When homosexuals decided they wanted scouting organizations that affirmed their lifestyle, why didn't they form their own organizations for boys and girls? Why did they decide to bring harassing law suits to try to force existing scouting groups to give in to their ungodly demands? The reason is simple: they wish to erase the Christian foundation of all such private organizations. What they are doing with Scouting is just a part of their overall assault on the Christian heritage of our nation.
I am literally appalled by the BSA's consideration of allowing homosexuals to serve as Scout leaders. Talk about letting the foxes in the hen house!
I know the danger first hand. In 1953 while I was en route to the Boy Scout Third National Jamboree in California, a homosexual Scout leader from Ft. Hood, Texas attempted to molest me. Court proceedings in recent years have revealed that the BSA has covered up many such molestations for years. I can only hope that if the BSA adopts Bill Gates' recommendation, the organization will be covered up with law suits by the parents of young men who end up being molested.
David R. Reagan: "In 1953 while I was en route to the Boy Scout Third National Jamboree in California, a homosexual Scout leader from Ft. Hood, Texas attempted to molest me."
Someone Else: "Was he confirmed to be a homosexual?"
David R. Reagan (offended): "That wasn't necessary!! He was a MAN who tried to molest a BOY! So it GOES WITHOUT SAYING that he was a homosexual!!"
Separate but equal, is not equal.
If indeed you WERE molested, you were molested by an individual not a group. That molester could just as easily been a member of the Parks & Rec, dept. or any church youth group.
"When homosexuals decided they wanted scouting organizations that affirmed their lifestyle, why didn't they form their own organizations for boys and girls?"
Because if they had a group that said 'no straights allowed' then they'd be just as bad as you lot. Forget the fact that you'd raise hue and cry anyway. Hell, you'd probably call them anti-american if LGBT associations wanted no part in scouting organizations.
When homosexuals decided they wanted scouting organizations that affirmed their lifestyle
Because those people did not decide to target scouting organizations; they were scouts who happened to be homosexual.
they wish to erase the Christian foundation of all such private organizations.
Complete with its tradition of a ban on homosexuals and, um, over 2,000 cases of child abuse brought to court.
I know the danger first hand. In 1953 while I was en route to the Boy Scout Third National Jamboree in California, a homosexual Scout leader from Ft. Hood, Texas attempted to molest me.
So tell me how you were protected by the ban on homosexuals in the BSA.
MOGAI camps exist. They're not scouting organizations, but they're camps for MOGAI folks to be themselves. Of course, I bet YOU would prefer they be sent to "Cure teh gheyz" camps.
Note for the unfamiliar: MOGAI stands for "Marginalized Orientations, Gender Alignments and Intersex." It's a term I found on Tumblr and decided to use instead of LGBT, because it's not inclusive of the nonbinary, asexual, pansexual, etc, or LGBTQIA+, because acronyms should be short.
You know what else is erasing Christian heritage of our nation? Amendment 1, and Treaty of Tripoli. Oh and I suppose you take a hard stance against priests who molested children, and the Duggar family too.
why didn't they form their own organizations for boys and girls
Because until recently, most homosexuals didn't have children, and the ones who did were almost all closeted.
I am literally appalled by the BSA's consideration of allowing homosexuals to serve as Scout leaders. Talk about letting the foxes in the hen house!
There are homosexual teachers. There are homosexual children's doctors. There are homosexuals in every part of a child's life. I know you want them banned there too, but they molest children at the same rate as heterosexuals. Probably even less because an openly homosexual pedophile is going to be even more cautious because the suspicion is already on them.
In 1953 while I was en route to the Boy Scout Third National Jamboree in California, a homosexual Scout leader from Ft. Hood, Texas attempted to molest me
You were molested by a pedophile, not a gay man. Most gay people and straight people and everything in-between don't molest children. Pedophiles do.
"When homosexuals decided they wanted scouting organizations that affirmed their lifestyle, why didn't they form their own organizations for boys and girls?"
Because they didn't want to be segregated from society because of their sexuality. They want homosexuals to mix with the rest, as most other people would want to do.
"Why did they decide to bring harassing law suits to try to force existing scouting groups to give in to their ungodly demands?"
Because it is discriminatory to refuse someone to join a group based on their sexuality. If I was to set up a group that prohibited Christian members you'd complain about persecution, you would think about taking it to court, and you wouldn't approve of me saying that this would be an assault on the irreligious heritage of your nation. What you're advocating would be discriminatory towards LGBT individuals through similar reasoning; you can't have it both ways.
they wish to erase the Christian foundation of all such private organizations.
Again, when did homophobia become a central tenet of Christianity?
In 1953 while I was en route to the Boy Scout Third National Jamboree in California, a homosexual Scout leader from Ft. Hood, Texas attempted to molest me.
Wait, how could he have been homosexual? I thought they only very recently allowed gay scout leaders. And by homophobe logic, you should have turned gay yourself.
Court proceedings in recent years have revealed that the BSA has covered up many such molestations for years.
All of whom I'm sure professed to be heterosexual men.
the organization will be covered up with law suits by the parents of young men who end up being molested.
Gay =/= pedophile, and many, many pedophiles are married men who identify as heterosexual. Allowing gay men to be scout leaders isn't going to increase the number of molestation cases. Nor did the ban on gay leaders prevent all those molestation cases throughout the BSA's history. But it sounds like that's what you want to go back to, keeping the gays out and pretending that straight scout leaders aren't pedophiles.
"When homosexuals decided they wanted scouting organizations that affirmed their lifestyle, why didn't they form their own organizations for boys and girls?"
Probably because if they did, you'd accuse them of using it to molest children. Oh wait, you did that anyway. Yeah, you're just an ass.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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