various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
See, this is why the anti-Whites continue to stomp our guts out.

They don't celebrate victory by easing off of their war against White people. No. They celebrate all of their victories by INTENSIFYING their war against White people.

We could learn a great deal from this.

( @Stewartsville )
@Nature_and_Race Until Whites meet the same level of hatred that's being pushed by the anti White antagonist, We will continue to be on the defense. Whites must become ruthless in our return to prominence.

( @Hollerich )
@Nature_and_Race Mayor of London is Muslim. Now England has a Hindu Prime Minister, with a net worth of about U.S. $850 Million. Every time I think that we have it bad in the U.S. or Canada, there's England. What's it going to take for White British to wake up to what is happening? Edit: Canada and the U.S. are no better. It's just very frustrating to see what is happening.

( @Nomad888 )
@Hollerich @Nature_and_Race
I think England is lost. We cannot vote or legislate our way out of this - the Kalergi Plan is in full effect with Al Hijra immigration helping things along.
I can see this ending in Enoch Powell's "River of Blood" when people do eventually wake up - by which time it will be too late. Sleepwalking to oblivion.

( @ForTheFutureOf14 )

We are learning more everyday brother. I hope our people in Britannia fight back, they deserve more than this shit skin invader.

( @Red_Bearded_Heathen )
@Nature_and_Race why ease up? They know they are winning with programming some of our white ladies to breed with POC, make our white children ashamed to be white and give POC a kneel, and the cuck simping males to let the POC to sleep with their wives because they know they can’t satisfy their ladies.
We as white people who believe in the National Socialism (people who live their country and the people who live their fellow country folk) have to try (my thought is waste of time to educate them) need to form our community



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