"These women love gay men because they affirm their own gender confusion and latent homosexuality (lesbianism.)"
What the fuck are you on about? It's you people who are pathologically obsessed with gender.
"They are the target of relentless propaganda in school and media telling them to find fulfillment in career (self assertion) instead of marriage and motherhood (self effacement.) This program has succeeded. These women are no longer feminine. They are mutants, neither male nor female."
So, not only are you homophobic, you're also misogynist as hell. Classy.
Protip: Being feminine does not work that way.
"It is characterized by having promiscuous, anonymous sex to compensate for this failure to mate, find intimacy and grow past the courtship stage."
Seriously, what is with these people and their fixation on "promiscuous, anonymous" gay sex? Do they actually secretly fantasize about this or something? Maybe I just hang around the "wrong" gay people, I don't know, but none of the gay guys I personally knowmyself includeddo that or really even have any desire to in the first place. Even if we did, though, that's really none of these people's business and still not a justification for their bile. It's just that we don't do that, so it's a moot point.
But, honestly, from what I've seen by indulging my trainwreck syndrome on the Internet, the gay guys that are into that kind of thing are almost universally self-loathing closet cases, or they otherwise have serious self-esteem issues and trouble accepting themselves, as evidenced by how they incessantly prattle on about how masculine they are, how much superior that makes them, and how much they hate feminine guys. It's so fucking sad, really.
Is the only exposure these people have to gay people from porn and seedy Craigslist ads? If so, that says much about them but little about gay people in general. In that little world, everyone is "characterized by having promiscuous, anonymous sex" regardless of orientation.
"These women are unwitting victims of a massive social engineering program designed to turn them into homosexuals. It is sponsored by the Illuminati central banking cartel."
Ok, it's time for your medication.