unity, dividing citizen against citizen, making political alliances difficult if not impossible.

Where is the flag for the victims of sex slavery -- that would be female sex slaves, they are the majority, all others, whether male or transgender, however trendy, are in the minority. Where is the flag for rape victims -- that too would mainly be female victims of male rape. A flag for the mainly female victims of domestic violence?

Prick us, will we not bleed?
No political, intellectual, government, diplomatic, or administrative experience necessary as long as you are the right color, claim to sleep with only the right people, and sport the rainbow flag.

Andrea Widburg #racist #sexist #wingnut americanthinker.com

Black Lives Matter reveals a generation of damaged straight, white women

The Black Lives Matter movement and the subsequent riots by Antifa, the Democrat party's domestic terrorist arm, have shown Americans what leftism is — an ugly combination of social and government coercion, racism, violence, and anti-Americanism. It's also revealed that the American left has been using American blacks as a vehicle for political power without any regard for actually improving black people's lives. Instead, the left destroys their communities and doubles down on damaging policies.

What few have pointed out, though, is the way BLM protests have revealed the damage that decades of leftist messaging have visited on straight, young, white women. To set the stage, here are some videos of the hysterical young white women who keep showing up in the front row of the Black Lives Matter movement, whether screaming at police, arguing with black people, rioting, or groveling:

White woman yelling at black officers

Those videos are just a fraction of the footage showing frenzied white women taking the lead in BLM. They are deeply involved in this movement and in the ugliest way possible — and therein lies a sad tale of the leftist takeover of straight, white women.

The root problem is that these women are receiving mixed messages that would make even the strongest person go crazy. Beginning in high school, or even earlier, they're told endlessly that they're both victim and oppressor.

These mixed messages make straight white girls distinct from other students. White boys are told they're evil, toxic oppressors of both women and minorities. It's an ugly message, but a consistent one. Boys lucky enough to have countervailing influences shake it off and become the men they should be. The boys who don't have better influences, interestingly enough, become feminized, even if they're not gay, as if trying to escape that awful toxic masculinity.

Meanwhile, everyone who is non-white and/or non-straight, whether male or female, or something else, is told that he, she, or it is a victim. White privilege, racism, homophobia, transgenderism, misogyny — all of them define how non-white and/or non-straight people suffer endlessly at the hands of straight whites.

And then there are the straight, white girls. On the one hand, they're...well, white and straight. That means they are evil oppressors who have benefited unfairly from white privilege. In the morality play that is leftism, they owe the world big-time. On the other hand, they're women, which means men have victimized them from time immemorial to the present.

That relationship with men is made more toxic by the fact that the young women are told simultaneously (a) that, as liberated women, they should be part of the hook-up culture and (b) that, as biological women, they're the victims of all men's rapacious, rapey sexuality. Given these mixed messages, it's no wonder that these confused young women willingly sleep with the guy at night and then accuse him of rape in the morning. Others avoid this confusion by embracing a trendy lesbianism.

These same women are also betrayed by the leftist culture's refusal to accept that motherhood is (a) biological destiny and (b) worthy insofar as creating and raising a human being does give meaning to life.

Once upon a time, women had no life choice other than motherhood. In a pre–free market, pre-industrial world, if one ignores the infinitesimally small number of wealthy women, any search for meaning in life was overwhelmed by the endless struggle to survive. Women didn't have time to compare their lives to men, especially because the men were also fighting for survival against the untamed forces of nature and other men.

With the industrial era and the development of free-market capitalism, things changed. In the West, ordinary people had time for leisure, contemplation, and the search for meaning.

That fundamental change led to the post-industrial, pre-modern cult of motherhood. Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi, who lived in Rome in the Second Century B.C., leaped into prominence. People in the 18th and 19th centuries loved that, when catty friends asked why Cornelia wasn't wearing jewels, she pointed to her sons and said, "These are my jewels."

Today's young women are told to focus on a career. In college, though, they take liberal arts classes that don't prepare them for anything useful but do reinforce their status as both victims and oppressors. They leave college, uneducated and unskilled, which leads them to unfulfilling jobs. At those jobs, they work hard while dating frantically. When they find the right man, they get pregnant, drop out of the job market, and resent their husbands' careers. They take all the energy that was meant for their professional success and pour it into hyper-motherhood and activism. (See those raging Portland moms above.)

None of this is healthy; it is, instead, tragic. Straight white women hate themselves for being white; hate their men for being oppressors; hate their meaningless careers; and, even though they love their children, they hate the seeming meaninglessness of motherhood. This profound cognitive dissonance has finally found its most disturbing outlet in their shrill, existential screams on the streets of the Black Lives Matter protests.

Deana Chadwell #wingnut #conspiracy americanthinker.com

Simultaneously some individuals (officials have found eight combustion sites) set fires along the creek and the wind ripped the fires northward for over 15 miles, destroying in its wake over 2,000 residences and most of two small towns. One person has so far been arrested, but we know that BLM/Antifa had a presence here; they had set up camp in our most central public park, but the police kicked them out just days before the fires. This fire -- the Almeda Fire -- was the result of a lack of respect for law, for life, for property, and all of us who live here feel a strong and angry need for justice. Not for revenge -- that’s different -- but for accountability, for wrong to be set right.
That is because the heart of the idea of justice is truth -- absolute truth, above and beyond human frailties. We can’t have justice without truth and this progressive idea that truth is relative, adjustable, disposable, and personal makes justice impossible.
If the left, which consistently denies truth, wins in these upcoming elections, we will see the final death throes of both justice and truth. Already, when the Hunter Biden laptop surfaced, we witnessed an almost instantaneous denial not only of the truth but of our right to decide for ourselves. The left censored that information so quickly that they couldn’t possibly have taken the time to research the allegations themselves. They took no time to analyze signatures, watch videos, look at photos, or read the emails. They just clamped down on the story, locked it in a cage hoping that the story would die just as the Benghazi story slipped quietly away, as Hillary’s email scandal dozed off to nothing, as the Russia hoax has gone unpunished.

Carol Brown #conspiracy #wingnut americanthinker.com

In 100 days, communists could be set to run the White House

The stark reality of what a Biden puppet presidency would mean has come into view. It is, to say the least, absolutely terrifying.

But questions remain about whether he'll even be the nominee, and if so, if he'll make it to Election Day in this role.

First, can anyone imagine Biden debating Trump? I can't.

The left is already scrambling to figure out how to leverage the situation to get Biden out of this commitment, such as demanding Trump release his tax returns in exchange for Biden's participation in the debates. No doubt more schemes will emerge in the coming weeks.

Second, can anyone imagine Biden being nominated at the Democratic National Convention? It's hard to picture because he'd have to give a speech and function off script a bit, and I don't think he can pull any of that off. (Not that a lot of lemmings seem to notice or care.)

What would happen if Biden weren't the nominee because the left found some way for him to bow out gracefully? In that case, his delegates would have to vote on an alternative candidate. If Biden had selected a running mate, that person would be in a strong position to become the nominee.

If Biden does become the nominee, but something happens to him before Election Day that makes it impossible for him to remain the candidate, what happens then?

The party would pick another nominee, and it would most likely be the person who was his running mate.

If Biden makes it all the way to Election Day and wins (please hang in there with me because this could happen for a number of reasons, not the least of which is voter fraud and/or an electorate riddled with imbeciles), we know he won't be in charge. Instead, leftists with evil on their minds will be running the country. And to be a bit more specific, by "leftists with evil on their minds," I mean Marxists intent on destroying our country from within (already in progress) and establishing a communist state.

And that would be that. America would be no more.

That brings me to this.

People who aren't working to help get Trump re-elected are not doing their part. (Working on down-ticket races is also crucial.) Don't be complicit. It's not enough to vote. Not nearly enough. Every single patriot must be donating money and volunteering, whether to be boots on the ground or making calls from home.

And please don't speak with over-confidence about 2016 or how the current polls are all wrong, nor feel hopeless and cynical about how the left is planning to steal the election. It doesn't matter what we feel, but what we know. And we know that President Trump needs the largest army possible between now and Election Day to maximize his chance of winning.

None of us can afford to find a reason to do less, rather than more.

It's all on the line. We need all hands on deck.

Everything we value and hold dear is at stake.

The left will flood the country with immigrants who will vote for it, open the doors to "refugees" who will join the destruction from within, add seats to the Supreme Court to ensure far-left rulings, eliminate the Senate filibuster, abolish the Electoral College, make D.C. the 51st state, and transform this nation into a large scale version of Venezuela as they solidify their power.

Yes, it can happen. And we are on the brink of it.

This is it. It's now or never, folks. Come Election Day, let none of us feel we didn't do everything in our power, and then some, to defend this nation lest it be completely destroyed.

Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia americanthinker.com

Others came forward and partook in the choreographed weeping – Republicans and Democrats, Baptists and atheists – in between the testimonials from sons of homosexuals who assured the committee that they were perfectly happy being deprived of their biological dads or moms, or not even knowing who those dads and moms were. We even got a less famous version of Zach Wahls; from the plains of Minnesota comes the trim white suburban boy conceived through sperm-banking, to say his lesbian moms raised him so well that he turned out heterosexual, a varsity letterman, gorgeous, and articulate.

He is so successful that now nobody will sympathize with him if one day he wakes up, decides a terrible wrong has been done to him, and wants to know who his father is. The poor chap got swindled by his own moms.

We heard about horrible bullies committing all these mythical crimes against helpless gay people:

Stiffing lesbian waitresses on tips because they hate their lifestyle.
Barring a lesbian mom from visiting her lover in the emergency room because they’re gay.
Spray-painting “Kill the Gay” on lesbians’ garages.
Putting on ski masks, breaking into a lesbian’s house, vandalizing her rooms, and carving slurs into her naked body.
Luring gay boys out of Montana bars with an offer of cigarettes, calling them “f-----s,” and beating them to a pulp.
Slipping hate letters under the door of lesbian college students.
Burning gay men’s hands with hot metals.
Jumping a gay man en masse, calling him names, and beating him to a pulp.
Spray-painting “Hey Tranny, know your place” inside Vassar dormitories.
Posting homophobic messages so prolifically at Oberlin College that the whole school had to shut down.
All of these stories, it turns out, were completely fabricated. And this is a trimmed down list, believe me – the anti-gay hate crime hoaxes are astonishing in their volume and premeditation. This is not a coincidence. There’s too much consistency in the fabrications and what the fabricators are trying to do.

Andrea Widburg #wingnut #transphobia americanthinker.com

The media use the transgender movement as a lever forcing people to deny reality

George Orwell knew that totalitarian dictatorships retain power by compelling people to agree that 2+2=5. But what happens if it's not the government, but the media that lie? With the American media pushing transgenderism, we're finding out.

With accelerating force, the media insist that biological sex is meaningless and that people's sex is determined by their feelings. We are told to accept that people, through wishing, hormones, and surgery, can magically become the opposite sex.

Over the years, the homosexual rights movement has made people realize that, in a free society, no one should be penalized for a sexual preference. Today, the transgender movement, using the homosexual movement, is working with the media to force us to give it the same rights and respect. This ignores that homosexuality is different from so-called transgenderism.

Homosexuality does not force us to deny biology. Homosexual men are still men, and homosexual women are still women. Their differences are behavioral.

Transgenderism, however, is not about behavioral choices or biology. It's about denying fundamental biological realities. The saddest thing is that those who have accepted the media's drumbeat, often as an antidote to deep depression, are discovering to their cost that it's a lie.

Those committed to individual liberty will let people claim to be the opposite sex, or a camel or a Martian. But while the First Amendment ensures that our government can neither tell us that these beliefs are true nor punish us for denying those beliefs, our media are subtly trying to recalibrate our brains.

The latest shot fired in this media war to have us accept that 2+2=5 is an NBC article bemoaning women suffering from periods. Wait. That's wrong. It's not about the fact that, since the dawn of humankind, periods have been a pain in the tuchis. Instead, the article is about the psychic suffering of women who think they're men but, in relentless fealty to biological reality, still have periods:

When transgender model and activist Kenny Ethan Jones experienced his [sic] first period, he [sic] faced both physical and psychological pain. Initially, Jones, who had not yet come out as trans at the time, felt like he [sic] was losing control and didn't understand what was happening to his [sic] body. However, one thing was clear: He [sic] didn't feel like himself.

"I didn't believe that having periods would be a part of my lived experience," Jones told NBC News. "I felt isolated; everything about periods was tailored to girls, yet me, a boy [sic], was experiencing this and nothing in the world documented that."

He [sic] currently experiences a wide range of challenges with his [sic] monthly bleeding, especially when it comes to getting his [sic] hands on menstrual hygiene products.

Women all have a wide range of challenges when it comes to periods. They are painful, messy, and inconvenient, and they alienate women from their own bodies. You're not different, Kenny. You just think you are.

The real horror for Kenny, though, is that the companies who make tampons, pads, and other products for menstruation keep marketing them as if their customer base is...get this...female:

Some transgender and gender-nonconforming people who menstruate, like Jones, say when the products are categorized as women's products, they can feel alienated — and may even avoid purchasing them altogether.

The same women who believe they're men also believe they deserve special price breaks on menstrual products...because they're not really women. They're just men who every month have a period just like women:

The hurdles some trans men [sic] and gender-nonconforming people who menstruate say they face include the high cost of period supplies[.]

The article demonstrates that our media are relentlessly using the transgender movement to force Americans to believe that 2+2=5. Once the media have us believing that trangenderism is real, what else will they have us believe?

Perhaps they'll have us believe that, when Iran shot down a passenger jet flying out of Tehran Airport, Donald Trump was responsible for the 176 innocent people who died. What's sad is that, even in Iran, a tyrannical nation in which lies are government currency, the people aren't buying that story.

Jeannie DeAngelis #racist americanthinker.com

Honor Trayvon by Ending the Black Genocide

As far as the Trayvon Martin situation goes, acquittal or no acquittal, the whole event and subsequent trial is a tragedy. And Skittles and iced tea or not, 17-year-old Trayvon should never have been lurking about in a hoodie between buildings on a dark rainy night in a townhouse complex. Now, regardless of how or why this boy died, a child is dead and will never have an opportunity to grow out of the typical youthful foolishness which ultimately cost him his life.

And for every hoodie-wearing thug out there who's now blaming George Zimmerman for Trayvon's death, know this: the behavior of those who give good, upstanding young black men a bad name are ultimately much more responsible for Trayvon's death than one legally-armed American citizen defending himself against an out-of-control teenage boy slamming his "crazy ass cracka" head against a concrete walk.

Instead of blaming racism for profiling a black kid strangely meandering around in the dark on a drizzly night, how about placing the blame at the feet of all the black youth, like Trayvon, whose behavior on other occasions causes suspicion to be focused in the general direction of the larger population of perfectly innocent black teenage youth?


Black Americans hung up on fomenting racial unrest or buying into the victim mentality lack credibility too, because although they cry racism over the tragic loss of Trayvon Martin, who they call one of their 'babies,' they have shed few tears over the extermination of actual babies taking place for the last 40 years in abortion clinics all over America.

While focused on Trayvon Martin, socially liberal black Americans continue to ignore the genocide that kills thousands of black baby boys (and girls) every day, many of whom, if given the chance to live, much like Trayvon Martin might have grown up to look like the son Barack Obama never had.

Does it matter that blacks constitute only 13% of the population but account for 36% of all the abortions that take place every year? Where are the tears, protest signs, and New Black Panther demonstrations for the deaths of innocent children who didn't break anyone's nose or smash anyone's skull against a sidewalk?

For perspective, 13% of the U.S. population contributed 22,000,000 of the 60,000,000 children aborted since 1973. Each and every day in the U.S., approximately 1,876 black children are aborted. And yet pro-life people are supposed to believe that the angst over Trayvon's untimely end is based on the black community's respect for the sanctity of life

Raymond Ibrahim #wingnut americanthinker.com

How 'Triggerism' Replaced Factualism on Islam

One upon a time, whenever two or more parties disagreed, the logical thing for them to do was resort to argumentation. It was not enough to say, "I'm right and you're wrong" (unless they were children). The winner of the debate was the one who could better substantiate his position — that is, the one whose position better accorded with reality.

Today, the one side that is wrong about virtually everything, the liberal left, has forgone argumentation, and even sophistry, precisely because it cannot contend with those armed with facts. It has, instead, relied on conditioning its adherents to react to so-called "trigger" words and concepts — never mind if those words and concepts accord with reality or not.

This was impressed upon me during the Council on American-Islamic Relations' (CAIR) and Linda Sarsour's, and their leftist dupes', failed attempts to cancel my recent talk at the U.S. Army War College. In their protests, they didn't quote me saying something and then, even in a few words, intimating how it was wrong; the ideas I conveyed were wrong per se. For example, the following is a lengthy excerpt from CAIR's last press release against me. Note how it doesn't bother — even with the usual two-bit sophistry — to prove how my positions are wrong. Just having them is the proof:

When Ibrahim was asked, "Is there any chance of an accommodation between Islam and Western societies or this is just wishful thinking?," he replied, "Can water and oil mix?"

He also stated: "[Islam] is entirely built on the purported teachings of a seventh century Arab — who for all accounts acted like a seventh century Arab, meaning tribal and uncivilized. Obviously, if this man was a false prophet — a liar — which is the default, non-Muslim position, then it should be unsurprising that the entire worldview his followers follow, which is tribal and uncivilized, is creating a constant clash with other civilizations."

Also: "[T]he hate for Christians and other non-Muslims, including secularists/atheists in the West, did not begin with ISIS, al-Qaeda, Ansar al-Sharia, Boko Haram, or Al Shabaab. It began with Muhammad and his companions, 1,400 years ago."

While I'm under no illusions that such quotes instantly "trigger" the typical leftist automaton, they also just so happen to be demonstrably true.

How is the assertion that Islamic and Western culture mix as well as water and oil open to debate? On the one hand, you have a civilization that believes in religious freedom and plurality, sex equality, and rational laws; on the other hand, you have a civilization that believes in sharia, persecutes apostates and non-Muslims in general, and treats women as chattel. One can give countless more examples; either way, the point stands — water and oil.

As for the idea that the persecution of Christians is not limited to "terrorists," but rather is normative in Islam, copious documentation validating this claim can be found in my 2013 book, Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians, or take a look at my monthly "Muslim Persecution of Christians" reports — nearly 100 now, stretching back to 2011 — where the persecutors, who more often than not are "regular" Muslims and Muslim governments (not a few of which are America's "friends and allies"), often justify their actions by citing their prophet, the Koran, etc.

As for my statement that "[Islam] is entirely built on the purported teachings of a seventh-century Arab — who for all accounts acted like a seventh-century Arab, meaning tribal and uncivilized," the only sort of person who can have problems with this is someone who doesn't believe that the words civilized and its converse, uncivilized, have any meaning (that is, a postmodern relativistic-thinking leftist). The fact is, and by any stretch of the imagination, seventh-century Arabia was without question uncivilized. Here is how philosopher Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406) — a Muslim from North Africa whose ancestry traces to Arabia — described the Arabs of his time (let alone those from Muhammad's more primitive era eight centuries earlier): they are "the most savage human beings that exist. Compared with sedentary people they are on a level with wild, untamable animals and dumb beasts of prey. Such people are the Arabs."

As for my trigger-point par excellence, that "if this man [Muhammad] was a false prophet — a liar — which is the default, non-Muslim position, then it should be unsurprising that the entire worldview his followers follow, which is tribal and uncivilized, is creating a constant clash with other civilizations," consider: if you reject Muhammad's claims that he was God's prophet — which all non-Muslims explicitly or implicitly do — then what was he? Either a liar or a lunatic (the trilemma argument regarding Christ popularized by C.S. Lewis is equally applicable to Muhammad). Accordingly, are you surprised that a man who was either a liar or a lunatic ended up creating a creed, based on the mores of his extremely uncivilized society, that is in conflict with the modern world — that is like water mixed with oil? (For a much more comprehensive and refined discussion of this argument, see this 2009 article of mine.)

CAIR is not alone in relying on "trigger" words and concepts without actual rebuttal. Back in June 2019, Chris Rodda of the Daily Kos gloated in his (prematurely titled) "Army War College Pulls Plug on Islamophobic Speaker" that I "proved CAIR's and the other protesters' point" by again reiterating that "history makes abundantly clear that Islamic terrorism and 'extremism' are intrinsic to Islam, and have been from its first contact with Western civilization in the seventh century[.]"

Once again, that's it. Not even a few words to show how history does not make "abundantly clear that Islamic terrorism and 'extremism' are intrinsic to Islam, and have been from its first contact with Western civilization in the seventh century." Just saying that is all the proof needed that I'm wrong (at least for the soft minds that take CAIR, Linda Sarsour, and the Daily Kos seriously).

The lesson is clear. The lying liberal left has gone from dissembling over its positions — the truth can be suppressed only for so long in a (currently) free society — to relying almost exclusively on emotionalism and trigger words, because that's all their bankrupt ideology has to stand on.

Sonia Bailley #fundie americanthinker.com

It is crucial that Westerners discover what Muslims are saying when they recite the Islamic mandatory prayers before sharing their places of worship. [...] This article explains what the Islamic daily prayers mean, with focus on the Friday prayer within the context of Islamic law or sharia. Being better informed will make Westerners think twice before opening the doors to Muslim for prayer.


A deep hatred and rejection of Judaism and Christianity are hardwired into Islamic doctrine, including the Koran. Many of its chapters are incorporated into mandatory daily Islamic prayer. [...] Repetition priming inculcates the notion of superiority over non-Muslims into the minds of all Muslims, instilling a deep distrust of non-Muslims [...] Is it any wonder why many Muslims are prohibited from being friends with Jews and Christians?


It's long past time that Westerners familiarize themselves with Islam and think twice before rolling out the welcome mats in their places of worship, especially in light of the tens of thousands of unvetted Muslim migrants coming soon to a city near you. Westerners who remain true to their faith by reaching out to Muslim neighbors with compassion will soon find out the hard way that mutual respect can never exist amongst different religions when one views itself as the perfect and supreme religion above all others, as Islam does.

Before sharing premises with Muslim worshippers, ask yourself the following question: would Muslims anywhere ever allow Jews or Christians into a mosque sanctuary to lead a Jewish or Christian prayer service?

Dean F. Clancy #fundie americanthinker.com

The Left is following the inescapable logic of its fundamental rejection of human nature and common sense. With Mr. Obama’s active support, our elites are now determined to make us all cooperate in same-sex “marriage,” to accept a radical redefinition of gender, and to pay for other people’s contraceptives and elective abortions. Freedom of speech, religious liberty, the rights of conscience, and even intelligible grammar and clear thought, must all be sacrificed to the gods of sexual liberation. Prognosis: sustained unpleasantness, with a chance of civil unrest.

There is always hope, of course. Perhaps our 45th president will help us regain our senses and turn these messes around. The night is darkest just before the dawn. But whatever happens, surely Mr. Obama has secured for himself a prominent place in the annals of failure.

tncnslrsldy #wingnut americanthinker.com

Well I think Col Ralph Peters said it correctly, the Obama strategy is to recall Holder to head a movement called JEHADI LIVES MATTER. As long as he isn't touched by his Muslim brothers he will be okay with American terror deaths at the hands of the ISIS Army he's importing. He already has seeded the Executive Branch with Muslim Brotherhood members, some have been named on line as infesting the Dept joke of Homeland Security. And his good buddy John Barack O'boehner when Speaker shot down Michelle Bachman and four Conservative members of Congress for an investigation of this hiring of our enemies within our government. Which kinda makes ya wonder why the Weeper did NOTHING to
protect this Republic from this monster. When something happens here a la Paris I believe he and Squish McConnell along with the other careerists in Congress should be held as responsible as the Obama Crime Synidcate and answer for the same crimes. They the GOP lied to us in 2014 and both of them, Squish and Weeping Johnny LIED to us, and have done nothing. We can't afford to allow the Socialist left a.k.a the D's to take over,we learned how much they respect our Constitution after passing HA! ObamaCare but hopefully the voters in the states they (Establishment as a whole) will remove them ALL and put loyal patriotic members in their place. Ted Cruz is RIGHT
it's the Washington Cartel, and it's represented by the Establishment on both sides.

wolflady #racist americanthinker.com

The overwhelming statement that speaks volumes about this "administration" is the much deserved total lack of respect for the First Lady:
Traditionally, since the founding of this country, the First Lady has always, regardless of her personal issues/drives (Eleanore Roosevelt, Hillary Clinton, et al) been treated with a level of respect/decorum.
Not this one.
Never has a First Lady been referred to by derrogatory terms:
First Wookie, Moochelle, Mooch, Michael (claims that the First Lady is, in fact, a transgendered male).
Never, in our whole history has this ever happened.
God save America.

tncnslrsldy #wingnut americanthinker.com

[On the Obamas]

Just like the refusal to light the colors of the French flag on the White House. I guess the Sodomite flag is the only one that matters and the Red White and Blue is our flags colors also and actions speak louder than words. Their HATE for this Republic and Amercians is obvious.

Ed Straker #wingnut americanthinker.com

Liberals shriek like chimpanzees as Houston Zoo becomes gun-friendly.

If liberals don't trust their fellow citizens to carry guns, then they shouldn't trust their fellow citizens to vote, and they shouldn't vote, either. They should leave all decisions about their lives in the hands of government and embrace a nanny state that will take care of them, always be there to protect them, and tell them what to do.

For the rest of us, if you live or work around large groups of people, you may feel like putting the responsibility for your safety in your own hands.

Patrick Devedjian and Ethel C. Fenig #fundie americanthinker.com

[Hyperlinks in original]

A former French minister stirred up controversy today after saying Germany 'took our Jews and gave us Arabs' as France began taking some of the thousands of refugees arriving in Germany.

Patrick Devedjian, a right-winger who served in the governments of presidents Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy, made the remark at a press conference, but quickly tried to backtrack on social media.

'My humorous jest was misplaced,' Devedjian wrote on his Twitter account, saying he regretted it all the more because he himself helps refugees in need.

Au contraire, former Minister Devedjian, your jest was not misplaced, it was true as far as it went and could have/should have gone further. As a descendent of Armenian immigrants, certainly you know how the Muslim Ottoman Turks slaughtered their neighbors, the Armenian Christians and other Christians such as the Assyrians and Greeks, 100 years ago without protests from the so called international community. Indeed this silence helped encourage Hitler, may his name and soul be permanently eliminated, a few decades later when he began his evil plans. And the French were very co-operative rounding up the Jews, pointing out their hiding places to the Nazi Germans and stealing their belongings. The so called World War II French Resistance is an oxymoron, French Collaboration is/was notorious.

The French Muslims originally entered France in large number from Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco which at one time were French colonies; France governed Lebanon and Syria after World War I under a League of Nations mandate. The French Muslims have not integrated well into France; many neighborhoods are "no go" zones where French police dare not enter. And now more want to enter if they can't make it to the generous welfare country of Germany.


And so former Minister Devedjian, you are correct; don't apologize. England, France and Germany--and much of Europe--are paying the consequences of their ancestors' sins. And their own.

And on the eve of the Jewish near year of 5776, reading about the troubles of Europe and the intra Muslim slaughter, I am reminded of the Biblical prophecy from Bereshit (English: Genesis) that God gave to Abraham,

"I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse; and by you all the families of the earth shall bless themselves" (Genesis 12:2-3).