My name is Erik ORION. I'm an independent Great Pyramid researcher & inventor like no other. It's my copyright protected theory that Egyptian Pyramids were power plants built to create electricity & transmit it wirelessly just like Dr. Nikola Tesla envisioned. Furthermore, they were built by using basic electro-magnetic, anti-gravity levitation technology. They were not tombs for the Pharaohs.
The history books are wrong about how the Egyptians & other ancient cultures built pyramids. I’m accusing the Vatican, the Freemasons & World Governments of suppressing the proven, historical fact of how the Egyptians used electricity & magnetic levitation to create the pyramids. These secretive religious organizations keep this information hidden from the public for their own benefit. Freemason Ben Franklin did not invent electricity. The Egyptians did 1,000’s of years before.
The three empty “slash” holes in the ground next to the Great Pyramid of Khufu are NOT empty boat pits. They are the left over holes in the ground for the giant electromagnets that were used to levitate the pyramid building blocks into place with ease. When the pyramid’s construction was over, the large electromagnets were removed to be re-used over & over again during the construction of other pyramids. There are Egyptian Pyramids buried all over the world but the Vatican, Free- masons & World Governments keep that information a secret from the public for their own monetary benefit.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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