Cyrus A. Parsa #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon
Cyrus A. Parsa, is the Founder and CEO of The AI Organization, where he is also Director of Creative Analysis & Defensive Innovations. He has researched and investigated more than 1,000 AI, Robotics, 5G, Cybernetic and Big Tech companies. He warned of the Coronavirus, China and every major technological and geopolitical aspect transpiring in the Pandemic lockdown (MBT-AI Engineered Disease From China) with the publication of AI, Trump, China and the Weaponization of Robotics with 5G and Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity. Cyrus’s mission is to help safeguard humanity first, and prevent disasters to the worlds people from China, Big Tech and the misuse of AI and bio-technology.
Cyrus wishes for the world to end its negative path, increase their virtues, improving the futures and well being of every person in the world through free will, respect and awakening.
He lived in the mountains of China with fighting monks as a youth and speaks Chinese, Persian, and English. With 20 years of hidden research and development in his consultation work, he assesses & provides guidance for clients from a multi-dimensional and multi-layered perspective. He maintains networks of thousands of Chinese and Western influencers and intelligence assets, allowing for great insight into the threats we face from China, Iran and the Western inter-connectivity of these countries.
Cyrus’s discoveries have led him to coin the new and very complex concepts “The AI Global Bio-Digital Network, The Human Bio-Digital Network, Bio-Digital Social Programming, Bio-Digital Field, Bio-Matter, Rape-Mind, Bio-Digital Hybrid Sexual Assault & Micro-Botic Terrorism.”