Dr. David R. Reagan #fundie #homophobia lamblion.us

When homosexuals decided they wanted scouting organizations that affirmed their lifestyle, why didn't they form their own organizations for boys and girls? Why did they decide to bring harassing law suits to try to force existing scouting groups to give in to their ungodly demands? The reason is simple: they wish to erase the Christian foundation of all such private organizations. What they are doing with Scouting is just a part of their overall assault on the Christian heritage of our nation.


I am literally appalled by the BSA's consideration of allowing homosexuals to serve as Scout leaders. Talk about letting the foxes in the hen house!

I know the danger first hand. In 1953 while I was en route to the Boy Scout Third National Jamboree in California, a homosexual Scout leader from Ft. Hood, Texas attempted to molest me. Court proceedings in recent years have revealed that the BSA has covered up many such molestations for years. I can only hope that if the BSA adopts Bill Gates' recommendation, the organization will be covered up with law suits by the parents of young men who end up being molested.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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