Varg Vikernes #crackpot #racist #wingnut

The three groups that modern Europeans descend from are listed by the geneticists as the Western Hunter Gatherers (WHG), the Early European Farmers (EEF) and the Western Steppe Herders (WSH).

They do their best to give us the impression that we are very mixed, of course in an attempt to make us accept their “anti-racist” agenda; more mass immigration to Europe and more admixture.

One thing I find puzzling is how many relate to this info as if the WHG lived in that part of Europe, the EEF in another, and the WSH came from today’s Ukraine and spread out. As if they just poppet out of the ground there. In the background looms the “Out of Africa” theory, suggesting that Africans migrated to Europe during the height of the last Ice Age and out-competed the Neanderthals already living there – a theory so utterly ludicrous it is only worth mentioning, because so many believe in it. But no, we already have evidence of mankind being present in Europe before, in today’s Bulgaria, and there are no evidence suggesting the Neanderthals came from Africa – or that their forebears, the Heidelbergensis, came from Africa. Any such claims are purely speculative. Remember that.



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