Medeea Greere #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon

Stripped down to its bare essentials, GESARA—the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act—is simply a piece of legislation. However, cloaked in the beguiling attire of conspiracy, GESARA transforms into something far more tantalizing. It becomes Military GESARA—an operation so covert, so audacious, it would make the script of a spy thriller blush.
To fully comprehend the scope and ambition of Military GESARA, we must first unravel the complex tapestry of the prevailing economic system. The very structures that have held the world’s economy in an iron grip for centuries. The gargantuan edifices of finance that perpetuate a world divided, trapped in a seemingly endless cycle of disparity and discontent.
Who are the architects of Military GESARA, you may ask? They’re an anonymous alliance of global military forces—shadow warriors engaged in a clandestine war against financial oppression. Their mission? Nothing less than a full-scale assault on the prevailing economic system—an ambitious attempt to dismantle the oppressive structures that have held humanity captive for far too long.
With a heart beating in rhythm with the drum of anticipation, we continue our descent into the labyrinthine world of Military GESARA. As we traverse the cryptic landscape, a second character looms on the horizon—a symbol of awakening, a harbinger of change. But what is this tool? What cryptic contraption could possibly possess the power to broadcast the awakening of an entire populace to a new economic reality.
Imagine a system so powerful, so ubiquitous, it could penetrate the farthest corners of the globe. A network so vast, it can reach out to every individual, every entity, every institution, challenging the existing narrative and stirring the minds of people towards a new economic reality. Such is the potency of the dissemination instrument, the second character in the grand theatre of Military GESARA.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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