If you're actively trying to distance yourself from Ancient Greek pedo stereotypes, insisting that children be taught sex seems like the exact opposite
I mean, maybe if you made it so that no one knew about sex until they got, like, a marriage class or something, then you could reasonably make the argument that teenagers would be far less likely to have sex because the vast majority would be ignorant of its existence? But then you’d have to also remove any mention of sex from media and entertainment excepting porn and R-18/NC-17 movies (assuming those would even still exist) and also firewall the internet and make talking about sex illegal except in adult-restricted websites (ID needed), so… good luck with that.
Even that wouldn’t work as well as one might hope; some children figure out how to masturbate by accident, some adults don’t particularly care if their kids witness them fucking in the living room or talking about sex or otherwise engaging in adult-related activities, some parents are going to teach their kids anyway, some kids who found out or were taught are going to speak with other kids about it, and of course pedophiles, once they find out about sex, aren’t going to be much inhibited just because they got married.
It’s also a much worse situation for lesbian, gay, bi, and asexual people, but I suspect you don’t care about that or consider it a bonus.
@Conscience #169166
The more predatory ones don’t care about consent. The more religious ones consider consent irrelevant provided actions happen within a specific “moral” framework (so most consider marital rape to be okay, for example) and tend to get all victim-blamey when it doesn’t. A lot of libertarian types consider “consent” to merely mean “an agreement” and so coerced or deceptive or implied agreement (even if the implication wasn’t intended) generally counts as “consent”, so long as they’re not the ones being abused/coerced/deceived.
Regardless, teaching people about consent in general is a good thing, including non-sexual situations, but that’s not an argument which will work on everyone.
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