Peak Trans / Maria Mclachlan #transphobia #pratt

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: Transscript starting around 1:19 and ending around 3:56 of a 36-minute video)

Taln responds that no one decides to be a trans woman as gender identity is innate. So Taln believes that even rapists and violent male criminals should be accepted as women because of their claimed gender identity, which of course there is no way of verifying. There isn't the remotest possibility that they could just be pretending in order to get transferred to a women's prison. On the prison page of my website I quote Dr. James Barrett who was chair of the british association of gender identities specialists who said it has been rather naively suggested that nobody would seek to pretend transsexual status in prison if this were not actually the case. There are, to those of us who actually interview the prisoners, in fact very many reasons why people might pretend this. Note that I said male criminals decided they are women. I didn't say trans women. Once upon a time I, along with large swathes of the population, were content to use the term trans women, understanding it to mean that it referred to men who wish they were women, who tried to present as women, without actually claiming to be women. Plenty of men who call themselves trans women still fit that profile, but thanks to widespread capture by gender ideology with its oft repeated and totally empty mantra that trans women are women the - purpose of which is to erase adult human females aka women as a sex class with needs that are distinct from those of men - we now have people conflating the two terms trans women and women. Those captured include political leaders and representatives of every part of the establishment. They pretend it's true because they think that is the side on which their bread is buttered. In the scale of things women simply don't matter. Men do. The upshot is that many of us who were once prepared to use the term trans women and walk that extra mile will no longer do so. Many of us who were prepared to be kind and accommodating will no longer be so, and there is no such thing as a trans woman and it's not your so-called gender identity that determines what we are. It's biology. I intend to deal with this in greater depth in a forthcoming video, so I'll confine myself to stating the obvious which is that no man can actually be a woman or vice versa.




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