various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @josefbosch )
I’d be hard pressed to find a more emblematic and radicalizing example of the fact that White Americans have more in common with their European/Slavic brothers and sisters than they do with their black American neighbors than this.

The Russian arms dealer we traded for a mulatto faggot WNBA player articulately identified and then sympathized with the plight facing this nation’s founding stock in a way that Brittney Griner NEVER would. Never COULD.

Your nation is your people.


White Americans have been separated from our origins for more 300+ years and we’re FUNDAMENTALLY the same as those we left behind.

Meanwhile, we’ve been joined-at-the-hip with these dark continent imports for the same amount of time and we’ve forged not a single common bond.

It’s time to accept that and come together again.

( @whfla )
@josefbosch the russian is right it sucks here honestly if there was just one safe normal english speaking white country on the planet id be on a plane by 6pm tonight ! ….. but there isnt america is our alamo and we r under heavy fire

( @HorstWessel88 )
@whfla @josefbosch Serbia. 6 Million people live there. 9 Million rifles. Most Right Wing country on the earth. 99% White. Majority of Population Christian.

( @bluewonder369 )
@josefbosch this multicultural hell hole is America in name only and I have no loyalty to it. I love what America could be and I somewhat like what it used to be but my loyalty is to my race not to this.

( @coddledoodledoo )
@josefbosch we need to get better at being a nation only for White people the rest just needs to GTFO and I am being polite

( @SoldierForChrist777 )
@josefbosch Our Folk cannot go unnoticed. Racial grief only is caused by jumbling us all together. Separation of the races is the only solution. It's so clear! How can we not see this? Because it's illegal to "discriminate", i.e. cherish and live with your family, race due to that being the most logical and natural conclusion. Whites must stand together or we will perish.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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