S.K. Bain #conspiracy #fundie #ufo #magick #wingnut amazon.com

It's been a long time coming, and it's right around the corner... As author S.K. Bain detailed in The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual, the events of September 11th, 2001, constituted a global occult ceremony. But that was mere child's play compared to what he's uncovered since. If 9/11 was a MegaRitual, this is a GigaRitual, or TeraRitual even. Its scope and scale are truly difficult to grasp.***If you thought that 2012 was the end of Galactic Alignment, think again. However, this book doesn't propose some new date for the made-up Mayan Doomsday, far from it. We are on the cusp of a once-in-a-26,000-year event, one that, in astrological terms, knows no equal. Do not think for one moment that the masters of our world will let it pass unmarked.Black Jack reveals the true date of the End of the Great Age, the Mother of All Auspicious Occasions, a date that the Cryptocracy has been fixated on—and feverishly preparing for—over the past two centuries, and well before. It will almost assuredly bring a ritualistic celebration like none other ever witnessed, involving mass human sacrifice and the biggest fireworks show in history.***The world approaches the dawning of a new Grand Cycle, which the elite will inaugurate as the New Great Age of Satan.
One doesn't have to be a religious fundamentalist to sense it, or see it all around us—the Satanification of the World. Practically every public event is now a thinly-veiled, if at all, Satanic ritual. We are being driven hard towards something in the near future, something whose hideous form becomes clearer by the day. All the while, the grip of the global dark-occult technofascist dictatorship grows ever tighter.Preparations have been underway for a very long time, even from the Founding of America, and the hour grows late. With bated breath, the entire planet, knowingly or unknowingly, awaits the arrival of Black Jack.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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