“It’s sad to see a state opt out of licensing marriage,”
SO, what, are they not going to collect fees for that? No tax incentives for being married? Are people going to cross the border to get a license and come home for the ceremony? JUst not in the courthouse?
“but the truth is real marriage as a legal construct essentially ceased to exist with the legalization of gay marriage.”
Oh, spare the crepe-hanging drama. Your marriage was untouched. Your church’s weddings were unaffected. More people can apply, now, and more people can meet be wed. Big fucking deal you homophobic chicken little.
"It’s like removing the legal distinction between real money and play money.”
No, it really isn’t. I can print currency here but it’s not going to be accepted in New York.
“Real money means nothing once play money becomes legal tender–”
If it’s legal tender, it’s no longer play money. GOD what a stupid analogy.
“and everyone is made poorer– same story on gay marriage.”
Nope. You don’t have to attend a gay wedding if you don’t want to, not as celebrant, not as witness, not as officiant, not even as a guest or the person to provide the rice.
But if you have a business that mentions ‘spousee’, such as renting cars with a policy that what an individual rents, thekr spouse can drive, you have to recognize the gay marriage as real.
“Gays kid themselves if they think they their marriages are of the same substance as marriage prior to gay marriage.”
Then that’s between them and the punchline, isn’t it?
“Things of higher value are diminished when mixed with things of lower value.”
It’s not mixed, though. I’ve been married, and living in Massachusetts, since the first Supreme decision. Nothing changed or develued or affected my marriage in any way.
Same way my interracial marriage did not destroy or in any way affect the marriages of racist fucks. It’s a completely separate contract.
“Alabama’s move to eliminate marriage licenses recognizes that reality”
But there are still requirements for who can be married, and steps to take before doing so, as well as, maybe, a ‘conflict resolution class’ totake before the state records the marriage.
Not sure just how big of a change there really was….