Henry Makow, PhD/Dr. Igor Shepherd #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #fundie #psycho henrymakow.com

This is not traditional Communism but 'Technocratic Communism', where universal surveillance and control are maintained in real time using Artificial Intelligence. "My message to you is urgent... All small businesses will be gone, completely gone, under Communism... It's ugly. It's Luciferian...

In the US in 2021, 2022, vaccines will become annual, semi-annual events. Mandatory for all... [Everyone will be] under the umbrella of the Baal system... [sucked] into the darkness of the Baal system. And the Baal system has no mercy."

As each annual vaccine is given, our genomes will turn further and further from the genome that God gave us. At some point you will not be human. "Make your peace with God."


Communism conquers nations by crushing all opposition. It creates a police state where no opposing views can flourish. Where it can't invade from without, it seeks first to corrupt from within. Then, when its target is weakened sufficiently, it moves in militarily. Russia can't do this alone. Neither can China. Neither can the traitors operating within the United States, the treasonous deceivers who opened the gates to the enemy. But all three working together are likely to succeed.
Americans will be refugees in their own country, that they will be herded like animals into squalid prison-type camps, that armed guards will watch over them, that living conditions will be primitive, that families will be broken up, that physical and emotional abuse will be widespread, that the level of psychological stress for many will be intolerable, and that at some point the 'virus' will enter the camp and kill everyone.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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