various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #fundie

( @RealStewPeters )
Someone accused me of being hateful, and mentioned “how I talk about gays”.

No. I don’t hate anyone.

For example, regarding faggots: I don’t hate the faggots, I hate their faggotry.

I hope this clears things up.

Goodnight! I love you! ♥️

( @srtjr99 )
@RealStewPeters well do jews...

( @Frenlycoofer )
@srtjr99 @RealStewPeters Jews aren’t people

( @americanpie77777 )

If a homosexual or any sinner refuses to turn from the sin and repent , they will not be allowed to enter God's kingdom. If they repent and turn from the sin they can. If you tell them this and they refuse to repent or turn away from the sin then they are condemned and put in derision for their sin. Any sin .Calling them Faggot is a hate term like the N word for blacks or the C word for women. Hate does not bring a sinner to repentance , Love and knowledge can. How can you teach God's word or claim to be of God if you yourself sin in your attempts by using hate instead of love to teach them Stew ? Most will not hear God's word but some might. If they do not we are to have nothing to do with them. What business has the light with the dark ? None.. Use these verse to show them it is a sin and they can not enter the kingdom of God unless they repent the sin and turn away
Sin of homosexuality
Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, and 1 Timothy 1:9-10

( @kasartisan )
@RealStewPeters I don't hate anything or anybody but I hear you. I stand with God on this one, as I know you do Stew. They are a abomination. 'Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination'

( @antifederalist )
@RealStewPeters I just don't want their faggotry constantly shoved in my face.
I agree with you Stew, glad you said it.

( @Catholic_Dude )

They always slant things like that.

They're liars. It's just that simple. People who chronically conflate actors with their acts lie to manipulate others.

Homosexual acts are barbaric and abominable. That is the truth. Liars call truth "hate."



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