Lost_Bug6069 #psycho #racist #sexist reddit.com

(NOTE: Those are various posts in numerous subreddits)

Oh please no honory status for Paks. Those nasty flirty Turk wannabe are so stinky in my hood Baku šŸ¤®šŸ¤® they are just as annoying as Indians in Midwest USA

I'd rather be flirted 100 times by a Turk or 20 times by a Kartvilian or 10 times by an American or 5 times by a Russian than once by a Pak



Yo that yalquzaq guy is EVERYWHERE

He's a national treasure, only behind TB2 drone and Iron DomešŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰

Even TB2 can't repeatedly attack so many rounds at an erm*ni target all at once.


(Khankendi is the capital of Nagorno-Karabakh)

Seriously when we settle the border and liberate Khankendi, I'm more than willing to meet you very nice folks in Aragrats.

Azeris can teach you very civilised people in Aragrats how to properly herd cows and make yoghurt that doesn't taste like pee


The balkans also have a higher concentration of a certain minority.

Wtf are you gypsies doing here? Go back to Punjabi and breed with your Soniye please šŸ™


Can a non-slavic Caucasian (Azeri + Avar) shitpost here?

But why?

Slavic boys are satirically attractivešŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰As long as they don't fall into gopniks, they are very datable.

Ok now get lost

But cuckold slovks has no chance of winning my GƶktĆ¼rk Azeri heart. They're Untermenschen good at nothing but sucking German cock and even taking pride in that. Tiso sucked German cock 80 yrs ago and Dzurinda again in 2004 šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ¤®šŸ¤®

Even Serbs are more honourable than slovaks. At least they suck chigga cocks with moderationšŸ¤£šŸ¤£



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