Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

( Marjorie Taylor Greene )
They killed Kennedy to stop him but they didn’t kill Trump.

The movement is too big.

So they have to kill it with lies.

Or so they think they can.

But we all know they can’t.

spoiler"I will splinter
the CIA into
a thousand pieces
and scatter it
into the winds."

( @The_Nose )

( @The_Nose )
@RealMarjorieGreene JFK was going to stop Israel's nuclear ambitions and make what is now AIPAC register as a foreign agent. Jacob Rubenstein aka Jack Ruby is a jewish mobster that killed Lee Harvey Oswald to keep the lone gunman narrative.

( @The_Lookoutsideshow )
@RealMarjorieGreene jews killed Kennedy. 🤡

( @brian9911 )
@The_Lookoutsideshow @RealMarjorieGreene JEWS killed JFK Jews had Jesus killed

( @isebellin )
@The_Lookoutsideshow @RealMarjorieGreene

Taking out Kennedy… getting away with murder…

It worked like a charm …every president since takes the yarmulke of shame and grovels before them… or else…

Imagine a Jewish leader dressing up to pay respect to another religion/nation…
Jewish supremacists loves to humiliate the goyim and their “leaders”…



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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