“ATF” #homophobia #transphobia blackpill.club

It's all down to willpower. When you declare yourself gay and especially if you declare yourself trans, you have shown you have none, you have given up without putting up a proper fight and have lost the psychological chess game. The only way it can be thought of as a "solution" is that it takes a total lack of effort and strength. But your life will not improve and you won't feel happy, healthy or fulfilled (except fulfilled in your ass maybe - a sign of failure far more than inceldom ever was). But "gays" shouldn't necessarily be banned immediately - with some motivation, they can stop before the point of no return. Most likely they aren't really gay, just lost weaklings.

For fuck's sake I say - "Final Solution" ought to be something grander than this!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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