Girl Mom #transphobia

When we simply asked our daughter, "When did you first start feeling like a boy?", she became visibly enraged and lashed back, "I can't answer that!". She proceeded to yell at us for not using her fake pronouns or name. She seemed on the verge of tears, but couldn't cry because the testosterone had already started messing her up. For nearly four years now, despite other efforts for a civil conversation, our questions have remained unanswered and she has estranged herself, at nearly 22. There is no reasoning with these mental patients, which is essentially what they are, but we also need to be careful to not anger them so they don't do some very stupid & dangerous, like shoot up a school, which has happened. I really fear for what my daughter, who's turned to the dark side, hopped up on T, might do someday.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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