Profit #conspiracy #racist

RH factor is what is in the Bible referred to as the serpent seed. The Nephilim. It means you are basically without the blood of angels. It is why RH factor people tend to be more predisposed to dark tendancies. The gentiles (Europeans) are a result of forbidden mating and it was forbidden because the eye color of the white race gives away whether you have more or less serpent seed/angels seed in your blood. The bloodlines over the years have been so intermingled we all have bits and pieces of other races but I see hundreds of blue eyed people who are just good to the heart and hundreds of green eyed people who are just evil to the core.
Blonde hair blue eyes=Angels seed/blood of God Christ
Red hair green eyes=Serpent seed/blood of the devil



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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