A loving gay couple could confuse the child to thinking that the homosexual lifestyle is ok, but it is not. Think of it this way, would you want a couple with psychological problems to adapt? Much research has been done (buried by the intelligencia) to indicates that homosexuality is a sickness developed very early on through a lack of critical factors typically found in the parental/ child relationship. When these factors are absent in early, early childhood development, the Childs unmet need deviently turns inward and manifests to be met in the homosexual urge. Therefore, homosexuality is a psychological disorder that would preclude them from becoming parents.
A loving gay couple could confuse the child to thinking that the homosexual lifestyle is ok, but it is not.
What is wrong with a child learning to accept people for who they are and treat them equally?
This whole thing is bullshit.
Poor, poor children...brainwashed into accepting other people as human beings...
Also, there are many psychological problems (depression, ADD, bipolar disorder, etc.) that do not neccessarily make you a bad parent, because their influence on your behavior is not particularly strong or destructive. If homosexuality qualified as a psychological disorder still, it would be among the ranks of such disorders that have no serious effects on how you function in society.
It's just a minority.
For example, let's say Cubs fans are a minority.
Would you want children to be raised by a Cubs fan? By somebody who believes or enjoys watching something totally hopeless, expecting a result that will never happen?
Cubs fans have a psychological disorder.
No, there's nothing wrong with Cubs fans or gay people. As long as they're smart enough to get along in society and have jobs [Which should be prereqs for adoption anyway], it doesn't matter what they do in bed.
Much research has been done (buried by the intelligencia)
Apparently, when you're a fundie it doesn't count as "gay" to kiss Paul Cameron's ass.
Ah, o' horrible argument, how shall I dissect thee?
"A loving gay couple could confuse the child to thinking that the homosexual lifestyle is ok, but it is not." 1 ) Subjective statement. Please explain how it 'it is not okay'. 2) Would it be better for the child to be raised by a heterosexual but unloving couple?
"Think of it this way, would you want a couple with psychological problems to adapt?" Yes, but this statement implies that homosexuality is a psychological problem. It's about as much as a psychological problem as being tall is; i.e., it cannot be helped or changed.
"Much research has been done (buried by the intelligencia) to indicates that homosexuality is a sickness developed very early on through a lack of critical factors typically found in the parental/ child relationship. When these factors are absent in early, early childhood development, the [child's] unmet need [deviantly] turns inward and manifests to be met in the homosexual urge." Two words: CITATION NEEDED. What research? Who did it? Who is this 'intelligencia' (is that even a word?) who is supposedly suppressing this information? Why are they doing it? What factors are you referring to? How was this study performed? Has it been scientifically tested multiple times? How would a homosexual couple affect these factors as opposed to a heterosexual one? ..In short, you need to back up your claims.
"Therefore, homosexuality is a psychological disorder that would preclude them from becoming parents." This statement is unrelated to your initial argument that homosexual couples encourage children to become homosexual themselves. I also question to usage of the word 'would' here; did you mean 'should' or 'could', perhaps? Either way, I disagree, and please learn to cite your 'information' and spell properly before giving me a headache like this again.
My lesbian aunt did a better job of raising two healthy, happy children than my hetero uncle and aunt did of raising children of a similar age in similar environments.
In fact, they kind of lived almost next door for the majority of their lives. Aunt Micky's daughters are now thriving, happy members of society (I think both are hetero, btw) and my uncle's children... well, one of them is the very kind and pleasant sort of Christian, despite her upbringing, and the other is a drug addict who can't hold a job down three weeks at a time.
A nuance in human behavior or thinking can only be classified as a "psychological disorder" is it is either harmful of interferes with the quality of life of either the individual or the people are him/her. Homosexuality harms no one -- the only reason homosexuals suffer is idiots like you spreading hatred against them. If you dipshits would learn how to be tolerant of others, gay couples and their children would be perfectly happy. If anything, it's YOU who suffers from a mental disorder, not gays and lesbians.
A christian couple could confuse the child into thinking that hatred is ok. It is not.
Think of it this way, do you want sociopaths to adopt?
But it is not about that. There is no requirement that you are mentally healthy or have enough money to feed the child when you have a baby.
Shit, James Dobson proudly beats his children. Read his book-pretty kinky if you ask me!
It does not matter. There is no test for parents.
Dobson can raise his kids on christian based hate, muslims can teach islamic hate, same for hindus, jews, bhai,a gay couple can raise their kids as they see fit too.
A fundie couple could confuse the child to thinking the fundie lifestyle is ok, but it is not. Think of it this way, whould you want a couple with psychological problems to adopt(not adapt. That's evolution. Although you retards claim evolution causes homosexuality.)
*claims that fundie gibberish is research ignored.*
A loving gay couple could confuse the child to thinking that the homosexual lifestyle is ok, but it is not.
I was raised by a man and a woman, and I believe the gay lifestyle is okay.
Think of it this way, would you want a couple with psychological problems to adapt?
To adapt? Why yes, I would.
Much research has been done (buried by the intelligencia) to indicates that homosexuality is a sickness developed very early on through a lack of critical factors typically found in the parental/ child relationship.
All that was thrown out in the 70s because it's bullshit.
When these factors are absent in early, early childhood development, the Childs unmet need deviently turns inward and manifests to be met in the homosexual urge.
Prove it.
Therefore, homosexuality is a psychological disorder that would preclude them from becoming parents.
Much research has been done (buried by the intelligencia)
All right, whoever was in Internet censorship duty when this was leaked just lost their Christmas bonus.
"Much research has been done (buried by the intelligencia) ..."
So unbury it, you twat! If you know of it, put it on the table!
". . . to indicates that homosexuality is a sickness developed very early on through a lack of critical factors typically found in the parental/ child relationship."
So heterosexual couples can't bring up their kids properly? Heterosexual parenting is typically a sick relationship? Is that what you're trying to say?
I don't think you've thought this through, jackson.
Think of it this way, would you want a couple with psychological problems to adapt?
And why not...? We let Fundies adopt, don't we?
Yeah, I'd want a psychologically challenged person to adapt. It would be better for them if they could integrate into society.
Where is this buried research? If it is buried, how do you know about it?
His ballyhooed research is from NARTH(National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuals) and Joseph Nicolosi's nonsense about gay's becoming effeminate because of lack of a strong father figure. The APA has debunked this clown and his group's theories so often that they are sick of hearing about them, although the NARTH home page is hysterically stupid, funny and frightening at the same time.
First member of the intelligencia (sic): "Meet me in the woods tonight by that big oak tree. Bring a shovel."
Second member: A shovel? Why?"
First member: "Because I have a ton of research on homosexuality and we have to bury it."
Little Billy comes home crying because someone called his fathers fags. Billy's daddy, Chris and his other daddy, John sit him down to have a talk.
Chris: You see, Billy, your daddy and I are evil.
John: That's right. We shouldn't be in this loving relationship, raising a child who would otherwise be in foster care,
Chris: We both should have married women; not only making us miserable, but both women miserable as well.
Billy: Oh, I see.
Billy grows up very unhappy, thinking his loving family wasn't valid.
Same scenario...
Chris: You see, Billy, your daddy and I are in a loving relationship. Since we are both men, we're gay.
John: Some ignorant people think that's wrong, but we know love is all that matters. When they bother you, tell them at least you know your parents married for love, since we've gone through a lot to be together.
The have a family hug. Billy grows up knowing people are idiots, and bigots are to be ignored.
Now, which is better?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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