Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut
Now for some hard truth. First of all, a holocaust is a burnt offering to Moloch, otherwise known as Ba’al or Set. This is known to the Christians as Satan. During World War II, the Jews of Europe were killed as a burnt offering to Moloch.
The people I sometimes refer to as the Zionists are a specific group known as the Sabbattean or Frankist Jews. These people believe that it is up to them to make the prophecies of the holy books come true. They were funded and headed by the Rothschilds and other prominent pseudo-Jewish families. When the Jews of Europe refused to accept financial incentives to move to Israel, these people used one of their family members, a certain Adolf Hitler (Saxe Gotha) to force the Jews out of Europe on pain of death.
This is what happened to the Ashkenazi Jews, including members of my Polish and German Jewish family who were either killed or forced to flee their ancestral European homeland by the Nazis (National Socialist Zionists). They opposed the Sabbatteans, saying only God did God’s work and it was blasphemy for humans to try to take on this task. That is why they were persecuted and killed.
The forensic trail shows that the leadership of this cult of death has its headquarters in the Rothschild family complex near Zug, Switzerland. They are now being systematically hunted down and brought to justice.
In any case, out of respect for the peaceful and law-abiding Jews in Israel, from now on I will stop using the term Zionist interchangeably with the Khazarian mafia, the term I use to describe the Satanic cult pretending to be Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc. I will refer to the specific group that is trying to provoke Armageddon as the Chabad death cult.