Maybe if there wasn’t any ethnicist “immigration quotas” and such that make legal immigration possible there wouldn’t be any “illegals”. Also; Statistics show that heavy immigration actually keeps crime down.
How dare you badmouth “poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free”? These people are fleeing from poverty, war, lawlessness, religious fascism/fummery and other stuff.
The current batch are Central Americans who are fleeing a ton of poverty, war, crime and unimaginable horrors to LEGALLY APPLY FOR REFUGEE STATUS…WHICH MAKES THEM LEGAL, yet the Trump Fauxministration is weirded-out by human beings with plenty human species natural sunscreen and are stuffing these folks into concentration camps like sardines with no hygiene, little food or water!
“Illegal Immigrants” skulking across the border from Mexico/other Latin countries has been at an all-time low.
Diversity is awesome and variety is the spice of life and those “melanin-rich” nations have a ton of “spice” and “color” and some of the best food, art, music, dance, etc. If everything was strictly super-white Northern European with a heaping dose of 1950’s aesthetic (but none of the cool 50s stuff like neon on everything or Elvis), 1850’s morality, loads of repression and hyper-conformity and the only foreign foods being stuff like lutefisk (aka ‘stinky gelatinous Fight Club fish’). I’d DIE from the blandness!
Don’t get me wrong; There’s plenty of Northern European beauty, music, art and culture and white people are generally fine but still…C’MON!
I’ll take tacos, lasagna, souvlaki and Kung Pao Chicken over Lutefisk anyday! Even the delicious Northern European stuff is due to imports like spices (which come from nations with brown people). If it wasn’t for the spice trade, Nordic/Anglo/Celtic/Germanic food would be gross.
While the whole Cinco De Mayo thing might make me scratch my head (in regards to non-Mexicans celebrating it and it’s not even the date Mexico was founded, just the celebration of a historic battle…like a major partytime fest dedicated to Gettysburg or Hastings), I wouldn’t mind stuff like “Dias de los Muertos” or the cult of Santa Muerte being a thing here.
About the “Holy Death” thing…
…fascinating stuff.
Taco trucks on every corner?! WHY THE HECK NOT?!