Dryads and Naiads via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com
(I am seeing the face of a beautiful woman whose hair is blue light. I am seeing her step out of a circle of light and begin to weave light in a grid, now joined by other beautiful maidens of light. They are making a star in a circle of light and gemstones.) We weave the codes. (They are now dancing in a circle counter clockwise laughing and singing.)
Welcome little Gaian to the festivities! We are the Dryads and Naiads from other realms and planes to bear witness, to watch the rebirthing ceremony. We chose this sacred symbol to represent the Merkabah of Gaia and to assist with the energetics that could benefit from further alignment. Focused intention of the lightworkers grounds these codes. We assist from the ethers, the skies. We work with your trees and waters on the etheric realms, nurturing your plant and mineral kingdoms, your water kingdoms.
We are the Dryads and Naiads from the higher dimensional timelines here to bear witness to this changeover from darkness into the realms of light. We are not from Nova Gaia. She is already fully developed from our perspective, and not yet from your perspective. Many will not follow. Many will chose to observe from our perspective, to assist from the outside. You are within the story. (I am seeing an ancient book that is glowing with light. Pages are turning fast. I feel it is Gaia’s soul story book of her incarnation as Gaia.) Yes she has a very advanced soul, one to be honored and treasured for her sacrifice. (As the book turns the pages turn black and there is dense energy within them. I see the fall of Atlantis, and I feel the heaviness. The pages continue to turn and I am seeing Gaia’s surface story. The pages stop.) This is where you are now.