Consider_the_Horses #sexist

More women would go WGTOW if adult women living together non-romantically/non-sexually were normalized

One of the main reasons why women seek out men is that they hope these men to protect them from other men. Statistically, of course, are the men women know most likely to brutalize, hurt, and rape them. Men who are close to women are the gravest danger to women - not hooded strangers with knives. But, of course, there are statistics, and then there is the heart...

Women are RIGHTFULLY afraid of men. Even the most stupid, brainwashed women is subconsciously rightfully afraid of men. The smarter a woman is, the more clear-sighted she is about how dangerous men are. Men are dangerous beasts. Even men are afraid of other men ... if men lock the doors at night and do not go for walks at night and are afraid in the subway ... this is not because of women. Men are afraid of other men.

So I feel like more women would go WGTOW if adult women living together non-romantically/non-sexually were normalized. Maybe the bleak fact that more and more adult working people need a roommate to pay rent can be a blessing in disguise if it would normalize adult women living together non-sexually / non-romantically. Most women are - rightfully - too afraid of men (who are objectively dangerous animals and vicious, violent beasts) to live alone. But if women living together were normalized, more adult women would go / stay WGTOW, I believe.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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